✖「 Young Avengers 」 - Hugh Stark

hugh stark


hugh stark

Hugh stark

userNAME — kimzie

nicknAme — Suzie

activity rate — 8-9/10


name — Hugh Stark

nickname(s) — 
3rd generation casanova — both his father, Tony, and his grandfather, Howard, were casanovas and playboys
birthdate — 17th January, 1996

birthplace — Malibu, California, USA
age — 20
Ethinicity — American

ENGlish — native - born and raised in US
russian — conversational - he was taught by Natasha Romanoff and then studied further for himself. He practices Russian by talking to Kat in Russian sometimes.
german — conversational - self-taught

does this cape make me look fat?

face claim — Nick Robinson

gallery —  

backup face claim — Dylan O'Brien

gallery —  


appearance — Hugh is considered extremely handson and has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is tall, standing at 185cm and weighs 73kg. He is well built and has a toned, defined body and is considered very handsome. He often has lots of girls swooning over his looks.

fashion style — Hugh prefers to dress comfortably and casually when at home, but when going out to the public he dresses formally in a suit as he needs to look cool and classy in front of the cameras.

superhero look — Just like his father Hugh has an armour as his suit, but his is much lighter for easier movement, but also extremely strong and durable, but needs much more maintainance.   

why aren't there synonyms for 'me'. after all i am the best


traits — (+) diplomatic; charming; funny; confident; intelligent  (-) spoilt; arrogant; lazy; blunt; sarcastic


As they say: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you don't know Hugh well and you're not close to him, but you saw him face to face and talked to him, the chances of hating him are huge. Well, even if you do know him it is quite likely that you would hate him too. He is, to put it simply, a spoilt brat. He grew up a billionaire so he always got whatever he wanted, even before he was even able to walk.

He can also be very arrogant as he was raised by Tony to always value himself above others as he was Hugh Stark. the son of the great Tony Stark. He was also often told that he was a genius and gained lots of publicity and attention ever since he was a child as another genius heir to Stark Industries. Also due to his constant publicity and talking to lots of people since he could remember and thanks to Tony's tips, Hugh is very diplomatic and can turn people's words in a discrete way to get what he wants and make them agree with him. He is very tactful when dealing with people.

Hugh is also very self-confident as he was always taught to say what was on his mind and always give his imput in whatever the topic is. This, though also means that he often doesn't think through what he says and is imulsive and blunt, therefore often ends up offending people. Not like it bothers him in the slightest, though. Despite this, all his actions are always thought through and planned out. At least most of the time.

He is extremely intelligent and as a very high IQ, but if he has no motivation to do something he won't do it and can be lazy. He often prefers to stay home doing nothing or playing games than going out somewhere, unless it's a party or somewhere where he can have fun.

Hugh also inherits the famous Stark sarcasm and is sarcastic to almost everyone and almost all the time. It's like another language that is native to him. He is also considered funny and very charming. Almost all girls fall for him with only one look from him; that's also another inherited trait in the Stark family.

He loves giving nicknames to people:

Kat Romanoff = Babushka
Zuri = Kitty (he starts calling her this after seeing hersuperhero look), Princess (picked up from his dad as he finds it funny how she gets annoyed at it)
Sigyn = Powerpuff (he's the 'idiot' who keeps using nicknames for her)
Serenity = always uses bird puns when she's around (eg. 'well that's HAWKward' 'I can SPARROW few moments' 'that must be such a BIRDen' etc.)


background — Hugh was bornin 1996 in New York to Tony Stark (former CEO of Stark Industries) and Pepper Potts (CEO of Stark Industries). Due to the fact that he was born to a billionaire family he has always got whatever he wanted. Hugh was, like his father, gifted with extremely high inteligence and genius and from an early age as he would accompany his father in his lab and watch what he was doing, then copy it exactly and by the time he had turned 10 he would regularly help out his Tony in what he was doing. This did not exactly make Pepper Potts happy as she hated the idea of Hugh becoming a fanatic like Tony and seeing such a young child get involved with designing weapons. She would try to drag him to her office with her or leave him at home with a nanny after school, but it never worked out as Tony somehow always managed to get Hugh away from there back to get Hugh to learn his skills.


