✖ DO OR DIE — Han Kyungtaek


Han Kyungtaek


Monsterful : Jess : 7-8



→ Manager-Hyung ⋮ It explains itself lol

BIRTHDATE:  12/26/86
BIRTHPLACE:  Daegu, South Korea
HOMETOWN:   Seoul, South Korea


→ Korean ⋮ Fluent, His native language
→ Japaanese ⋮ Basics, before his employment at ent102, he had to take classes in that language to be considered for the position he was applying for

→ English ⋮ Conversational, he studied it in college and used it often while employed with ent102.


FACE-CLAIM: Listen (The Legend)
BACK UP: Jaejoong (JYJ)
WEIGHT, HEIGHT: 178cm & 66kgs


Kyungtaek has a unique face, one that stands out and takes a little bit to get use to. With high cheek bones, chubbier cheeks, double eyelids (not very noticeable but they are there.) and a smaller, angular face, its definitely a unique look. He can be quite self concious of it at times. His hair usually stays pretty short and dark, he doesn't like to stand out, and he's use to trying to blend in. Kyungtaek actually has quite a fit body, but he's worked very hard for it. He isn't one that shows it off all the time, but he's not shy about showing it off, more so he just doesn't think to show it off. Kyungtaek has incredibly long legs, especially considering he's on the short end of being tall. 

Kyungtaek's style is usually all black, and either causal, business casual, or business professional. He's use to having to blend in. He's always wearing a mask, or at least has one on him. His ears are peirced, and usually just have onyx studs in them. Kyungtaek feels most comfortable in darker colors and he definitely prefers a business casual look to wear out. He beleives strongly in first impressions and how you dress and present yourself definitely plays into that. 




PERSONALITY TRAITS: Intellegent, Ambitious, Well Spoken, Meticulous, Orginized, Observant, Stubborn, Cynic/Realist, Icy, Hard To Approach, Hard to Read, Responsible, Introverted, Calm, Obediant, Protective


Kyungtaek is very much a ravenclaw/slytherin cross. He's intellegent and ambitious, a deadly combination. Had he been born in a different time with different ambitions, Kyungtaek could have ended up a very successful politian. On top of that, he's incredibly meticulous and orignized as well as observant. You took a pen from his desk when he wasn't around and he'd probably notice. (He's got minor OCD thanks to his parents.) He values intellegence above all else, you can't make it in the world if you know nothing. That's how others get taken advantage of.
With a strong moral compass, you know that Kyungtaek wont cheat his way to the top. He's a firm beleiver in hard work and having to work to achieve things. "Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill. Fifteen pecent concentrated power of will. five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain. And a hundred percent reason to remember the name" (Remember The Name -Fort Minor aka Kyungtaek's theme) that's something he strives to be. Remembered. He want's to influence others, and achieve big things his way. 
Kyungtaek is incredibly strongwilled. He has to be, the path he chose happens to be the hardest one. Ostrizing himself from his family, trying to break out in the music industry with no prior experience at his age. There is no possible way he could do that without an iron will. With a realistic world view, Kyungtaek can be quite the cynic, but underneath it, hes always got some sort of hope hidden away that nobody can touch. 
Kyungtaek can be hard to approach if you don't know him (And he didn't approach you first) He's got a RBF, and a cold aura, but that's just how he presents himself. Kyungtaek has a strong presense and he knows it can be hard to approach him, he's acutally pretty considerate and softer once you let him, even though he's hard to read. He's got a great poker face. He's perfected masking his feelings and thoughts when needed. His talking voice, while deep is softer. He's often having to remind himself to speak up to actually get other's attention. But more often than not he doesn't have to. It has a unique tone that others can remember and recognize. With a strong gyeongsang dialect, and a deeper voice, it's different. It helps that he's usually pretty good about getting other's attention without having to shout. He's definitely more of a one on one person vs a group, but he can handle groups just as well, it just takes more out of him. He's an introvert for sure, but only in the sense that he tires quickly when dealing with groups of people. So long as they aren't his friends. (And even then that takes something out of him) 
While he has a strong aura and opinoins, he's actually really easy to work with. He's good with resonsibility and his word is always something you can trust. Kyungtaek is incredibly obediant, he rarely questions authority and is a good little minion, but its a habbit he's trying to break. Mainly in the sense of the lack of sharing his input. He's use to following instructions to a t, instead of being his own person and doing it a way that works better for him. It's something he struggles with, he's use to trying to please people and he's use to alienating them. He's just trying to find an even middle ground.

