i'm na yijeong from starship

face claim face claim face claim
na yijeong.
canta / stronghold / 2-3
➳ yeil / the former stage/pseudo-name she took when she still came around as an indie singer. it's never used anymore, but occasionally, it appears online when people mentioned about her past solo era.
none. doesn't particularly like nicknames, so don't try and come up with something stupid.

AGE ) 19
BIRTHDAY ) march 28

BIRTH PLACE ) pohang, north gyeongsang, south korea

ETHNICITY ) korean
NATIONALITY ) south korean
korean / native / she's born and raised there. there isn't a kind of excuse if she couldn't. has a northern gyeongsang accent when speaking, however.
➳ english / conversational / eeh. can hold a simple conversation and understood simple sentences easily. reading can be a pain for her, however (except for english lyrics).

FACE CLAIM ) oh my girl mimi

BACK UP FACE CLAIM ) gfriend's yuju

APPEARANCE ) her hair is currently dyed blonde just a few months before debut, and cut with bangs barely below her eyebrows. Some people thought she looked either like Yuju or Mamamoo's Moonbyul (and to a certain extent, Lime). has two piercings on each ear, rarely uses the second one and usually wears only studs. There isn't much about her look that begs for being similar to both, as standing at 167 cm and 52 kg certainly makes her somewhere on the underweight range, yet she's keeping everything looked elegant. the big aspect of the industry was one; look acceptable and people would respect you better. part of her upbringing takes her in this way, but when not completely busking, she's standing straight, confident posture, hands and legs wrapped tightly to herself. she only tries to release a poised, quiet nature she had, emotional turmoil and jadedness that only got revealed once her own pained voice takes over the platoon.

STYLE ) there isn't anything notable about her style, as most colors looked dark-toned or down-to-earth. black, white, grey (or occasional pattern of plaids. yijeong tries to keep low-key about her appearance, as being prim and proper in public is much more important than trying to stand out. as far as she looks, she's acceptable. occasional denim coats or shorts along with plaid buckled at her waist accompanies when she's out for the relaxed look; but huge part of the wardrobe was mostly long jeans and long-sleeved, if not baggy tees or tops, rarely skirts (there are long sundresses, but that's only rare). her financial situation made it harder for her to buy expensive brands, so she tends to keep her brands cheap (except if her stylists do take care of certain things; that's a different story). 

face claim face claim face claim
➳ pos : organized, self-critical, attentive, calm
➳ neu : independent, ambitious
➳ neg : private, indifferent, intimidating, cynical

the good leader isn't the loud ones, but those who knows the members : yijeong's always seen as one of the more 'cool' contestants of goddess, being quiet, almost always adapt and relaxed. but truthfully, she's just in-tune with her own nature; the little details, the small gestures, the interactions; none of them were lost in her eyes. and when faced with other contestants (especially in groups), she's the one to ensure that everything about their concerns and needs are listened, prioritized, and understood. and she always tries to motivate them as much as she could. her attentiveness comes with her being organized; settling priorities, utilizing people (again, especially when in group challenges) to their full potential, and with that, she has to bear through everything. she's calm and collected, being able to strike through bad rumors and had people talking behind her backs; and she's much more determined to prove people wrong about it. and she never takes failure as a slumping card; everything is delivered in high-quality regardless of her mood, and while she doesn't like all the challenges the judges gave to her, she knows it will be her stepping stone to reach better things. every criticism gets her to up herself better than the her before; and she's going to reach it, no matter what. part of her personality gains tract with others, good or bad.

a girl's difference with the others is everything but being different itself : yijeong's big goal was a debut. that's it. her passion in music is thoroughly notable and her desire to make her own thing is always there since she penned some of her own solos before entering goddess. her talent is known and while she may not even make it, she wants to provide the best chances of being known. she's prepared, yet at times, her ambition tends to drive people away (or worse, turns it into somewhat a competition with particularly plucky contestants). her independence means she needs no heed to others and can perfectly take care of herself in relative seclusion; she doesn't come off as very attention-seeking, but those who are used with softer sunshines are more off-put with her own personality.

sometimes, it's hard to get rid of bad habits : a past upbringing of harsh failures and rejections never sits well; she doesn't reinforce the stereotype. always crushing the prejudice, she was highly sought (if not respected due to her young age). but being barely 19, she's still younger than she looks and acts. in attempts to do so at the time she's not going to be taken seriously, harsh, straight-up crushing rejections and pain has left her in a sour view of the world. and when she's not careful with being untalkative herself, slipping up would cause disasters with the k-netz. and while she always attempts to do take care of people she's supposed to, most of the time, if she doesn't held them favorably (or had done something effectively making them worth it), she doesn't hesitate to cut them off when they had went straight too far. the indifference had people calling her 'heartless', but she could only do so much before the most logical thing to do had to be done. and sometimes, being too private gave out the false assumptions that she meant evil and manipulation and harm—she doesn't. she tends to keep herself guarded when coming with the tricky idol industry; when she doesn't become careful enough, what past she desires to keep personal and close to her heart would be blown out of the water, potentially destroying her family, friend, and herself.


