MAVERICK : Choi Sooyeon


SCREEN NAME : yoursoulismine

soul — simplified version of his screen name used by most people

 librarian — his guild members because he's reading when nothing big is happening and seemingly has read every book in existence

you with the book or mage guy — when users don't know or don't remember his screen name but have to call him something and so...

DATE JOINED : 18 may 2013
RACE : elf
LEVEL : 162
CLASS : summoner
FACE CLAIM : kim soohyun (actor)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : kim myungsoo aka l (infinite)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 183 cm & 71 kg


supernatural — as an elf, soul has pointed ears and is on the taller side but not impossibly tall. his hair is blue-tinted black and his eyes are a light blue. other than that, he looks like a rather normal human. he tends towards silver / grey metals with blue stones like sapphires for his weapons and black for his clothes, usually a kind of leather. he always, always carries around at least one (spell) book in his hands.

i'm just your average guy

PERSONA : enigmatic big brother



+ calm + reliable + protective + earnest + relaxed +

= dedicated = observant = organized =

- quiet - stubborn - calculating - secretive - vague -


"the similarities..."
soul is similar to sooyeon in his dedication (to the guild and his guild members), observation (about his guild members and the game in general), and organization (never late and with an inventory that puts the game catalogue to shame). he's equally as stubborn about his decisions which can still, unfortunately, frustrate his companions and is always just as calm, leading to a mysterious yet entrancing aura about him. his reliability has remained unchanged and his lack of speech is just as evident (though he excuses it with slow typing that is a general lie, obvious when he plays the game and presses more buttons per second than should be possible).

"the differences..."
as a cultivation of sooyeon's on-screen personality, soul is more social and, to be honest, modeled slightly off of takuya. he acts like the older brother of the guild, always willing to lend a hand and just generally open to suggestions all the time. unlike sooyeon's emotional distance with others, soul is closer and expressive but calculating in that he's careful in what he types unlike sooyeon and her bluntness. to avoid the reveal of his identity, soul tends to be a bit secretive and vague when asked about his personal life but given how sooyeon's life is plastered on the internet, it's not surprising for her alter ego soul to desire some privacy from others.

"and the things in between..."
there are some traits that shift due to the game but don't fully change. his silence, for instance, is less awkward and alienating since there's many more players speaking and he is rarely the focus of attention. his observation is less effective, especially with little body language to go off of, but his ability to pick up on tones hasn't changed and it isn't rare to find him slyly taking you aside on a bad day to ask what's wrong. his patience remains fully intact but can be rushed when sooyeon has to leave soon. sooyeon's modesty, in addition, shifts to add onto soul's enigmatic aura. where sooyeon is unapproachable, soul makes that aura something desirable.


"new game..."
it was over two months after utopia had released and sooyeon had been in a competition, final match. her opponent attempted throw her in a hip shift. she, in turn, countered with a advanced foot sweep. pain shot up her leg but she held on to victory. after the ceremony, she was rushed to the hospital because sooyeon never said things hurt - not even when she broke her arm in two places when she was seven after falling out of a tree - but admitted, this time, that it definitely wasn't comfortable. a strained leg muscle and dislocated hip. 'three months!' the doctor, her coach, and her cousin over the phone reminded her. 'recovery time is three months!'

"press x to open the menu..."
unfortunately for sooyeon, she wasn't big on sitting still and other than therapy, she was ordered to stay sitting / laying the entire time. she'd pretty much read and re-read all the books she owned within that week and then her roommate had tattled about how sooyeon had to get up to replace the books she was reading and, long story short, they needed a new solution. takuya, as always, was a godsend and dropped by for her birthday, suggesting using utopia. it worked. sooyeon had always enjoyed games (she'd just loved reading and judo more) and not only did it keep her still, but also, they realized as she continued after healing, from  overworking.

