People said i am a closed minded kpop fan

i hate when people say i am a closed minded kpop fan because i dont listen to new groups. So what i dont care i admit i only listen to dbsk and jyj and super junior and other older bands.  For me the  new bands dont appeal to my taste. 


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I received that too but I was like, I am not even a kpoper I only like 1 group and that's it. So their opinions can go bye bye
I listen to none but SM's older groups, from BoA to SJ only. Let them say what they want to say, I don't even care even when it's my close friends who said it. Like, I can like what I want to like and so do you?????
Close/open-minded has nothing to do with what we like. People can't control, judge, criticize or comment at what we like and are fond of. Don't worry, you are not the only "close-minded" fella in this massively noisy kpop universe that has been filled with new groups :3
I only follow Jaejoong, Beast and T-ara's news and music all the time, but I still listen to other groups' music and songs because to me good song is a good song no matter who sing it. Maybe other groups are not your taste because you know what they always release and their style, to me snsd, fx, suju and jyp groups always release songs don't appeal to me so I don't check them but I check YG's although I'm not their fan but I luke their releases cuz it's always amazing. It's just a mater of taste so don't worry :)
Dont worry :D Im in the same boat as you. I love listening to the older groups like Bigbang, DBSK, 2ne1. I tried to force myself to listen to the newer groups and I just cant like them :). I say stick to what you want to listen to!
I totaly understand you. I SuJu stan and only listen kpop groups that I know until 2012 hahaha after that I don't know any and don't fell that i need to know any them...
I'm the same! I will gradually but very slowly get into new bands. I recently got into EXO just last year! And i got into got7 just the end of last year and now I'm attending their concert this July! You're not close minded, you have preferences in which group you want to listen to. They're the bigoted ones who called you that. Ignorant fans who think everyone should think like them. Everyone is NOT the same we have our own opinions and preferences. We don't have to like the same thing as them.
omg i completely understand. I just can't get into new groups like I did with the old groups. I am not trying to start a fight with anyone but I feel like a lot of the popular groups these days are only so popular because of visual. I mean had DBSK or SJ been just visual with no vocal talent at all they would've been crushed back in the day. They wouldn't have even made it as far as they did. Idk maybe I am just a stubborn old lady.
I am the same, too. You're not close minded. I do not believe in torturing myself. I do not care for new groups and no one can make me care for them. Life is too short and I want to enjoy it doing what I like.
I understand completely. There are a few new groups I may like some songs from, but I can't get into them like the older ones. I feel like it's an age difference thing for me. If a group consists of a bunch of teenage boys, I just see children dancing, lol. Idk, I gues I'm just old. I'll stick with Suju. They're in my age group, lol
kyouya3 #10
I feel you, ignore them...Just think we're different generation LOL...I mean, we do know the new bands existence but nah, they're not our type hahahahaha, too small for me, make me feel like e LMAO
Don't worry about what people say, everyone has their own tastes :D
same here.
i only listen to tvxq and other band from their era - bigbang, 2pm, suju. i still proud of them and myself for liking and stick to them till now.
I didnt even know any of new group. last new group that i have ever know was. . . urm.. exo? haha!
its like my time 'stop' after that.
btw, who care? Everyone has their own taste ^^