boy troubles #2

hey y'alllllll, first of all i wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented on my last blog post and gave me advice and their opinons <33

second of all, i wanted to give you an update on my situation ^.^

So for his privacy, we can call him beanstalk lmao.

Anywhoooo, so I only share one subject lesson with beanstalk and i had that lesson today and i cant even lie but i was actually looking forward to seeing him. HOWEVERRR, when i was walking through the hallways to get to class i saw him walking ahead of me and idk why but i hid so that he wouldnt see mee (IDK WHY)

So for some reason, he wasnt in the lesson and i was a lil confused and upset but i quickly forgot about him.


The day went on as usual until the end of the day when i went to homeroom/form. i was walking through the hallways with my bestfriend (We can call her barbie bc shes perf lol) when we saw beanstalk like he was directly behind us.

None of my friends know about anything ive writen on here so they only think its a lil awkward between us but Barbie, being the nice person she is, asked him how he was. I decided to strike up conversation by asking why he wasnt in the lesson and he just said that he didnt have his kit so he didnt want to get a detention so he pretended to hurt his leg so he couldnt part-take. We had a little laugh but it was over quick bc we had reached his class


Moving on, i didnt even realise this but i was like staring at him during lunch bc me and my friends always hang out on the field and he was just sitting a few metres away and i kept unknowingly looking over at him (cringe cringe lmao)

To conclude, im 10000000000% sure i have no feelings for him but i wouldnt be surprised if i have developed a physical attraction. Personally, I dont think i will ever end up liking him or going out with him but i feel like its just kind of a passing crush so dont be surprised if in a month or twos time i write  a blog about how stupid i was xDD

yea thats basically it lol, i really need to go finish my homework before it gets too late so dont be afraid to comment your thought and also tell me if i should continue with these updates bc i really like writing them lmao <3





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Well.... Sometimes.... We just.... I don't care about something like this or I don't have a feeling to him ..but.... Little we know this might be sparks a little interest or maybe we started looking at this guy....
O........I dunno he have dimples....??? Or..... Hmmmmmm....... Is he dyed his hair...???
Maybe like you said... A little crush that might be dissipated after a few weeks...
But...... I like to read how your way to managed all this.... Continue writing... And beanstalk...???? Erm..... I dunno....
At school.... I'm quite a tomboy... And boys don't really want to mess with me....
ashkhen #2
Continue writing this because its getting interesting and both of you guys interactions are soooo funny
I think you should continue writing these,because it'll feel good to let your feelings and thoughts out.
and yeah,I know what you got there;it's a sense of curiosity that makes us try to steal glances at the person XD
mysterycodes #4
Guys like the chase and you should be as independent as much as you can but at the.same time.cheery and soft.
I are attracted to.him since he is already having feelings for you and from a psychological perspective the recipient of one's affections sometimes develops a little infatuation over the fact that.they being liked but it passes. So don't you worry and you should try to act more like you usually do. And focus on smthg else - u might see him reacting to this.
hehe do continue::)
Why i do feel like you like him maybe you haven't realised your feelings yet ... Try to be around him more then you will know what you feel about him
You should be yourself around him! Be comfortable and then realize whatever feelings you have, whether they be romantic or friendly. If you like him, you might be a bit timid around him and always think a lot. That's just my advice :3 have an awesome day as usual!
shulahoops #10
Have you talked to him yet?
Lmaooo we got chu boo.
I don't think you even have a crush on him or feelings whatsoever, you just have that phase of a "what if" very much confused by a "crush". Lemme give you a bit of an insight, when you have that "what if" phase you tend to look at the person a lot. Even to fantasize about the idea of being together with that person (sometimes doesn't have to go all that way but in some cases it happens). It doesn't actually mean you're attracted to beanstalk more like you are smitten by the idea of being with him than actually being with beanstalk. People tend to confuse it with actually "liking" the person. That's why so many relationships fail these days because they got so fascinated by the idea of being with that rather than the actual person. And, of course, there's always a difference between being smitten and actually liking the person. When you like him your heart will do these weird flips and everything, I repeat, absolutely everything that person does is magical. He/she becomes your ultimate bias. No kidding.

Oh god I sound like a grandmother... I SWEAR I'M IN MY EARLY TWENTIES!!!
kpopluvr27 #12
Young love? XD
asari2 #13
Listen girl...... This is just the beginning of a cute relationship :)........ Trust me .