secret garden : LEE Misun



▸ Umma Lee — Misun was already a mom-type figure to several of the trainees, having been at Saseum since the early days.

DATE OF BIRTH : November 18, 1994 (21)
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea

▸ Korean — Fluent; Native Language

FACE CLAIM : Im Minji (FIESTAR's Linzy)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Yu Taeha (Berry Good)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 158cm and 46kg

▸ Misun has the sort of face that you can't really tell if she's really pretty or really average. She wouldn't necessarily stand out in a crowd, but once she catches one's attention it's hard to stop noticing her. She honestly doesn't do much appearance-wise - even her makeup has to be applied by someone else because she a) doesn't know how to apply makeup and b) doesn't really feel like wearing it most days. She's super short and borderline underweight, though that's due as much to her not eating much as it is to stress.

tell me about yourself


(+) Thoughtful, Flexible, Hard-Working, Caring, Peaceful
(-) Insecure, Perfectionist, Anxious, Non-commital, Reserved
(/) Polite, Soft-spoken

Misun is a very caring person and loves giving advice to the newer trainees when they have questions. She's very motherly in this way, gentle with both her praise and criticisms, and her soft-spoken nature makes people more willing to open up to her. She's an avid disliker of conflict and always tries to resolve any she finds herself in as peacefully as possible. She's always advocating compromise and open-mindedness, two things she herself practices as well. She can actually be very flexible when situations change abruptly, so long as no one is expecting her to fix everything. That's when her performance anxiety starts acting up and everything falls to .

Misun is great at being in charge so long as she's not actually aware that she is. She's a perfectionist on good days, and it's only worse when she realizes she's in charge of other people's performances and images as well. She's constantly aware of everything that could possibly go wrong, analyzing and agonizing over pointless details because she doesn't know how else to channel her nervous energy. She's prone to anxiety attacks when she has to make tough decisions and falters between them until collapsing into a mess of nerves. She hates to dissapoint or favor anyone in her decisions, so she gets very wishy-washy and non-commital, changing her mind at the drop of a hat and generally just trying to avoid having to make executive choices at all.

Basically she's a very nice person who likes taking care of other people but she absolutely crumbles when she's actually given responsibility.

Misun's life started out pretty much perfect. It was just her and her parents in a nice apartment in Seoul for the first ten years of her life. She attended a small private school and started voice lessons when she was 8 years old.  She had a few good friends and two loving parents - life was pretty much perfect for little MIsun.

And then her father had an affair.

Misun's happy little life crumbled very quicky from there. Her mother filed for divorce, but while she won custody of Misun (her father really didn't fight too hard on that one) she received almost nothing else. Kim Seok vanished with his mistress and his money the moment the verdict was given, and three years later the alimony checks stopped coming. Misun and her mother had to move to a much poorer district of Seoul and Misun had to drop out of her private school, and more painfully for the young girl her voice lessons. Misun didn't react to the abrupt changes in her life very well, and for a brief time she completely shut down. Her mother couldn't afford a proper therapist for her daughter, but the school counselor worked with the 10-year-old as well as he could.

When she was 12, Misun had pretty much returned to normal, though she was significantly more clingy than she used to be. She still had her passion for singing, and though she didn't get voice lessons again she sang constantly and did her best to keep practicing what she had learned from her two years of private lessons. When Misun was 14 years old Lee Jieun debuted with her single "Lost Child." Though IU wasn't well known from the start, Misun absolutely fell in love with the idol, as well as the idea of being a professional singer. Her mother wasn't very encouraging of the idea, stating how unstable an idol career was, as well as how taxing and expensive.

But when IU's populairity exploded with "Good Day", that sealed the deal for Misun - she wanted to sing, and nothing her mother said could convice her otherwise. It was one of the few things she'd ever fought with her mom about, and when Minri realized how serious Misun was about being a singer, she decided it would be better to be as supportive as she could be. They still couldn't afford lessons, but Misun joined the church choir so she could pratice more efficiently and she learned a few new tricks. Misun had a lot of potential as a singer, but without proper lessons she never fully reached it, which may have been a factor in the dissapointments of the next few years.

Misun promised her mother she would finish highschool before looking for a company to be a trainee under. She knew that trying to get in at an older age would hurt her chances, but she didn't want to argue with her mom anymore and she thought she had a good enough voice that age wouldn't matter too much.

Apparently she was wrong.

After graduating when she was 18, Misun started attending open auditions and sending audition tapes to any companies she could think of. However, every audition ended with and "I'm sorry, I just don't think you're what we're looking or right now" and she never heard back from the people she sent tapes to. She dug further and further into the idol world, applying to even the smallest of companies. She was 20 years old when she heard of a start-up company called Saseum Entertainment. She of course promptly sent them an audition tape - and to her immense shock and elation received a response. She had a private audition with the company a week later and passed, though they were clear that she needed to work on her voice some and her dancing a lot before she could debut. Misun didn't mind at all.

Training wasn't easy. Though she did pretty well in her voice classes, dancing was not something Misun could do naturally. When the S&S lineup was being decided, she wasn't even considered, which stung a bit but she understood it. She wasn't ready to stand on stage just yet. She continued her training, and often found herself giving advice to the influx of new trainees, a task she actually enjoyed a lot. She liked feeling needed, and like she was actually capable of being helpful. She improved quite a bit over the year, and when the Garden project group was put together she was one of the first (though not the first, which did bug her a little bit truth be told) people to be added to it.