"save and quit..."
playing a couple of hours of utopia was added onto sooyeon's schedule and, finally junho mumbled, he didn't have to worry about her sneaking back to the gym to practice extra. at first sooyeon used the game as a distraction but she recognized it'd be a good way to practice her on-screen persona and to scope out opinions on her reputation. so she did. she had some hiccups, of course, but slowly used the game to mold her camera personality to its current form and learned how to cultivate her reputation through subtle feedback. along the way, she met -jijin and YUREKA. she had planned on being a solo player but, well, fate had other plans.


▸ enjoys yuka's puns and lets jiji sit on his shoulder
▸ knew jiji (-jijin) and yuka (YUREKA) before the guild

▸ everyone assumes his job is as a bookstore owner or librarian
▸ everyone also assumes he's a humongous fan of sooyeon and he goes with it
▸ more than his own journey, often found helping other people with what they want
▸ spends less time the two weeks up to a competition and is absent the week of tournaments but everyone attributes it to his huge fanboy crush on sooyeon and knows he attends all her matches
▸ wants to gift the entire guild with tickets to her match but doesn't know how to excuse 'his' absence when he's known to be such a fanboy and definitely would come but can't reveal herself

i planned to be a solo player

some of soul's most commonly used summons

phoenix — taiyou (japanese name meaning 'thick sunlight') 
taiyou is regal, arrogant, but loyal. he enjoys a good challenge and acts like he doesn't care at all about soul but, when it comes down to it, cares for his master greatly. he has the interesting ability to change sizes at will and has healing capabilities but they don't work on the summoner aka soul, only other players. taiyou also lacks defense because attacks go through him and can't give defense to soul either. in return, however, taiyou's attacks are very powerful and can also make smokescreens. summoning taiyou takes a lot of time and mana so a distraction is necesssary.

mermaid sisters — mary and maria 
the two are part of one whole and always complete each other's sentences. they're playful and are only good in battle when near water. otherwise, they're good for traveling or entertainment. they tease soul mercilessly and seem to want to make him blush as much as possible. their goal in life is to make soul's love life, firstly, existent and, secondly, full of fun and embarrassment. although most of the time soul leaves their fun alone, they listen when soul tells them to leave a topic alone. they seem like all play and no work but when it comes down to it, they will be serious.

▸ dragon horde — ryuunosuke (leader's name)
ryuunosuke is the father and pack leader of multiple dragon hordes. most are about the size of his palm and have weak attack and defense alone but can do some damage when all put together. there are two different hordes ryuunosuke can order around - earth and wind. ryuunosuke himself is very obedient but mature and about the size of a dwarf. when 'killed,' the individual dragons disappear back to the dragon world but soul tries not to cause too much destruction so ryuunosuke respects him. outside of battle, the many dragons can be used just to play with.


guild leader — jiji (18) -jijin // gunslinger dwarf // 7 of 10
..........+ loyal + / = competitive = / - short-tempered -
the two don't pair up nearly as much as soul does with yuka but when they do, their personalities align perfectly and are a force of nature. technically, soul isn't the leader (or even a co-leader) but he's reliable, calm, and logical. he makes jiji's life and job a lot easier and is the only one who is allowed to (or tries to as far as he knows) call jin, jiji. soul is older and does give jiji the occasional advice but still follows her lead for a majority of decisions and the trust he gives means a lot to her. he never babies her and treats her like an equal while she gives him adequate respect in turn.

partner — yuka (18) YUREKA // duelist hybrid // 8 of 10
..........+ playful + / = flirtatious = / - nosy - 
the one soul is most likely to be found with, they're gaming partners. their combined fighting style is perfect for battles and soul is one of the few who can semi-reign in yuka (a personal nickname just when they're alone) or at least warn the boy when he's going too far into people's businesses. he's a calming force on yuka whereas yuka helps him get out of his safety bubble. they're a good pair and though soul is levels below yuka, it isn't uncommon to see them pair up for all sorts of battles. they mutually don't ask each other about their lives outside the game by unvoiced trust.