"a day in the streets, bad decisions, and reconciling."

na yijeong was born in a series of poverty and possibly bad decisions; her parents married young and her mother struggled to work off as the backbone of their family and make the ends meet as a public defendant, while her father drilled studies into both her and brother. yijeong grew up with a high determination to succeed, and she does. she was formerly trained in vocal lessons, and when she saw singers who made it out and a joy in singing, she knew she wanted to be just like them. so she worked hard to sharpen her voice skills. since she was fourteen, she was in her school band, performing even unto the streets. from then and there, several lurking companies discovered her talent; and she was supposedly recruited in an unknown company (the company filed bankruptcy a few months before her entry in starship).

"the failed debut and kick out."

and while she knew her parents had loved them both, the moment she was supposedly recruited when 15, her parents didn't accept them. they wanted her in a more stable career and a better job; being an idol is not one of them. but she wanted it badly, so they relent the first time (and they were slightly better off financially). she did well, yet was one of the few trainees who was the top quick, rumours made her an outcast beyond others. she couldn't really care about that, yet when one day, she was promised a debut, the group she was supposedly in had a lot of trainees that didn't like her, and willing to eliminate her, so the constant outcasting put a huge pressure that escalated to a full-blown fight. both her and one of the responsible trainees were expulsed, and by the day she came home, she also went to a big fight with her parents (both for fighting and wasting their money), and they financially disowned her. yijeong was 17 at this point, just as she was getting results for her GED (as recommendation from the company to not get school as a distraction.)

"the pained singer and the re-debut."

yijeong decided to run away, staying in one of her former bandmate's house for the time being. not only she's paying for her ownself at this point (she tried getting to teach kids from primary with math, just to avoid the age consent from part-time working) while still studying to get through a good university, but still occasionally busks as a singer on the streets of Hongdae to pull through. this time, she gained a special notice—someone from starship had taken interest, and was recruited at immediate. while unconvinced, she finally got accepted to starship—and now, asked to participate in goddess.



➳ father na, ruma / 46 / consistent, passionate, strict  (fc : park sung woong)
the role of father and mother are switched here. shia is the working one, while ruma always stayed home and played the mother role for both her and soha. he never gave up on anything and follows his goals, consistently and never missed a single day where his kids would slack off. he taught her how to work hard, and how all the hard work will give out results. ruma's relationship with his daugter has strained considerably after she got (financially) disowned and running away, but deep down, he does love her dearly and misses her. 
mother / jung, shia / 49 / optimistic, mischevious, wise  (fc : kim hee ae)
probably still as strained, but when shia didn't act the way she currently is, she's pretty pleasant (just as much as she is able to win pro bono cases at full mark) and yijeong was pretty close to her. shia wants both her children to strike high, higher and better, but when miscommunication occured, her and yijeong didn't have the best relationship to date, although shia was as worried and had a lot in her hands to begin with. yijeong, while not admitting it, misses her mother greatly like her father and wants them to see what she wants and convinces them.
older brother / na, soha / 23 / responsible, dilligent, calm (fc : b1a4 gongchan)
soha still contacts yijeong and personally didn't agree with how harsh his parents treated her, but he himself wanted her to stay independent and work hard, and be a useful person. yijeong always looked up to him as a role model; currently a software developer, valedict and considerably helping his family, soha's work ethics and his determination sets a pedestal on her; and only, soha doesn't and never look like someone who would run away from home. and yijeong is doing the clean life, but as far as interactions go, he's pretty interested.

