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member profile
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THOMAS ainsley
//// Basic information ////

full name / thomas frederick ainsley
other names / 
► thomas / it's actually notable that he doesn't like nicknames. people frequently try to call him tommy or tom, and he'll immediately correct them.
birthdate + Age / october 9th, 1989 + 26 (27 pretty soon)
hometown / london, england
ethnicity / caucasian
nationality / english
AGENCY (RANK/POSITION) / scotland yard (inspector and criminalistics officer)
languages / 
► english / fluent, spoken with a london accent. he can also do a pretty convincing american accent, need be.
► korean / he's learning, but he's not very good yet; he has a phrase guidebook he carries everywhere with him but his pronunciation is a bit...terrible.
//// Physical Information ////

face claim / charlie cox
backup / andrew garfield
appearance / 
► he's a fairly handsome (but not earth-shatterlingly hot) guy standing at five feet, ten inches. he's got a slightly slim build naturally and his diet of coffee, coffee and more coffee doesn't really help matters. it's clear he's physically weak. his hair and eyes are both brown.
fashion sense / 
► he's casual but clearly well put together, because being well dressed makes for a good first impression. his wardrobe is mostly in neutral colors - black, grey, white, brown, beige, blue. it's pretty clear that fashion isn't the most important thing in his life, but he does make an effort. he also occasionally wears glasses, thanks to his nearsightedness; usually he wears contacts, but some days he just doesn't want to deal with them. wardrobe 1 2; glasses
//// Personal Information ////

character traits / responsible, orderly, truthful, respectful; precise, strict, rigid, methodical; abrasive, cold, cynical, amoral (lawful neutral)
elaboration / 
► thomas ainsley isn't a bad person. he doesn't go out of his way to be cruel, even if it'll benefit him, and he looks down on criminals of all shapes and sizes, like any good cop should. he's responsible - if he s up he's going to take the blame and deal with the consequences, though he won't take the blame if somebody other than him s up - and he works hard at his job. (what he does is important, after all.) he's not the world's biggest people person, nor is he a complete loner who avoids all human contact, but you can pretty much guarantee that you'll be listened to and engaged with if you start a conversation with thomas. as long as you're not a criminal, he'll respect you and even be kind, if brutally honest. (lying will not put you in thomas's good books.) thomas is good at what he does - he's organized and has a good memory - and takes a methodical approach to his work; he always does things in a set order, because if it ain't broke, why go out of your way to fix it? 

► in fact, thomas applies that sort of precise approach to his entire life. he's up at the same time every day, even though he doesn't always go to bed at the same time; always the same coffee order; always the same routine. he finds comfort in things being a set way and dislikes it when those things change (unless the person changing them is named andrew leigh - more on him later). it bleeds into his personality more than a little - he's not the most emotional guy unless he's out of his comfort zone, and he's not very nice if he's working on something and is disturbed. he's also a perfectionist to the extreme - making mistakes is something he rarely does, just since he's just so damn careful all the time - and he's not tolerant of others making mistakes, either. criminalistics is a delicate process, and one screw-up can pretty much destroy an investigation. 

► but if you think for a second that thomas is a good person, you are very, very wrong. he doesn't believe in good or evil; he believes in following the law and nothing else. it doesn't matter if a law is unjust - to thomas, they're the best authority we have. if you break the law in any way, you're marked in his books, whether you're a billionaire stealing from his employees or a homeless man robbing a convenience store. he's not very concerned with the emotions of others (once again, unless you're andrew leigh), just on getting the jobs done and bringing criminals to justice. he's very honest and won't hesitate to call you out on your flaws, even if it makes you feel terrible. thomas doesn't go out of his way to be a bad person, but he also is no model citizen; he doesn't donate or generally help out in any way, though he always makes sure that he's well-liked because it's just easier. as something of a silver lining, thomas doesn't think he's any better or worse than anyone else; if he were to ever break the law, he'd be the first person to turn himself in. 

► thomas was born and raised in london, england. he's the youngest of his family - he has twin older siblings, rose and zachary. he's always been fascinated with science, and he always got really good grades in his science classes. 

► laws and rules have always been major sources of comfort in thomas' life. he was bullied pretty harshly as a kid for a lot of reasons - because he was small, because he got good grades, because he was gay (or because people thought he was, even before he came out) - but he took comfort in knowing that such harassment wouldn't be tolerated under his school's rules. he never fought back, because then he'd get in trouble, but he always reported his bullies to the headmaster and made sure that they got what they deserved. even way back then, it kind of thrilled him. he realized he could get a career combining his interests by studying forensics after he watched an episode of law and order and was inspired; he has a bachelors degree in biology and managed to become an inspector quite quickly. 