(side note: calls soul affectionate nicknames - like chat noir does to ladybug - my soul aka my lady)

since you insist

LOVE INTEREST : kwon joongki


RACE : wolf hybrid
LEVEL : 187
CLASS : duelist


▸ start here


initially — at first, they're just friends. yuka occasionally flirts with soul as a joke and soul goes with it - even flirting back sometimes - but yuka's convinced soul is completely in love with sooyeon and soul hasn't been just another friend in so long it's nice. but soul realizes that in spending time together, the friendship he felt had evolved and, oh no, he'd fallen in love with his best friend in the game. help.

eventually — soul is subtle about his affection and will silently be jealous while yuka is flirting. he'll be very cautious about making any sort of move but in the end, soul will go for it. he'll do it in a manner that yuka could easily turn him down or misinterpret his words because their friendship is more important than romance. yuka, for the most part, will probably be oblivious until soul finally moves.

finally — yuka and soul, when they get together, aren't obvious about their affection in public. yuka will still flirt but lighten up, giving most of his best pick-up lines and puns to soul instead. soul will go along with it, another day in the game with yuka, but in private, they'll be more open about their affection. it is still a game so there's only so much they can do but they'll private message each other lots.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  gaming partners + one-sided crush

ENDING :  author's choice


BIRTHNAME : choi sooyeon

shizuko — japanese name used by the japanese side of her family

ironheart — title from tournaments and team that refers to her unflappability whether the pressure or mind games from competitors

DATE OF BIRTH : 17 may 1997
BIRTHPLACE : suzu, japan
ETHNICITY : japanese-korean
NATIONALITY : japanese-korean (dual citizenship)
UALITY : demiual

japanese — fluent // spent her childhood in japan and speaks it often enough to not forget // resorts to it when upset or exasperated

korean — fluent // what she uses now and speaks all the time // can double as a walking dictionary in it and is (sadly) a grammar nazi

english — semi-fluent // learned it for tournaments // able to get by in an english-speaking country but not some kind of genius in it

FACE CLAIM : shin hyejeong (aoa)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : bae suzy (miss a)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 153 cm & 57 kg

private — when alone, away from the public and cameras, sooyeon stays in her pajamas, if especially miserable, or, generally, wears comfortable clothes like sweatpants and large shirts, often stolen from her cousin or her best friend. on hotter days, she goes with tank tops and shorts instead but still chooses modest, non-revealing clothing. she is lazy with her hair and doesn't put on make up.

public — whenever she leaves her home, she applies at least the bear minimum of make-up in case of fan shots. she wears pants and only wears dresses (and skirts) for award ceremonies / advertisement jobs, in which case she has little say in her clothing and make-up. she tends towards solid colors and simple patterns, adding perhaps one or two accessories maximum (always in gold) but rarely wears hats.

tournaments / workout — when working out or doing any exercise, she always has her hair up. no point in make-up when it's to wash off with sweat and sweatbands are a necessity. for exercise, she wears generic workout clothing (yes, she has worn sports bras but yes, she also always puts on a cover up with it) whereas when going rounds on the mat, she wears the traditional judogi. (she prefers white.)

my life is on the internet

PERSONA : unapproachable trump card



+ calm + patient + reliable + loyal + modest +

= dedicated = observant = organized =

- quiet - blunt - inexpressive - aloof - stubborn -


"take a deep breath."
always with her head on straight, sooyeon can be counted on as the voice of reason in any circumstance. she never loses her cool no matter how random or pressured and overcomes obstacles with an enviable ease stemming from her lack of panic. she also seems to possess an infinite amount of patience that allows her to wait without seeming pushy nor condescending - encouraging even in her waiting. few have ever reached the end of her patience and none have survived her wrath with their pride intact and their behavior unreformed. true to her ironheart title, sooyeon is good under high stakes, reliable and unshaken through all circumstances.

"don't worry."
whether a small favor, the last point in a close team tournament, or just to be a ear for a friend in a time of need, sooyeon is your girl. she's dependable and when she states she is going to succeed, she will. she is also undeniably loyal. although the number of people she'd be willing to die for is limited, those who have her trust and faith will find it hard to lose it and the weight of her sacrifice. in the face of her occupation, and to the contrast of some of her opponents, sooyeon is amazingly modest. she is confident in her abilities but in no way does she brag or believe herself to be better. she gives credit where its due and gives most of hers to practice.

