Containment : Anubis
Shizuko // her Japanese name meaning "quiet child" // used by her cousin
Neith // Egyptian goddess of war and wisdom // by her enemies and allies because her daemon is named Anubis (aka Egyptian god of death and afterlife) and her prowess
Date of Birth: 27 May 1998 (18)
Place of Birth: Suzu, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
Hometown: Suwon, Korea

Current Occupation: student & part-time judo, jiujitsu instructor
Korean // fluent // her father language that she doubles as a walking dictionary in
Japanese // fluent // her mother language that she resorts to when upset
..........+ calm + patient + confident + loyal +
..........- calculating - critical - aloof - inexpressive -
..........= quiet = polite = deceptive = observant =

..........The good...
Always with her head on straight, Sooyeon can be counted on as the voice of reason in any circumstance. She never loses her cool no matter how unexpected and overcomes obstacles with enviable ease. She also has an unmatchable patience that allows her to wait without seeming pushy nor condescending. It is a blessing - she is a blessing - especially in light of the recent circumstances in which the 'slower' people are generally abandoned for survival. 

Additionally, Sooyeon has a good grasp on her own abilities. She's confident but not arrogant, knowing her own limits and her opponent's talents. She has no qualms about admitting her faults yet is always successful in what she knows she can accomplish. Her confidence, however, takes a rare backseat with her unfailing loyalty. Though numbering few, her loved ones will receive all of her devotion and even her life. She gives them all and keeps none.

..........The bad...
Each word, each action, everything is a strategy for Sooyeon. That is not to say she's fake but rather she chooses carefully what to do or not, what to say or not, to give the impression she wishes to give. ("I see your point." does not mean "I will definitely join you.") Although she won't voice it aloud, she judges you internally. It's less snobby and more an ally vs. enemy sorting inside of her head but it's hard to change your alignment to something better.

In addition, Sooyeon has faced complaints about her detached manner. Sure, conversations can be shared over food but when it comes down to it, Sooyeon isn't easy to open up. You may believe you are close but realize later on that you don't know much at all. She's also annoyingly hard to read. Because of how calculating she is, her emotions are only what she wants you to see or, in rare cases, the truth only because she trusts you fully as a loved one.

..........And all that's in between.
Sooyeon is generally a quiet person. She naturally listens and though it is undoubtedly confidence-boosting to have someone give undivided attention to the conversation, it's difficult to tell if she's agreeing with you or just not going to bother arguing. Furthermore, she's unfailingly polite. Sticking to her own ideals of chivalry and honor, she remains polite not only to her allies but even to her opponents and, to her allies' exasperation, even in battle.

To add onto her calculating nature, Sooyeon is also deceptive. To put it simply, she's a great actress and though it's great for infiltration or directing attention - gathering information or fooling enemies in any way - she won't even tell her her allies her plans. (If she infiltrates, for all intents and purposes, everyone believes she truly has defected - to the point that after returning from an infiltration, her allies are wary and enemies try to convince her to return.)

The core of Sooyeon's personality is her observational skills.  With a single glance, she can evaluate a person with accuracy, can tell bluff from truth and skill from practice with ease. She genuinely prefers observation to confrontation without certainty of victory and, combined with her patience, has no problem waiting for the best opportunity. It is unnerving to have someone know you so well but to not reciprocate, to not know her because her cold nature.
..........Once upon a time...
Born to a Japanese-Korean couple on their honeymoon, Sooyeon was a quiet baby as her Japanese name had implied. She grew up surrounded by love and while not necessarily the most popular kid on the block, there was no doubt she was one of the smartest when she chose to be. When she was seven, her house was burned down from a fire and though no one was hurt, her parents decided to move to Korea for a fresh start (and her father missed Korean food). A year later, her younger cousin moved in with them as he lost his parents (her aunt and uncle) in a drunk driving accident. He was resentful and hated Korea - hated that everything changed and how it reminded him of his loss - but through the power of persistent cuddles and hot chocolate, he slowly opened his heart first to her and then to her parents. 
..........There was a Scholar, joined by a Knight...
As Sooyeon progressed education-wise and gained more independence, her parents began focusing more in their dojo - her mother teaching judo and her father teaching jiujitsu - but because of her cousin's presence, she was never alone. Sooyeon was always at the top of her class and divided her time outside of school between studying (maxmimum an hour a day), reading (her main hobby), and practicing judo and jiujitsu (a couple hours after school generally). She even, once she high enough in rank, has her own class filled with younger students (and yes, her parents do pay her). Her cousin, on the other hand, learned both judo and jiujitsu but chose not to teach like Sooyeon as he had "no patience for the brats." Instead, he picked up photography as a hobby and a part-time job as a model for pocket money. 
..........Who went on a journey called Life.
Currently, Sooyeon is - in between school (she just got first place in the national mock exam), her job (she's currently teaching two different classes), and her own free time (mostly devoted to books) - trying to figure out what she wants to do with life aka her major in college. Her parents have already informed both her and her cousin that should they drop out of college or not know what to do with their lives, they're welcome to inherit the dojo. With a back-up plan in mind, Sooyeon simply wants to find a job she enjoys. Her cousin had always , telling her to become a spy or an actress with her control of emotions, but she's not seeking fame or fortune. She wants something stable and predictable, something that allows her set free time to spend time with her loved ones and to read new books as they release. 


green tea
high places
judo and jiujitsu
neon colors
those who mess with her books
people who upset her loved ones
people making fun of those who put in effort
judo and jiujitsu
people watching
pleased or impressed // hums
all the time // tucks hair behind her ear
thinking // chews on or bites her bottom lip
upset // climbs high places or practices fighting
angry // speaks under her breath in pure Japanese

Note: Sooyeon is aware of every single habit she has and can consciously not do it or do a different habit to manipulate others' perception on her.
losing her loved ones
having to choose between loved ones
being left completely alone aka the last one alive
allergic to coconut
has ability to read lips
has photographic memory
can speak with different accents
is both a earily bird and night owl
educational jokes very amusing
(Ex: Nitrogen asked out Oxygen but he said NO.)

