i kinda have a pretty crazy idea

it's to hold joy-pairing writing contest.

idk I just want to read joy-pairing stories as many as possible, especially a het-pairing one.

when I started writing here, the joy tag is pretty low compared to unnie line. Even in red velvet pairing, it's hard to read joy-pairing so I'm a little bit frustrated lol. I'm not the biggest fan of girl romance / yuri, but sometimes I read them if the romance is subtle.

and I adore crackship. most of joy stories I write are crackship tbh (I still consider joylo as crackship because... zero interaction bye) 

but to hold a contest, well, I need to think about the prize so maybe not now lol.

it's just an idea, though. 

anyway, if you read this and understand my feeling, let's talk about this haha.


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I really want a present for myself. I want to do it! I am keen!
PICK ME!!!! I WANT TO DO IT!!!! tho more like an exchange program. like a secret santa~ OMG I AM EXCITED~~~