
Greetings Readers!!!

I would like to discuss the word VALIDATION with all of you.

This is NOT for my own personal benefit, my ego, or personal gain of any kind.

However, I would like to point out that all writers/authors are NOT like me.

Please remember that your writers work hard to provide you with the stories and content that you crave to read.

Also, there are many different types of writers in the world and most of them require a certain amount of validation concerning their please remember to comment on their abilities, skills and ideas.


Happy Reading and interactions with your favorite writers :D

^_^  PJ




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Lol!!! Hi guys!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
I'm not into drama but I read a ton of stories and I try to comment on the ones that really blow me away.
There are sooo many great writers out there and some have stopped writing the story I was reading because of lack of KILLS me!!!
I have all these unfinished stories in my head so I have to give them an ending or they'll keep me up at night, lol! Funny but I'm so serious!

Hey Aya, have a great vaca!!! :D :D :D
Hayaley #2
Lol, girl, I had to laugh. You are so direct in an indirect sort of way.
True :) Its wouldnt hurt or cost much to show some support to your authors after all of their hardwork . Thumbs up