Full Name: Im Junhyung
JUNHO / thanks to being the other half to the set of twins, people may or may not have accidentally called junhyung by the wrong name. as a result, he sometimes acts along and pretends to be the 'junho' they need until he has to clarify it. 
JUN / a shorten version of his name. it makes it easier for people around him but harder to tell if it's for him or his brother.
THING 2 / when it comes to being twins, nicknames like these come along with it. 
GRETEL / since his brother is the more meaner one, junhyung often steps in to save him. in correlation to the story, junhyung saves junho from the 'witches' or in this case, hyo ryoji or anyone who dares to lay a finger on him. 
Birthdate: 09. 23. 96
- Korean (Native Tongue)
- English (Conversational)
- Japanese (Very broken but his efforts are seen)

Faceclaim: Minhyuk (MONSTA X)
Back-up Faceclaim: Wonho (MONSTA X)

Appearance: aside from being 179cm and 60kg, minhyuk has a lean atheletic build. his clothes doesn't justify his toned body which leaves everyone impressed when they find out what's under his shirt. he doesn't have control over his hair so everyday is a surprise for even himself. 

magi / minnamsoom / 8/10
positives ) expressive, considerate, playful, cooperative, generous
negatives ) dishonest, secretive, analytical, overachieving, competitive
Expanded Personality:

→ On the outside, Junhyung is a polite boy. Unlike his twin counterpart, his limit isn't as reckless and he prefers to think about everyone's feelings before anything else. When he's with his brother, he turns more expressive and more comfortable with his enviorment whether the camera was aimed at him or not. He strives to create a positive humorous atmosphere for audience and his co-workers. He never forgets to say his 'thank you's and 'please's and always gives his upmost attention to whoever he's speaking to. He's the ideal son-in-law any parent would be proud of having. His morality would follow the golden rule where he'd treat others nicely with the same in return. He works to complete the gaps in the group, adding more to the performance with subtle effects, thinking about them before himself. He doesn't like to view everyone negatively unless something was done against him in aggression. It's not Junhyung versus the world, it's Junhyung and the world. 

→Despite being polite and smiles, Junhyung is
ambitious. His motivation to suceed excels others as he finds himself practicing more than his groupmates. Junhyung wants performances to be perfect and to be ahead of the game. He does more beyond the expectations set purposely and it makes him into a 'try-hard'. When it comes to games, his gentleman side dissolves into an adrenaline freak. He doesn't like being handed the first placed ribbon for losers so he puts 110% into even the most casual of games. Others might see his efforts to be his downfall but it's his efforts that tightens the group's performance overall and makes the game interesting. 

→On the inside, there's many hidden layers to Junhyung's personality. While his gentleman image appears on the outside, his actions appear as a double-edged knife. "Kill with kindness" as Junhyung would state. He figured politeness was the way to capture everyone's trust and to him, it seemed to work. What everyone doesn't know is how much the man lies through his toothy smile. He lies to save others, protect others, and protect himself. He despises being vunerable and see-through in everyone's eyes so he hides it with a wall laced with little white-lies and fake emotion. He never appears hurt or upset even away from the camera and all of it's to avoid being manipulated with strings wrapped around his neck. While he protects himself, he takes a closer look at everyone else, analyzing their behavior and thinking of possible ways to slip into their good side and avoid trouble. The only person he trusts is his brother and even then, Junhyung still keeps secrets up his sleeves.  
→ fairy tales

→ snow / cold weather
→ literature (favorite piece: modest proposal)
→ thunderstorms  

→ minimalism
→ strong scents (especially the more flowery perfumes)
→ hot drinks  

→ idle behavior (aka: doing nothing)
→ summer
→ caramel
→ sports (soccer and running)
→ gaming (mostly one player games, doesn't play any co-op unless told to)
→ billards

→ occasionally dances while he's walking with hand motions or 'popping'. 
→ takes off his shirt in the middle of the night while he's asleep.
→ running his hand through his hair during performances. 

