My Heart is Broken...

This is a very difficult month for me, because I relive a nightmare from nine years ago...the death anniversary of my best friend.


Randy died in the service of his country on 09 July 2007.  


I'm proud of him because he believed in what he was doing, not because it was easy, but because it was the right thing to do...and not just for the USA, but for the world at large.


There are some of us who still do the hard things in this life, the things other's aren't willing to do, because its right.  I think that's why this senseless act of violence that took his life still brings me grief.


And even though I know my sadness is selfish I let myself feel this way during this month...because he was my best friend and I was in love with him.  



Evanescence - My Heart Is Broken

From <>



I will wander 'till the end of time torn away from you...


I pull away to face the pain.

I close my eyes and drift away.

Over the fear that I will never find

A way to heal my soul.

And I will wander 'till the end of time

Torn away from you.


My heart is broken

Sweet sleep, my dark angel

Deliver us from sorrow's hold

(Over my heart... Heart)


I can't go on living this way

And I can't go back the way I came

Chained to this fear that I will never find

A way to heal my soul

And I will wander 'till the end of time

Half alive without you


My heart is broken

Sweet sleep, my dark angel

Deliver us


Change, open your eyes to the light

I denied it all so long, oh so long

Say goodbye, goodbye


My heart is broken

Release me, I can't hold on

Deliver us

My heart is broken

Sweet sleep, my dark angel

Deliver us

My heart is broken

Sweet sleep, my dark angel

Deliver us from sorrow's hold




^_^   PJ


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Hayaley #1
Oh, PJ :( I'm going to PM you.
Stay strong.
Stay strong ♡