「Survive till--!!」 The Teenager // Moon Jinjung (#000099)

moon jinjung
for survive till--!!
username. koreangal5
nickname. soul
activity rate. 10점 만점의 10점 

name. moon jinjung
....¤ jin // a shortened version of his name his friends use
....¤ kiyoshi // his japanese name used by his japanese side of the family
....¤ nerd // because he is but also just because he knows almost everything

birthdate. 17 july 1997 (age 19)
birthplace. mie, japan
hometown. mokpo, korea
ethnicity. korean-japanese

....¤ japanese // fluent // his mother language. from maternal family.

....¤ korean // fluent // his father language and literally from his father.

....¤ english // semi-fluent // has been taking lessons on weekends since young. 

....¤ mandarin // semi-fluent // his educational second language. is much better at listening and reading than speaking. has a slight accent when speaking.

....¤ other languages // knows random, sometimes useful phrases // will hear people say something, ask what it means, and just remembers it after that.
fashion style
face claim. ahn jaehyun
backup faceclaim. won jongjin

....¤ piercings // one pair of ear piercings 
....¤ birthmark // star-shaped birthmark on his right wrist
....¤ dimples // when he (rarely) smiles, has a dimple on left cheek but not right

fashion sense.
....¤ usually // is the kind of person to throw on anything as long as it isn't an atrocity to society. generally wears solid colors or simple patterns. loves layers. on stay-at-home lazy days wears just sweatpants and maybe a large shirt.

....¤ tidbits // looks best in black, grey, and blue. always wears a watch. all of his jewelry / watches are onyx and / or silver. rarely wears hats of any kind. thinks glasses-without-lenses for fashion are weird. does not specially style his hair.

....¤ zombie apocalypse // is in the middle of a freaking. zombie. apocalypse. (seriously.) is grateful to have clothes at all. especially if they are clean. has preference for darker clothing since harder to stain and less noticeable stains.
life's story
....+ calm + patient + reliable + polite + 
....= observant = organized =
....- quiet - blunt - stubborn - logical -

....¤ take a breathe for me.
always with his head on straight, jinjung can be counted on as the voice of reason in any circumstance. he never loses his cool and has the enviable ability to overcome obstacles with an ease that belies his age. he is also unmatchably patience that allows him to wait without making him seem condescending nor pushy. it's a blessing - he is a blessing - especially given their current situation.

....¤ i'll do it.
whatever the favor of job, jinjung can always be counted on to pull through. he seems to get stuck with the most impossible jobs because of his competence but also has no problem admitting what he can't do, to avoid failure of the entire plan. he's ridiculously polite to everyone even people who are younger than him or his opponents and generally makes it hard to call him rude at all.

....¤ maybe you should move that.
not one for to miss out on hints or details, jinjung is a naturally observant person. unforutunately, he'll likely discover things that someone doesn't want him to simply by being himself. he's also very organized, mentally sound which helps in keeping his calm. unfortunately, it's a manifestation of a minor form of ocd and can lead to panic attacks when his order is destroyed on purpose.

....¤ so?
not one for many words, jinjung tends more towards silence. it helps for his observation but most of the time he appears to be stand-offish or awkward rather than comfortable, particularly paired with his bluntness. he's not afraid to tell people the truth even if it's particularly mean ('if you decide to wear those jeans, i'm leaving. zombies will see you from three buildings over.').

....¤ you're not accounting for them.
the worst person to get into an argument with, jinjung is stubborn and logical. most of the time he goes with the flow but when he sticks up, no one escapes his wrath. he sticks to his reasons with a passion even if no one else believes him and he's so logical - so reliable and calm - that it's nigh impossible to win the fight. he's generally right but there's got to be a nicer way to argue.

....¤ born ready.
born to a korean-japanese couple during their honeymoon, jinjung was a relatively quiet and polite boy. early on it was obvious he was a genius in his own right, nothing extensive, but definitely enough for him to skip a year or two in school. also, definitely involving his memory because he remembered whatever he read and with his love of writing, he remembered a lot of things.

....¤ step back.
when jinjung moved to sixth grade, he moved to korea along with his cousin takuya. there had been a fire and takuya had lost his parents (aka jinjung's aunt and uncle). after that, they all just needed to step away from japan and learn to live again, to start all over. at first, korea was just a reminder of what they had lost - what they had to leave - but eventually, they healed and moved on.

....¤ look around.
despite his younger age, jinjung was in the same grade as takuya and the two grew up more like brothers than anything. takuya eventually became a kpop idol for the group cross gene but jinjung continued his education in seoul national university (sky or die). he went in as a physics major, linguistics minor but changed, eventually, into a  double major in neuroscience and linguistics.