"i see."
generally found hard at work, sooyeon is never afraid to put in 110% effort for her goals. it leads to amazing results, but also is a result of tunnel vision that pushes aside other necesseties, usually eating and sleeping. in addition, sooyeon is quite observant. it's nice to have a friend who never forgets your allergies, always picks up on your mood, etc but it's also disconcerting - to say the least - when you've never even told the friend. sooyeon is that friend. it comes in handy but tends to alienate people as a result, like her neatness. she keeps her spaces unbelievably pristine and it's easy to find things but it's the result of ocd, which can lead to panic attacks. 

unfortunately, sooyeon is not a warm, social person. she's awkwardly quiet. although she has no personal issues with it, her general habit of listening to absolutely everything before speaking can easily be mistaken for something more negative. she rarely speaks even when addressed and if she can get away with it, she answers mostly in 'yes's and 'no's - even better if she can just nod or shake her head. additionally, sooyeon, perhaps because of her silence or her general nature, is coldly blunt. she has no problem telling you that the dress is ugly or that you gained weight. occaisonally, she'll say something kind that makes you feel warm, but it's very rare.

in spite of the social contact she has due to her job and the acting she's had to do in cfs due to her job, sooyeon is undoubtedly inexpressive. she's not quick to say what she's feeling and it's nigh impossible to tell by looking at her face. in addition, she's considered aloof - a culmination of her silence, bluntness, and inexpressive nature without a doubt. people find it difficult to approach her and rarely stick around once they do. her stubbornness, however, everyone is aware of. she never turns back on her decisions even if it costs her (refer to exhibit a: her hardworking tunnel vision) and follows them through 'til the end even if the whole world stands against her.


"once upon a time..."
born to the adoring mixed couple of choi minsoo and (maiden name suzuki) sachiko aka chisoo during their honeymoon, sooyeon was a quiet and easy-to-please child. she grew up surrounded by her parents loving her and each other but quickly found that she was the most responsible one in the family. when she was five, turning six, her parents moved to suwon, korea after a fire burned down their dojo and decided to have a fresh start. both of her parents were judo instructors so it was no surprise that she was learning judo from the moment she could walk. in korea, she started school and found that she was slightly above the class average.

"the princess was joined by a mage..."
although sooyeon was only slightly more brilliant than her class, she was observant and quick on her feet with no hesitation in putting her effort in for results. she was soon one of the top students but definitely had to work hard for it. in contrast, her judo prowess was genius level and she enjoyed it, practicing on her own when she had time or needed to blow off steam. when she was ten, her older cousin came to live with them after a drunk driving accident left him alone. at first her cousin resented korea, hated how his parents were gone and the reminder that he alone had survived, but with the power of cookies and cuddles, sooyeon melted his heart.

"the princess chose to be a knight..."
sooyeon was starting high school when she told her family she wanted to be a full time judo athlete aka judoka. her parents, who had always advocated doing what she loved than what made money, supported her. she had been recruited several times over the years and she accepted an offer, going to practice after school. even with her studies, however, she was easily one of the most talented judo athletes of korea and the few competitions she went to were the stepping stones to building up her name. meanwhile, her cousin found a part-time job as a model and, over time, even got a couple cameos as an actor, putting his name down on the internet as well.

"the knight even became captain of the guard..."
it wasn't long before sooyeon participated in more competitions and more prominent competitions, slowly making her name one battle at a time. there was no doubting her abilities. she was one of the youngest in the entire judo team but was the ace even in co-ed matches. she became one of the best in korea and won multiple international tournaments, eventually picking up the nickname 'ironheart.' she was expected to be a future olympic gold medal winner but she, unfortunately, failed to go to the 2016 olympics after a severe arm ligament injury put her out of commission during a practice match. she was upset but not as much as her opponent.

