Personal Stuff and a Fanfic Idea?

This is my first legitimate blog post, so I'm not exactly used to this. Excuse me while I ramble and bumble my way through this travesty of a blog post. I was part of my school's play and now it's over. It's my last year in high school and the majority of the cast are grade 9s and 10s. I love the cast very much and we've really bonded with one another. I cherish them more than anything and I'm happy that I had such a stunning cast to stage manage. I'm graduating, so it's going to be really hard to part ways with them. Especially since I probably won't see them again when I leave high school.


Now we come to the the meat of this blog post. Last night, we had a cast & crew party. It was awesome and I may have gotten a little bit drunk. Anyways, it was a pretty small cast and we had that party. At said party there were 3 groups of people; those of us who were entirely or somewhat sober, people who were totally piss drunk and people who got caught in the drama. There was some overlap between those 3 groups. The drama people (ironic since we were all involved in the play) are who I'm going to discuss. Leaving out real names and referring to them with their stage names.


So there's this guy in the play that I like. Let's call him Wolfie. He's smart and funny and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Those of you reading this have never seen my face, but I assure you I am a potato and not a very nice person offline. Therefore I stand 0 chance. Anyways, Wolfie likes Stepmother. They're two of the main character and, as such, have spent a lot of time together. Now we introduce Bill, an exchange student from South America who also likes Stepmother. And herein lies the drama. Lastly, we have a minor player in this drama: Manager. She was my fellow stage manager and I'm like half in love with her (no homo)


Bill and Manager made out and shortly after, Bill announced his more than platonic feelings for Stepmother. Bill hadn't told her how he felt about her earlier because they had been living together. For those who don't know how student exchange works, exchange students live with 3-4 different host families during their stay and Stepmother was Bill's second host family. So, technically speaking, Stepmother was Bill's host sister. He's liked Stepmother since he first got here, but didn't say anything for fear that it would make things awkward while they lived together or jeopardize his student exchange. Now that Bill is in a different house, he felt confident in confessing his feelings for her. The previous beers probably helped too. They call it liquid courage for a reason. So, Bill confessed to her. She began to cry because she too was drunk. So they had a heart to heart.


Afterwards, Wolfie and Stepmother talked about it and, though I couldn't get the information from him, Wolfie (I believe) made his feelings known and clear. So basically Stepmother is caught in a love triangle and so is Bill. Bill not so much because Manager is super mature and knows that she made a drunken mistake by macking on Bill. Still, I felt like mentioning it because it adds to the drama. So there's the tale. I like Wolfie, Wolfie likes Stepmother and so does Bill.


I want to make my feelings known to Wolfie because I really do like him. I feel like everybody knows that I like him, maybe even Wolfie himself. I'm rubbish at flirting and am not subtle at all. Stepmother was even afraid that if she chose Wolfie, I would be angry at her. And I wouldn't be because it's her life and Wolfie's choice. I'm just a bystander with a crush on Wolfie. I'm not that important. I'm trying not to involve myself too much in the love triangle. At the same time though I want to be straight up with Wolfie and let him know that I like him. I think I'll do it tomorrow at school. It's a long shot, but I might as well throw my hat into the ring.


So here's the whole point to this blog post. It may seem like a move, but I kind of want to write a fanfiction about it. They say write what you know about, so I want to write about this. Obviously I can and will be taking creative liberties with the story. Anyways, would people actually read about something like that? It's cliche and I can hardly believe that this situation actually transpired in real life.


I'm pretty sure I'm going to turn this into a fanfiction. Maybe not now, but eventually. If I did, who should play which role? I was thinking of choosing Jackson to play the role of Bill because, even though you don't know him in real life, Bill has a similar personality to Jackson. And should I only use one group for the male characters? I don't think I will because I want to mix it up. I'll also be casting other people to be background characters and the rest of the cast in the play. Lastly, whose point of view should it be from? Mine, Stepmother or Manager? Or somebody else's? My own point of view would be easier, but I want to see what you guys think. As you know self-inserts as frowned upon, but shhh. Nevermind that.


Anyways, here's my long,dumb and rambly blog post about real life drama. If you've read through this whole thing, I love you!


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Well one, I'm sorry this is happening to you. I've never had to experience something like this before, (#foreveralonesquad).

Two, I think maybe alternate povs at certain points to see it from another's perspective. And don't worry about putting yourself into the story I do it all the time. If it will help your story do what you need.