Furry Friend Tag

Stolen from Jimin__lover


1) What is your pet’s name?

2) What kind of pet is it and what breed?

Chihuahua mix
3) How long have you had your pet friend?

Since I was 5, she's durning 9 soon
4) How did you get your pet?

We had her parents, and BAM! We got Softie
5) How old is your pet?

8 years human.
6) What are some quirky things about your pet’s personality?

She stares at me all the time. She sneaks into my room cause she doesn't sleep with me but my little sister who cries over her sleeping in my room. She hates all of my friends, basically.
7) What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?

She's my baby!
8) What are some of your favorite past times with your pet?

Just one? Probably when I found out she was born, we went out for vaction (like 2 months) and her mom gave birth and had them hidden under our storage building, but like I found out that she had been born and yeah.
9) What are the nicknames that you call your pet?

Baby, Puppy, , probably other but I can't think of any...


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uwu softie~ what a cute name
Chihuahuas are my lifeee