....¤ silver 
....¤ books
....¤ vanilla
....¤ warm beds
....¤ reciting stories

....¤ liars
....¤ pranks
....¤ avocado
....¤ neon colors
....¤ messes and clutter

....¤ reading
....¤ reading
....¤ reading

....¤ messes with hair all the time
....¤ spaces out when doing nothing
....¤ stares at people when they're talking

....¤ demiual 
....¤ left-handed 
....¤ absolute photographic memory
....¤ allergic to cacao (aka coffee and chocolate)
....¤ weapon of choice is brain (aka traps / plans), garrotes, molotov cocktails 

....¤ only living friend // lee hyunjoo (21) math major // alive
park hyungseok
is a bit of an airhead to put it mildly, but to be blunt isn't really smart. somehow was able to survive the initial outbreak. isn't expected to have a long survival time and may or may not be one of the ones who have been bitten in secret. is an aual flirt.

....¤ best friend // choi sooyeon (21) bookstore owner // dead
baek sumin
was like the female version of jinjung. one of the first to die in the wave of illness but wasn't one of the ones who rose from the dead. was semi-interested in takuya but had a strict no dating friends' siblings policy and, as such, did not pursue the relation.

....¤ others // dead or zombies

....¤ cousin // terada takuya (24) cross gene member // alive(???)
kind of haughty, kind of a loser, kind of like a brother but to everyone. was super friendly though not a sense of humor and loved music. treated jinjung as an equal because they were. couldn't contact each other daily but tried to keep up with each other at least once every other week. hasn't been heard from yet.

....¤ parents // dead

....¤ aunt & uncle // dead
lover's smile
love interest. yoo youngjae (b.a.p)
backup love interest. kim jongdae (exo)

....+ intelligent + loyal + 
....= snarky = sarcastic = 
....- overconfident - calculating -

....¤ i'm sure you know.
youngjae has a good head on his shoulders in contrast to stereotypes with his status as an idol. he's mature, calm, and is quick to learn. he just isn't someone to underestimate because if he says he will, eventually he will. he's faithful to people once they earn his trust but is not blind to a person's faults. he's willing to be the one to draw the line and leave because he knows there can be a limit.

....¤ because i totally tripped you on purpose.
youngjae is a snarky and sarcastic little poop. his wit knows no bounds and he's got a quick tongue full of comebacks and retorts. it's hilarious to watch though not fun to be battling (unless you're jinjung). also, although youngjae doesn't mean to, his rough way of replying has hurt many people's feelings so he's not someone to befriend unless you don't mind many jokes at your expense.

....¤ i bet you a new pair of shoes i can.
a big head, a huge one. youngjae has the utmost confidence in his own abilities and it's just annoying how haughty he can be. he's also calculating and as such, every single word and gesture has a purpose. he weighs his options and tends towards the one with the  most benefits. he likes to push boundaries and see where he stands, see what he can get away with and will be forgiven for.

....¤ just a little peek.
he was born 1994 with one older brother. he knew he'd wanted to be an idol since young and worked hard to do so. he initially started out as a jyp trainee but eventually moved to ts entertainment instead. he debuted with b.a.p in 2012 and has, since, gained popularity. he isn't the most well-known of the group but he's doing it to make others happy rather than for his own fame so it's ok.

....¤ initially.
jinjung has seen b.a.p around school so though he's a nerd he's not oblivious. but just because jinjung knows that youngjae is famous, does not mean that jinjung treats youngjae specially in any way, shape, or form. in fact, jinjung ignores youngjae's passively because jinjung legitimately does not care and youngjae finds that jinjung's flippant reactions are refreshing and amusing. 

....¤ slowly.
youngjae's affection and interest is the more obvious kind. he starts with light physical touches and ups his sarcasm and snark when they talk. jinjung, in turn, allows it after a while. they're both on the more cautious side so only once they're sure of their own feelings will they start testing the boundaries of being friends to something more. jinjung will beat youngjae to the question.

....¤ eventually.
when they become a couple, they don't change too much in public. they still argue (aka youngjae argues and jinjung calmly retorts) most of the time. just in private, when they're 110% alone, jinjung replies back in flirts and though he's younger, he's definitely got more control over youngjae. their first time will be with jinjung on top but jinjung doesn't care so youngjae's choice after.

....¤ summarily.
youngjae is a mouthy, sarcastic guy who picks fights with jinjung but jinjung brushes him off. when they get together, jinjung turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing when they're alone in that, despite being younger, he has no problem making youngjae flustered or taking charge. author's choice as to what the others think and if they tell the others about their relation or not.
little notes
suggestions. looking forward to it. 
scene requests.
....¤ when they get the opportunity, jinjung going online and reading up as much as possible on stuff like survival in the wilderness before no electricity
....¤ youngjae and jinjung just bickering and by that i mean youngjae bickering and jinjung rolling his eyes and ignoring him because now is not the time
....¤ everyone's reactions to jinjung and youngjae being a couple overall
password. maze runner: the scorch trials
application layout coded by cerulean themes


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