Have you guys read Me Before You? You've probably heard of it if you're into Seventeen (because Wonwoo), or because the movie came out recently. 

Okay, so, I went in with NO CLUE what the book was even about. I just knew it was romance. I have a tendency to do this with books that I'm hyped about, I hear about it, get excited, pick it up and read. So I read, and everything just HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS. Louisa is so relatable, the writing is simply beautiful, the setting is enrapturing, the other characters are so well thought out, and WILL, OH MY GOD WILL! He is a lovely, broken character and I didn't even know the dude was going to be in a wheelchair! The interactions between him and Louisa struck something in me that I was never aware of before and even though they were just standing in proximity of one another, I felt lightheaded with delight. 

When I read a book, usually I read to find a lesson, and this lesson was all about living. Simply living. I don't know, that's what I got out of it and it just made me stop and think about my own life. What would I miss if I were stuck in a wheelchair with no use for my legs or most of my arms? Am I wasting my time doing nothing, when someone else sees the potential in me to be something great? Where do I actually see myself in ten years time, and what am I doing to reach it? 


Will I have to meet a Will before I realize what I need to do with my own life? 


Why is this book so good? I had written a quote from it into my own book before I even read it, and now, looking back on it, I realize what it's about and I feel the urge to cry. It's been a long while since I curled up in my parent's bed where no one would find me and read until the world around me disappeared, and I cried as much as I wanted. I'm so glad I decided to slip that quote in because now I can cry just by looking at my own book hehe. 


Please read Me Before You, it's lovely, even if it is mainstream. 


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I actually haven't read or seen it but I have come in close contact with it so many times omg aND I WANT TO SEE / READ IT SO BAD

I was volunteering at a library a couple weeks ago and I was just about to ask to take out the book when I started sorting the reservations and someone had reserved it !! >:-(

Also, my friends have all gone to see it at the cinema without me so double >:-((

hwangtaehyo #2
OMG!! LETS HIGH FIVE I mean I'm also hardcore fans of me before you!! I have read the novel long ago before the movie came out and I cried a river for Will. It must be hard to stuck in a wheelchair while you have so many things you can do with your body. For me, it makes me realize that I have to be thankful about my life, I have this healthy body and I can do anything I want. After all money can't buy this healthy body. No matter how hard life is, you still have yourself. Something like that, bcs tbh I've been complaining about my life a lot.

Also the ending is good and touching. And for the movie, omg they chose the right actor! he is my fav actor, you have to watch him in Love, Rosie..another recommended movie!
Wow, it's cool how that we have totally different perspectives on the book. For me, maybe it's because my friend overhyped it to the point I guess my expectations were too high. I was pretty disappointed reading the book and in no way did I feel attached to any of the characters but my friend told me she cried over the ending and everything. But, I thought the movie was done a lot better and actually teared up a bit at the ending. But yeah, the book isn't bad but I didn't think it was amazing like people say it was, but that's my opinion!