Father // outside
Choi Minsoo (45) jiujitsu instructor
calm, hard-working, quiet, awkward, stubborn
The rock of Sooyeon's life, he cares for his daughter deeply. He's reasonable yet kind. He's a stereotypical Asian dad who provides for his family before himself.

Mother // outside
Choi "Chiyoko" Soojin (42) judo instructor
compassionate, positive, childish, oblivious, blunt
The one passed Sooyeon her youthful looks, she acts like a friend more than a mother. In contrast to her husband, she's the chill parent but definitely cares.

Cousin // inside
Terada Takuya (17) student, part-time model
suave, dependable, observant arrogant, possessive
A boy straight from the pages of a manga, Takuya is like Sooyeon's younger brother. She indulges him and he's one of the few who knows all about her.

He's physically affectionate towards Sooyeon and it's common for the two of them to be mistaken as a couple. Sooyeon laughs and Takuya rolls his eyes.

Best Friend // inside 
Wang Feifei (18) student, student body president
maternal, caring, organized, hot-tempered, obdurate
Childhood friends, she and Sooyeon are good friends. Like Takuya, she's one of the few people who never doubts her but is a terrible actress.

Other friends // outside
Students // outside
Brief explanation about your character's reaction when they found out about their newfound power and the havoc they have to face in their city :

Sooyeon, with her calm and observation, immediately set about finding her limits and spoke to her daemon at length about the contract. Her quick adaptation and Takuya's just-as-swift acceptance was a prime example of their strange life if anything, but following, Sooyeon simply found Anubis a calm companion. She informed Anubis of her intentions - to put her priorities (her loved ones) first and keep them safe within this strange new dimension - and that he could either help her or leave her. Of course, she knew he couldn't and since her plan wasn't evil nor difficult (he would later regret this thought because she was a strategist and nothing was simple with her) and so, he accepted. 
Interview at 8:03 PM
Where are you and what are you doing right now?
Wouldn't you like to know? (She smiles lightly, not quite pleased but not exactly fake either.) I'm outside the dojo - two blocks from my house. (She slips her hands into the pockets of her jacket, posture all too casual.) 

Are you with someone right now? Someone waiting for you? Or you waiting for someone?
I'm waiting for Takuya to finish closing up. Oh, there he is. (She waves at the male who is locking the front door and turns back to the interviewer.) Why are we closing so early? Our parents are on a spontaneous vacation so though the dojo is closed for the next week, we decided to slip in a couple of hours of practice. 

Do you have any plans after this? Or are you going to head home?
Takuya and I are just going to go home. (She catches the keys Takuya throws her without looking and when he walks up to her, they naturally entwine hands, looking like a couple because their different appearances.)

What is your plan for your entire summer break?
Well, I've finished all my summer homework as has Takuya so we'll be relaxing this break - at least that's what I want. Hours of just books, judo, and jiujitsu sounds nice. Takuya here wants to take a trip to the oceans or mountains for a photoshoot. His favorite subject is nature and his photos are gorgeous. (Takuya nudges her lightly because her subtle bragging embarrasses him. She chuckles but obliges, silencing herself.)

Does your family mind if you stay out late? Is your house nearby?
Well both my parents are out on a trip but they don't mind us staying out too late as long as we let them know usually. Our house is only two blocks from here. We plan on walking since it's such a nice night out.

How do you deal with hardships?
Hardships? (She looks at Takuya, raising a brow, and he gives a casual shrug in reply.) It depends on what type of hardship you are referring to. But Takuya and I are, as my mother says, "troopers." We'll get through.

[8:04 PM]

Hm. Good thing we have the route memorized. Excuse us please. (The duo walks home, simply admiring how the lack of light pollution causes the stars to shine brightly. They aren't too worried it seems. Not yet.)
face-claim #1: Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet)
face-claim #2: Lee Hi (soloist)

Standing at 153 cm and at 53 kg, it's easy to look over Sooyeon physically and initially. Her eyes and hair are both a dark brown that is commonplace, just another face in the crowd. It takes time and observation to look past and truly know her.

Her eyes are straightforward and cut through any pretense. Her inner arm and right pinky bear tattoos of meaning. The arm is of a book and reminds her of worlds she's traveled whereas the pinky matches her cousin's and is a reminder.

Preferring solid colors and simple patterns, Sooyeon isn't too picky about her clothing. She generally avoids revealing clothing and heels, but is open to all other clothing and somehow has talent in putting together fashionable outfits.
Comment and suggestion : Well, I haven't ever read any of your inspirations so I tried my best at understanding the story. I hope you liked her. I completed the application within a day so I don't know if there's anything wrong or something, but feel free to have creative license and I just can't wait to hear from you later on. 

Scene Suggestion(s) :
➤ Sooyeon being an enigma
➤ Takuya and Sooyeon being adorable siblings
➤ Sooyeon playing spy and fooling even her allies because she's good
➤ Sooyeon first hearing the voice when Takuya is in danger or just randomly when safe
➤ Sooyeon's loved ones laughing when she reveals her spy play and everyone else was surprised
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