friends / yoo, seungwoo / 20 / soft-spoken, shy, dreamer
she finds him to be rather cute /coughs/ but honestly, they are relatively on normal relationship, although seungwoo could be easily intimidated by yijeong, occasionally. the only difference was their song preference; yijeong always leans to the rock side, while seungwoo had been more to the acoustic songs. nevertheless, she respects him as a senior and they do talk rather casually with each other.
acquaintances / joo, dohee / 19 / disorganized, charismatic, blunt 
she personally held no acquaintances over dohee for one reason; tact. there's an act of not being a total hassle when being a good person, but to a certain circumstances, dohee can criss-cross that line. she's preferably treat dohee only when she does strike that line (occasionally reminding her to clean up after herself could actually count here). nevertheless, both had a decent relationship of growing interest with each other.
ex-bandmate / jang, sera / 21 / tough, poised, respectful (fc : jang seungyeon)
sera and yijeong didn't talk much as the latter was very busy preparing, but sera had been the group's backbone since its formation and fully supportive of yijeong to achieve her dreams. sera also provided shelter when yijeong had ran away; and yijeong's pretty determined to pay her back. although stiff, they knew how to connect with each other and love each other dearly.
high-strung acquaintances / swanson, lulu honoka / 21 / cold, blunt, sarcastic
beats into it. lulu didn't particularly dislike yijeong to a severe extent, and yijeong's not the one to care of being hurled with sarcastic insults, but she  does have a lot of issues with lulu's 'honesty' that can be borderline insulting, and never minding that being younger forced literally shut. lulu didn't like yijeong either, since parts of her can be borderline commanding and she always demand high-quality things from other trainees. ironically, both of them had similar, difficult pasts, yet both held pretty dark view of each other.
face claim face claim face claim

STAGE NAME ) haley — "Haley? Are you sure?" 
"haley... haley comet. comes around every 76 years, a phenomenal event. Can you say I am part of it?"

PERSONA ) the puppetmaster — she who doesn't speak, yet controls what the situation feels. although not one of the oldest and one of the least talkative, an enigma always surrounds the room. and without knowing it, at one point, people started realizing that the observer had listened and understood.

MAJOR + COMPANY ) vocal + starship
➳ singing : dahee (ex-glam) [in case she's being a former girl group member and you didn't allow it, i'll change the vocal twin to son seungwan]
➳ dancing : cathy (dia)
➳ variety twin : cathy (dia)

- 1 year 5 months in starship + ~2 years in A company (name not revealed due to bankruptcy)

didn't dislike nor hate them. she's keeping a good, improved teamwork. different from the previous company, at least in starship, they are highly competitive and continuous feedback is always recommended. 
➳ periodic busking activity (2014-2015)

➳ appear in sistar's shake it as an extra
➳ soundcloud covers 
➳ likes 
- rainy days
- ridiculing k-dramas
- rock ; preferably j-rock with fusion (like wagakki band), but anything will do.
- caramel macchiato 
- historical books
➳ dislikes
- trolls
- writing
- unmotivated people ; if you're ini the industry and want to debut, you really don't deserve this.
- romcom movies ; 
- hipster soundcloud artists ; singing sounded like talking because it's the edgy thing to do.
➳ habits
- taps her cheek when thinking.
- always had her eyebrows raised when she frown (it's just her resting face, not because she was thinking.
- always the last one to leave the room/studio/anywhere in the group
➳ hobbies
 - singing
- searching for interesting facts
- adrenaline-punching sport (skiing, climbing, etc)
➳ trivia
 - former soundcloud account : yirelk. she doesn't have any social media account (deleted it after getting out from the bankrupt company to prevent any widespread rumours), although formerly had posted videos about covers
- members voted her to be rather ; she doesn't deny it. she's still as hormone-addled as the rest.
- motto : "those who works hard will get their deserved ending.
- the earliest member to wake up.
- listens to all sorts of song genres except for the ballads (she hated it)
- has one of the highest scores for her GED and currently trying to apply for engineering in Yonsei. the only subject she particularly struggles with are the foreign-language ones. which is also why some people asked her why she hadn't tried to be a scientist and goes for the other subjects.
- keep tabs on international news for the sake of it and always seems interested in history in general when not being with others. but her interest had always been particularly strong in engineering, however.
- starship actually planned to have her as a soloist before being in goddess, yet due to rumors arising about her being an iljin and was involved in a scandal (the trainee fighting scandal), it was postponed and she waited for goddess so that it would showcase her 'real personality' and 'changed her'.
- her former band was idilis, and she was the lead singer.
- believed that many trainees are just as good, if not more impressive, than her.
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PERSONALITY ) you can give me the traits only or eleboration or both.

FIRST MEETING ) how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP ) explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION ) both decided to stay as friends only.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS ) cough. i know her talent twin may seemed a little too strong, but i don't know, i felt that being in the industry for quite a time justifies it before debuting. the app's made in a pretty big rush, so i hope it's detailed enough not to look too stupid.

- her being super quiet and then surprise the judges by bringing a superb performance (and also towards trainees that didn't like her)
- getting into a bad argument with other trainees.
- trying to keep calm when other trainees are eliminated, but that trainee was one of the few she genuinely cared about. she broke down (or... she's the trainee that came at the bottom/group at bottom, and she was saved at the last moment.)
PASSWORD ) crystal : hoshi & I.M
tilda : minhyuk & jun 


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