"but no one forgot that she was a princess..."
when sooyeon joined the team, she was more recognized on the streets. it wasn't long before she received advertisement and commercial offers. at her coach's suggestion, she agreed and starred in many product ads - of which she also received many free products. in contrast to her real personality, she was more social, quicker to smile and more approachable, on screen. she went out on a couple of shows as well and her feminine image did not help when her opponents underestimated her - though before it had been due to her size. it was on one such show that she clarified that her and actor terada takuya were not sweethearts but, in fact, cousins. 



▸ white // her favorite color
▸ books // always has one on her
▸ disney // esp loves lilo and stitch
▸ heights // found in high places esp trees
▸ judo // should be a no-brainer since her job


▸ cursing // does not do
▸ strong scents // give her headaches
▸ messes and clutter // triggers her ocd
▸ excessive drinking // bad for body and embarrassing
▸ being called 'babe' or 'baby' // a personal preference 


▸ all the time // tucks hair behind ear
▸ pleased or impressed // hums randomly
▸ laughing // covers with her hand
▸ upset // climbs high places or goes rounds on mat
▸ angry // starts speaking in pure japanese (aka sign to grovel)


▸ judo
▸ reading
▸ playing utopia (since 2013)


▸ light sleeper
▸ ambidextrous
▸ allergic to coconut 

▸ loves strategy games
▸ has photographic memory
▸ general favorite flavor is green tea

▸ listens to classical music, osts, movie albums
▸ almost set the record for youngest judo olympian

▸ sweet tooth but can't indulge because weight and job
▸ has the strongest self control in the history of man (probably)

i converse with them daily


cousin — terada takuya (22) model turning into actor // 10점 만점의 10점 
..........+ confident + attentive + adaptable +
..........= playful = quiet =
..........- manipulative - overprotective - possessive -
self-declared her number one fan (and secretly the president of her fanclub), takuya is sooyeon's older brother figure. they're always encouraging each other and are super protective over each other. (takuya's form of love is more obvious and physical but sooyeon's not afraid to demonstrate her filial love for her cousin either). they cuddle, hold hands, etc and were mistaken as a couple many times even before their fame. they are constantly in contact, texting or other social media, and it isn't surprising for them to grab spontaneous lunches with each other whenever they can. 

coach — cho junho (27) prior korean judoka + korean national judo team coach // 7 of 10
..........+ encouraging + devoted + fair +
..........= honest = impulsive =
..........- perfectionist - stern - willful -
the coach who recruited sooyeon, junho (or just 'sensei' as sooyeon calls him) is a previous bronze medal olympic athlete. he expects a lot out of sooyeon and she is always working hard to meet his expectations. he has a lot of faith in his team and is always treating them to dinner after a big match. they trust each other immensely and he, in particular, trusts that she won't slack and won't push her limits too far, especially now that she has a distraction (aka utopia). though they are close, there is still a bit of professional distance between them as he can't be too soft on her.

teammate — kim jandi (25) korean judoka + third in world for 57 kg class // 8 of 10
..........+ honorable + energetic + dedicated +
..........= competitive = spacey =
..........- short-tempered - whimsical - forgetful -
her usual sparring partner, jandi is not only sooyeon's teammate, but also her friend and, in part, rivals. they encourage each other, practice with one another, and are roommates when the team decides to double up. jandi acts younger than her age and sooyeon acts mature so they match well. jandi doesn't understand sooyeon's gaming or reading but knows it prevents sooyeon from overworking so jandi accepts it. sooyeon, on the other hand, can't quite grasp jandi's adoration for sleep especially afternoon naps but accepts it since it is, to be honest, a form of healing and rest.

