you tho't i was a homo?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

once again, i dont KNOW this user what so ever but she only has 9 applications and her deadline is on the 25th...i really want to help her out for some weird and odd reason [maybe its because i know what it feels like to not have enough applications before deadline = = ] so if u guys have time, please apply ^^


ps. didnt i write the same reason for the other story bu 1993magnae too?! ><



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aww, that's nice!! ^^; I will apply just for fun kk
OMG u scared me with ur blog post XD i was like what the hell is she talking about o.O<br />
i subscribed to the fic seems interesting lol i'll read it when i'm free even though i have many fics to read o.O but im busy with my owns XD i think i'll complete all the fics even urs during my summer holidays >.>