As an older guy almost in his thirties, Kyungtaek is definitely a lot calmer than others in the show. In reality, Kyungtaek is the poster child for mature and calm. This kid is an adult, not a child with a drinking permit. He's independent, bringing in his own income, managing his own money and is quite successful if you look at it from an average point of view. But that isn't enough for Kyungtaek. He wants to be the best at what he does and he wants to do it a way that he wants to. He just doesn't know what it is he wants to do. It just happens to be music right now (And has been, he just doesn't realize it yet because he's never had the chance to) He's definitely a more active person behind the scenes, because that's what he knows. He safe there and Kyungtaek likes safe. He's not somebody who adapts to change well.



Kyungtaek was born to a family of 5 in Busan. As the oldest child, Kyungtaek was use to having responsibility ed on him. His parents had a dream, a box they wanted to put him in. He was a very obediant child growing up and let them do that. His life up until he was 16 solely revolved around him pleasing his parents and achieving goals they wanted him to achieve. It wasn't until he was 16 did he start to realize that he didn't want to live life just to end up not enjoying it, but he wasn't confident enough to go against his parents wishes. So he waited until after school, and after serving his manditory two years in the military. (Active duty) did he start playing around with the idea of becoming an idol, only because it was the furthest thing from going into the medical industry that he could think of. (Plus he was told by a sister of a guy he was in the military that he looked a little like Jaejoong from DBSK) He had no previous music expeirence beyond singing in church. And even then that was forced. He didn't want to outright jump into it, so he picked up an easy enough full time job before looking around at various companies and researching them. He didn't want a big company because he knew he wouldn't make it, especially because the talented ones would be shooting for there. So he picked a smaller, newer company to try out. It wasn't until he was 25 did somebody finally give him a chance, and that was because they were more than willing to work with him. Plus they needed people. Kyungtaek began training at Ent102 in 2010. He lasted 6 months before the company saw he had much more potential in the administrative department, and had some stronger leadership roles. Kyungtaek quit his job and signed on as an employee at ent102 in 2011, and was put in charge of a temporary project group, which eventually turned into Wonder Boyz. He was demoted to assistant manager of the group and main manager of Baek Chi Gi (Who he had known before. They entered the company at the same time) Kyungtaek saw the ins and outs of the industry and knew it was cut throat. He was scolded whenever something went wrong with the group, or if the results weren't what the CEO was expecting. If the boys got involved in something it was his fault, and their fault. He saw the boys go through a lot just to stand on subpar stages that didn't deserve them. After their 200 day anniversary, the main manager quit and he was promoted to the empty position. Nothing much changed beyond the fact that on top of managing the boys, he had to manage the other managers of the group too. (it was two other kids.) It was Kyungtaek who had to break the news to his boys about the disbandment, and that was defiitely one of the hardest things he ever had to do. When the CEO told him the news, Kyungtaek turned in his notice of leave. If his group wasn't going to stay, he wasn't either. it was a hard industry and it took too much out of him to just bounce to another group. He saw how the news broke his boys, but he also saw how it ignited a fire in them.
After that, Kyungtaek picked up another administrative position in a different company, this time it was in Cube, but he didn't deal with anything beyond paperwork. He made it very clear to the hiring manager that he couldn't manage another group. It would be too hard for him to go through again. He stayed with cube up until he heard about Do or Die from Kim Taehyun (K, the main vocal of Wonder Boyz) He said he wanted to audition, but he didn't want to go alone. He had been auditioning for musicals since the disbandment of Wonder boyz (Kyungtaek attended all the ones he was in. But he was never more than an understudy for secondary roles. But that didn't stop him.) and he wanted to try a group again. He said that Kyungtaek should go with and audition too since he never got the chance to become an idol. Kyungtaek didn't really want to, he knew it was going to be hard, he was rusty. Since he left Ent102, he hadnt stepped foot in a practice room, let alone sang or danced or anything beyond humming along to songs in the car. But there was a little voice in the back of his head telling him that it wouldn't hurt to try. Prove his parents wrong, that he could be successful on his own path. He called Taehyun back later and told him he'd do it. Taehyun didn't make it due to previous commitments (he had auditioned on another show and had gotten a callback before the show could confirm that he made it. So he chose the other show.) And for some reason Kyungtaek ended up passing and making it through. (God only knows.) 




