Once Upon a time,Life (a short story)

Here's a short story.
There was a guy,who loved this one particular girl
however,the girl was not interested
He fought for the love he had for her,
confessed each day,tried to convince her that his feelings won't change
She didn't believe  him,because she knew,that people are not to be trusted.
One day,while lying on her bed,she thought of the guy.
He was persistent,she thought,but was it worth it? To follow something that will never be yours?
To love someone who would never love you back?she pondered this for a moment,but the answer was clear to her
It's impossible.
Many years have passed,and the guy was still in love with her.
The girl decided then to confront him properly.
She told him how she felt and how she will never love him.
He smiled sadly and shook his head.
"You loved me once" he said "and I want that love back" he continued.
At that moment,she remembered her words about not trusting humans
and that's when everything became clear.
She fell on her knees and apologized over and over,until she ran out of tears to shed.
"Fight for this love" he said "fight for our love,time is running"
She nodded and promised to learn how to love him again.
The promise,however,was never fulfilled,and the girl died.
The guy's name was Life.
and Life was sad because,once again,someone gave up on him.
someone,who he truly and dearly loved.


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Can i just upvote all your stories because I'm literally stalking you right now T^T