(on a side note: jandi was the one who injured sooyeon and still hasn't stopped apologizing for it.)

there is no other gain


BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : kwon joongki


▸ start here


initially — everyone has heard of sooyeon, youngest near-olympic judoka, and of joongki's father. it's not far of a stretch to assume people who confess to either their love are after status, fame, and / or money. when they meet, joongki attending one of sooyeon's matches because he's a fan or through his father when sooyeon advertises for the company, it's mere acquaintance at first.

eventually — however, their relation strengthens as they spend more time with each other, slowly becoming friends. he learns to look past her screen personality and accept her aloofness. she slowly steps over his shyness to become his ally. they're a silent but fitting pair, seemingly able to read each other's minds since they trade verbal words for pointed glances and microexpressions to speak. 

finally — when they get together, it's not obvious. neither are big on pda. they usually hold hands, maximum - maybe a bold but quick peck when no one's looking. otherwise, they're the same as ever in front of others. alone, they're quicker to cuddle, to share secretive smiles and lightly touch. before, they helped each other out as necessary but now, they're completing each other, together always.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  strangers / famous and fan

ENDING :  author's choice


What kind of weapon do you use? please describe it. : 

▸ 'my preference is for my spellbooks. they're a couple of inches thick and are generally are well-worn with age. different books have different summons but are well-balanced in teams for combat. for emergency close combat, i have a dagger but i'm not all that talented in fighting with it. other than that, i have a variety of magic staffs from back when i was a mage. they all have different effects - one increases attack and another drains hp from the opponent every successful hit - and can be used for close combat and defensive, offensive, and healing magic spells. 

why did you pick the class you chose? : 

▸ i pause. 'i wanted to be a summoner. it doesn't matter why.' the statement isn't a lie because it isn't too important. but it mattered to me. always smiling on tv, putting on an image for the public, battling on a mat by myself - would it be wrong to prefer being mere support in battle? to want a fight where, for once, i didn't need to do the work? to use my brain instead of my brawn? at the same time though, the summons represented my real life. the summons were like judo fans. to have a profession doing what i loved was only possible because of their admiration, after all.

why did you want to join maverick? : 

▸ i give the two co-guild leaders a look. 'i had planned on being a solo player but i had paired up with the leaders often before despite being lower in level. they asked. i accepted.' i don't mention how it had taken some time before i finally agreed to accept, taken in by the familial atmosphere.

do you think you are worthy of joining maverick? : 

▸ i chuckle, waving my hand. 'no. but jiji and yuka want me so they'll have me until they don't.'

how'd you decide your race? : 

▸ i shrug. 'picked it randomly. then i just changed the appearance to suit my aesthetic and viola.'

here at maverick, we are a family. swear here, today, that you will follow our rules and listen to the guild no matter what. : 

▸ i put up both my hands (ambidextrous). 'i swear.' i agree, smiling. 

KoreanGal5 : Soul

LAST WORDS : super excited for your story. i'm actually doing my own video game apply (though mine is more deadly and for a vr mmorpg) and i laughed seeing yours. video games must be all the rage now. anyways, i hope you like / enjoy my character. by the way, i totally blame joongki aka minnamsoon for my new obsession with miraculous ladybug because i wanted to watch one episode but ended up watching the entire season. (ok i don't hate you but i still blame you.) i was debating whether to try for a miranette / ladybug personality to compliment the adrien / chat noir of joongki but i'd built most of my character by then. anyways, i digress.


▸ takuya and sooyeon being cute
▸ sooyeon's unnecessary but cool judo moment 
▸ soul just hanging out with jiji and yuka and being good friends
▸ someone trying to call jiji and yuka with soul's nicknames and it not blowing over well

▸ guild gifting soul with a ticket to sooyeon's match. soul having to break to them that he 'already has tickets but thanks for your feelings, honestly.' but scared someone from the guild will go
▸ soul letting jiji sit on his shoulder and yuka complaining because 'you don't call him tree or step on his feet! you don't even sit on his head!' and just bickering cutely while guild looks on laughing
▸ yuka flirting with soul and soul playing along (whether before or after realizing his feelings is author's choice) and some users or new guild member thinking they really are in a relationship but thinking yuka is cheating (flirting with others) until they realize how yuka is just sweet to everyone 

PASSWORD : pokémon yellow

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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