Wonder Boyz. Kyungtaek keeps in contact with all the members still, and likes to check up on them, taking them out to eat (His treat) and suppoting them in their latest endevors.
Spicy. He loves spicy food. The hotter the better. Whenever he makes kimchi (if he does. He usually just buys it from the ahjumma downstairs from him and she'll make it special for him) he always adds extra spices to make it even hotter. 
Soda/Candy. Kyungtaek can be quite vain, as he likes to maintain a well taken care of image. So anything unhealthy is automatically on his dislike list. On white day and valentines day, he'll accept chocolate but he'll never eat it. He'll just throw it away.
Cooking. It's not Kyungtaek's fave thing, but he knows how to do it and does it often. He rarely eats out, and just makes food at home. Lost of greens and veggies. But he'll treat himself to Korean BBQ twice a month. 
Industry Connections. Kyungtaek actually has connections in the bigger companies, due to his managing Wonder Boyz and rubbing shoulders with other companies and their management at shows. He's pretty close to BtoB's manager and History's Managers. He's facebook friends with a few of Exo, Girl's Day, and Cnblue, and will go out with them when they invite him.
Drinking. He's indifferent about it. When he was in the army he'd get black out drunk on his breaks, but he hasn't gotten drunk since then. He actually stopped drinking all together for a few years after getting out of the army. He's a social drinker. 
Manditory Military Service. Kyungtaek has already compleated his manditory service, serving active duty in the air force. 

Likes, dislikes, hobbies, anything else worth mentioning, etc. 






⟪ Please introduce yourself. ⟫ 

"Hello, I'm Han Kyungtaek, I'm thirty years old and excited to be given a chance to participate in the show."


⟪ How did you find out about Do or Die? ⟫ 

"It was a friend who actually told me about it and convinced me."


⟪ Why do you want to be an idol? Are you prepared for everything it entails? ⟫ 

I'm probably one of the most qualified canidates to become an idol, as far as knowing the industry. That's what originally turned me off from auditioning for your show. Because I know what it's like, and it's hard. But a good friend reminded me of a dream I once had, and it inspired me to try again. It's my last chance, and if it doesn't work out this time I'll know it wasn't meant to be. I do hope that it works out in the end.


Do you have any prior experience in the entertainment industry? ⟫ 

I've actually managed a group in the past as well as trained at a company breifly. After that I did a lot of administrative work for another company. Beyond that I've made breif appearences in videos with the groupp I managed before as well as a few gossip articals..


⟪ Where do you feel you're strong, and where do you feel you're lacking? ⟫ 

I'm definitely going to be the strongest behind the scenes, and I'll be the weakest in actual idol skills. I'm a quick learner and I have been working towards improving myself in those areas since I planned on auditioning. I want to show my best side and prove myself.


⟪ Why should we choose you for Do or Die? ⟫ 

Because I'll be the best choice for the group in the end. I know the industry and I can help navigate the others through it. Not to mention my many connections through out the industry. I've got a lot of ambition sir, and I hope you and the rest of the producers will choose me to participate. I'll bring another angle to the show that others haven't seen yet. It'll make your show unique.

main talent




STRENGTHS: He's good with harmonies, mainly lower ones. He's definitely not a main singer at all, he doesn't have the technique and he's not a tenor (A requirement almost)  His best strength is his ability to make others shine. He doesn't take the spotlight, he supports it to make others shine out more. Once he gets his confidence up and he knows its okay to be more up front and center, his charisma will come through and that'll be a secondary stregth for him. He's charismatic in a a down to earth type of way. 

WEAKNESSES: Everything? He's not use to being front and center for anything, but he tries. His inexperience and lack of confidence is what brings him down. He's not bad, he's about a sub level for everything. He can follow along pretty well for the most part. He can carry himself, and he'll make sure he carries his weight. He doesn't want to drag anyone down. 

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES: Kyungtaek use to manage Wonder Boyz before their disbandment. He mainly managed Bak Chi Gi, but also was considered the assistant manager overall. He trained at ent102 for a very brief period before he began managing the group. He's been featured on a few gossip articles as "attractive kpop managers" and "Managers that should have debuted in a kpop group" All due to what fans have seen at fanmeets and gotten on camera or what the members have posted. 


DANCING TWIN: Prince Manager! (white sweater thing) jk lol Onew works too

RAPPING TWIN: AHAHAHAHAHA actually he's not bad so long as he's covering a song. On his own, not so much. 



SCENE REQUESTS: I will try to comply but no guarantees.




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