▸ Bunnies. I mean, they're bunnies, how can you not like them?
▸ Martinis. She'll drink anything really, but martinis are her poison of choice
▸ Sweet foods
▸ Ballads
▸ Karakoke


▸ Bad smells. Misun has a very sensitive nose.
▸ Spending money
▸ Being in charge
▸ Sour food
▸ Seafood - she's allergic to shellfish


▸ Scrunching her nose when she smells something bad
▸ Checking her watch - whether or not she's actually wearing it
▸ Sitting cross-legged. Even on chairs.


▸ Baking. Screw diets when there are cookies around, amiright?
▸ Reading


▸ Misun is extremely thrifty, to the point of being excessive at times.
▸ Her stagename is the result of her pronouncing "Skylark" incorrectly
▸ Misun will always, without fail, attempt to start sing alongs on every car trip. Every. Single. One.
▸ Misun doesn't eat much. She says it's because she gets full easily, which is somewhat true, but it's also because she's perpetually stressed out and can't keep food down when she feels that way
▸ She's the resident bug-killer, being utterly unaffected by even the largest of insects and spiders. She even killed a scoripion once. She's still not sure where it came from.
▸ She'd like to help with lyrics for songs at some point in the future. She's not sure how good she'd be at it, but she thinks it could be fun
▸ She's a very light sleeper, and she rarely gets enough sleep on any given night
▸ She's a fan of EXO, SHINee, and VIXX in terms of Kpop groups, but she likes most groups, just not as much as those three. She says she's attracted to good dancers
▸ Her idea type is someone who's not too much taller than her, with a studious personality and a warm heart. She's very picky.
▸ Her favorite color is black.


friends & family



▸ Mother — Lee Minri (56) / Secretary / Quiet, Practical, Independent, Fussy / 8/10
Misun and Minri don't always see eye-to-eye, but they're very close nonetheless. Minri does what she can to be supportive of Misun's dreams, even if she doesn't completely understand them herself, and Misun sends most of her paychecks back to her mother and always cites her as one of the strongest women she knows.

▸ Father — Kim Seok (56) / Financial Consultant / Clever, Charismatic, Flirtatious, Impulsive / 3/10
Before the affair, Misun was a HUGE daddy's girl. After the affair she couldn't see a picture of him without bursting into a tearful rage. She absolutely hated him for a long time, but in time has calmed down. While she doesn't forgive him - not by a long shot - if he were to suddenly show up she wouldn't be completely against rebuilding burned bridges.

▸ Good Friends — Kim Nuan (23) / Leader of Sugar / Here / 7/10
Nuan and Misun started training at Saseum around the same time, and as they were both vocally-inclined they ended up seeing a lot of each other. Add that to their somewhat similar personalities and these two are peas in a pod. They can talk easily and Misun does ask Nuan for pointers sometimes. However, their friendship is stronger away from work, and they usually talk about anything but idol life when they have time to hang out.

impress me



PERSONA : The Smoll Mom


My Goddess Soyou for all things XD

think fast


why did you want to be an idol? : 

▸ Well, my original dream was to be a solo artist, like IU or LYN sunbaenims, but after being in this project I've found I really love having other girls to support me as well. Singing on stage has always been my dream, and I'm happy to share it with the girls I've come to love.

why did you pick saseum entertainment? : 

▸ Honestly you guys were the first and only ones who accepted my appliaction. It was a little discouraging at first, but I'm really happy here. I don't think I'd have found as wonderful people anywhere else, and I'm proud to call myself part of this family.

which sunbae do you admire most?: 

▸ Well, IU-sunbaenim was one of my very first role models, and I still look up to her quite a bit to this day. She's humble and smart and beautiful, and of course she's an amazing singer. I hope I can be like her someday.

anything you'd like to say to me, the ceo?: 

▸ Thank you so much for giving me a chance when no one else would! I promise I'll do everything in my power to not let you down!

LOVE INTEREST : Kurosawa Natsume


It's this dork :P


▸ Misun knew Natsume during his brief trainee period, but they weren't particularly close. For one thing they had different disciplines. For another Natsume debuted before she really had time to get to know him. But when she was announced to be the leader of the Garden project group, she immediately sought his advice - he seemed like the most competent leader in the company. And his advice proved helpful, even if she had a bit of an attack and couldn't quite follow through with it, so she started seeking him out whenever she had a problem.

▸ Time marched on and Misun was still going to Natsume for basically everything. And he was ever patient with her, asnwering her questions and continuing to dole out advice long after most people probably would have told her to take a hike. And she knew that too. Hence her crushing began. Misun isn't exactly good at hiding the fact she's a Natsume fangirl, but she likes to think she is and no one has corrected her yet. Her and Natsume are friends, but she definitely feels more strongly about him than he does about her.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Embarassingly giant and obvious crush on Misun's part. #NoticeMeSempai XD

ENDING :  Probably nothing happens and she just keeps being the sad little puppy she is XP

lilshocker8 : lils


So for relationships and stuff she probably knows most of the people who trained for a few months, at least a little bit, but I was lazy and didn't put them all in OTL


And this is not my best work I'm so sorry ;; I tried OTL XD



▸ The leaders bonding over how ty a gig being leader is XD
▸ Misun and her "secret" crush on Kuro
▸ Misun having an anxiety attack and it getting caught on camera (possibly forcing her to graduate?)

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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Why do people keep thinking I stalk apps I do no such thing I am a civilized person what are you talking about