► he lives with his husband, andrew, in a small-ish london flat; they have enough money to get by and a little extra at the end of the month, if they try hard enough. it was a wednesday night when he got a call from the division unit, asking him to fly out to a foreign country to help an investigation. at first he was skeptical, but once he was informed of what the fraternity is and what they do, he immediately wanted to help.
relationships / 
► co-worker | joseph miller | 31 | fbi analyst | dorky; eccentric; awkward | joseph and thomas more or less have a mutual respect going; they aren't friends, but they'll help each other with the investigation, and that's what matters.
► co-worker | clementine jung | 29 | nypd detective | high-strung; determined; short-tempered | she's a good detective, at least. once again, she and thomas are not friends, but they're on this case together, so thomas will be helpful.
triva / 
► criminalistics is the scientific analysis of evidence collected at a crime scene, and it's thomas's specialty. it's his job to gather the evidence, see what it is, and present it to the jury. 
► his alcohol tolerance is . he doesn't drink unless it's a holiday, like new years or st. patrick's day. 
► his current routine is as follows: wake up at 5:00 am, drink black coffee, text andrew, work for who knows how long, call andrew, and then go to bed. 
► his favorite movie is dredd - thomas really admires the character. 
► thomas doesn't do hobbies - he does work - but he does enjoy watching terrible british soap operas with andrew when they're both free. 
► his favorite season is winter. the snow reminds him of christmas.
► + i will add more later. 
//// Interview's transcript ////

► he smiles politely. any day where i can call home and make sure everything's okay is a good day in my book. 
(this isn't a lie. his phone calls with andrew are the highlight of his day, every day.)
So, You've been busy before you're joining us? What was your duty in your last agency?
► criminalistics, uh, over at scotland yard. it's really been an honor to work there. i'm also an inspector, technically, but field work isn't my specialty, honestly. just give me the evidence and i'll take care of it. 
(this also isn't a lie - thomas at fieldwork. he much prefers to work from the privacy of his own office.)
Do you like your job in your past agency? Any accomplishments?
► he nods. as i said, it's - it's really an honor, being able to work there. i'm one of the youngest inspectors in my district - i suppose they gave me the rank so that i could do more forensics work, not because i'm that skilled at...inspecting. it's not really a big deal, though.
(he's actually damn proud of this fact, but he's trying to seem humble.)
What do you think about The Fraternity? How much do you know about them?
he's been fairly polite for most of the interview, but at this question, his face changes. he's serious, determined, and almost scary. they're killers. that's all i know, and frankly, that's something that i can't stand for. for whatever reason, they think they're above the law - and i need to know why.
Do you have any idea what you're going to deal with? Have you got any... general idea about your plan to catch them?
► i don't know much about their operations yet, unfortunately. but if i - we - can figure out how they do what it is they do, that'll be our first big lead. of course, there's also the chance that i find some kind of incriminating evidence before that, something that reveals one of their members...hm.
Do you believe that we're the good guy?
► i don't really think that it matters whether we're the heroes or villains. what matters is if we manage to bring these people to justice under the law. if we can do that, we've done our jobs.
//// Classified information ////

love interest / andrew leigh (fc: rami malek)
personality / 
► andrew (who is one year younger than thomas) is basically thomas's morality pet. he's a kind, caring and affectionate guy who loves his friends and family. he's good with kids and animals, and he's a good cook, too. his biggest flaw is probably that he's really reactive and emotional - he doesn't think, he feels, which is a blessing and a curse. 
love story / 
► once upon a time (in winter of 2010), a young forensics officer from london met an american college student whose best friend was tragically murdered by a drunk . it was not love at first sight, because it was one of thomas's first jobs and he was afraid of messing up, and andrew was upset because his friend was dead. but things ended well at least - the guy was caught and justice was served and it was all alright.
► normally that would've been the end of the story, but the two ran into each other on new years day. they were at the same pub, both single and alone. "happy new year," andrew said, with a small smile, and instead of replying with actual words, thomas kissed him, because a. he was drunk off his and not thinking straight (in more ways than one) and b. new years kisses are totally a thing. they went on their first date a few days later, and the rest...history.
► andrew and thomas got married on december 8th, 2013 in andrew's hometown of manhattan, new york, but they're currently living together in a flat london. andrew is a primary schoolteacher. the two have been thinking of adopting a little girl for quite some time now. they're generally very affectionate with each other, and every day, andrew sees a side of thomas that nobody else does - someone who's kind and compassionate and just generally good

ending / i'm just saying, if andrew dies or gets hurt at all at the hands of the fraternity, it'll completely snap thomas in half and he'll have no problem being a terrible person to expose the fraternity. (even though i have no clue how they'd go about finding him when he's living in london, maybe he could come visit thomas as a surprise?) so if you want mostly morally good thomas, keep andrew safe; if you want him to snap, hurt him.
relationship statement / when the world gets too heavy, put it on my back - i'll be your levy. (from panic! at the disco - always)
//// Conclusion ////

final words / i hope you like morally grey forensics officers. i wanted to write someone who's lawful but not a good person and thomas was the result. i actually really ended up liking him, and i might use him in my writing in the future.
for an actual good guy look out for nick grimm, fraternity recruit and actual good person #comingsoon. 
scene reqs / 
► i promise you i'll add more later but basically i'd love someone to call thomas out on his whole "nobody-is-above-the-law" thing. 
password / as of right now it's preacher
cheat sheet


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