→ despite the many lying layers of his personality, junhyung may or may not purposely have a poor poker-face during card games. 
→ junhyung gets
more paper cuts than he does girls. 
→ he prefers to have
fun patterened socks and bandaids more than regular socks and bandaids. other than that, his style is minimalistic 
→ junhyung tried to learn how to play
violin but that motivation never last more than a few weeks with one practice per week. 
→ if he's not practicing his own dances, he's practicing
dances from other groups
→ whenever he laughs, he always hits or holds onto someone. 
→ despite coming back late at night, he prefers to
rise with the sun.
→ he doesn't mind being compared to his brother. but whenever junho shows off a talent and is asked if he has any, he
jokes around with the idea more than actually stating his talents. 
→ because he is
one centimeter taller than his twin brother, mamamoo's 1cm taller than you is blurted out when given the chance
→ when junhyung and junho were kids, the two would
constantly be competing against eachother even if it's for the smallest things. junho would always win as a result but junhyung would always be in denial due to his competitive nature. so the younger one would force him to play over and over until junhyung won. now that they're older, junhyung can finally beat junho without needing the best two out of three. 

Are you satisfied with the position you've been given? I'm satisfied with any position you give me. My only worry is if you're satisfied with my performance. 

Are you jealous of any of the other boys? I can't really say no, ma'am. But I wouldn't want to steal something that's rightfully their's, either. I'm only jealous of their high-achieving performance. 

Who are you the closest with? brother? There's a special connection between us two being twins despite the other boys being family to us. However, I'm comfortable with a lot of people so it's hard for me to answer this question with certainty. 

Do you feel most comfortable with me, Shiwoo, Aejung, or Yeonseok? You, of course, Han Ryoji. Must I say anymore?

Stage Name: Junhyung
Suggested Fan Name for SQUAD: UNIT
Suggested Fan Color for SQUAD:  

Singing Twin: MONSTA  X's Minhyuk (DAY6's Jae)
Dancing Twin: SHINee's Taemin (INFINITE's Hoya)
Rapping Twin: HISTORY's Jaeho (TEEN TOP's CAP)

Ideal Type:
→"Our fans, of course."

→"Someone...who has really nice eyes, nice hair, and is very adventerous?"
→"I don't necessarily care what she'd wear, she probably looks pretty in everything."

→ Girl's Day
→ BTOB's Minhyuk and Sungjae
→ BTS's Seokjin

→"Our family had an uneven distribtution of daughters and sons. We're the only sons while there's five daughters older than us."
→"Our parents really wanted a boy so they got a deal and had us!"
→"The family is big overall so we're often diverse in everything."
ual orientation: straight, sometimes bi-curious

love interest: Aejung
back-up love interest: i.o.i's sejeong

first meeting
interactions: the two often talk inbetween lessons and sometimes during their freetime. most of it is aejung teaching minhyuk about things that happens outside of life he has yet to experience.

end game: it was invietable that junhyung wasn't going to end up with his first love. of course he wasn't. she was 40 and junhyung was obviously way younger than that. because of the stigma that lies within the drastic age difference, junhyung never confessed his true feelings and buried it under practices and lessons. 

even with a crack in his chest, junhyung's wandering heart might find another love either for the better, or for the worst. 

this is where he meets sejeong, a breath of fresh air. the two had an awkward relationship at first but as they spend more time with eachother, junhyung realizes he wants to protect her heart as he falls for her. instead of confessing his feelings, he falls love-sick and keeps it hidden away once again. 

comments: hi!! omg i hope this isn't too much.. . i'm sorry for the huge chunk of texts ;; may have gotten a bit carried away with this one. i kinda used the love interest box in a weird way? since it's not necessarily if the initial person is taken, it's part of the story. i can put a back-up back-up if you want! :,>

scene suggestions:
> junhyung saving junho from getting in trouble or servely punished.
> his polite-ness taking a turn for the worse like pulling a chair out for someone but ends up pulling it out too much so the person fell.
> tba!!

password: here! 



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