Aged 10 Hugh began building his first robots and mechanical devices and aged 12 he secretly designed and built his first weapon single handedly. He also watched Tony desing and build the Jericho missile, though he was not allowed to get involved in the building of that particular model. Tony knew how pissed Pepper would be if she even found out that Hugh was watching it being built. That same year Tony was kidnapped in Afghanistan and there were no traces of him for 3 months. During that time Hugh spent all of his time in Tony's lab with J.A.R.V.I.S and did not leave or want to talk to anyone, including Pepper, and would constantly build things as he learnt a lot while watching Tony in order to get the possibility of his dad not coming back off his mind. When Tony returned, Hugh was extremely fascinated by the minature Arc Reactor and the armours he began building. From that time onwards Hugh would spend even more time with his father and also started getting publicity as Tony Stark's son 


In 2012, when Hugh was 16, he and Pepper were kidnapped during the Mandarin crisis and injected with Extremis. Tony managed to cure Pepper completely of Extremis, but for some reason was unable to completely cure Hugh, though he managed to stabilize it, so that Hugh would not be in danger of heating up and exploding. After these events, Pepper sent Hugh away to study Economics at MIT as she didn't want him involved with the Avengers and these 'superhero games', but he also took up Mechanical Engineering without telling her.


When he finished college he went beck to working with Tony who was building new suits without Pepper's knowledge as he couldn't give up being Iron Man. They also trained together and Tony would occasionally take Hugh to see the Avengers. They kept this a secret from Pepper at first, but eventually she found out and got extremely angry. Even after Tony left the avengers, Hugh would visit them occasionally and got to know some of their children.


Hugh is currently using Tony's A.I. Friday, but is working on and programing his own artificial intelligence: INDIGO (Innovating New Designed Intelligence for Grand Opperations)

Hugh later programs WAIFU (Wise Artificial Intelligence For Urgencies) as a backup A.I.

Occupation or student — graduated from MIT, majoring in both Economics and Mechanical Engineering, and is now working alongside his father at Stak Industry and studying Computer Science. He has a large input in Stark Industries ever since he graduated for university.

✖ — Technology
✖ — Parties
✖ — Attention
✖ — Video games
✖ — Taco Bell and Burger King
✖ — Music, especially Classic Rock
✖ — Coffee
✖ — Girls

✖ — "Narrow-minded morons"
✖ — Rom-coms and TV soaps
✖ — Tomatoes
✖ — Cats
✖ — Routines
✖ — Germs

✖ — Kick-boxing
✖ — Programming
✖ — Playing video games in his spare time

✖ — Cracking his neck and knuckles, especially before working (with computers, programming and hacking)
✖ — Not sleeping or eating for a long time if he is concentrating or working on something intensely
✖ — Nicknaming everyone he knows or speaks to or about.

✖ — He is a fan of Guns'n'Roses, Led Zeppelin, The Who and Rolling Stones, as well as Linkin Park
✖ — He can't cook
✖ — He has a high alcohol tolerance
✖ — He loves making jokes about other people and will never miss a chance to do so
✖ — He graduated MIT majoring in Economics and Mechanical Engineering with honours aged 18. He finished faster than other students as he was completing 2 years of the course in the space of 1 year.

✖ — He loves hacking into other people's SNS and subtly altering their photos. Just for fun 

imma fly right into the sun. Not until you do your homework!



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Father | tony stark | 46 | arrogant; egotistic; genius; sarcastic; eccentric
— Like father, like son. Hugh is very close to Tony as he spent most of his time with him, often in his private lab watching him work and helping him. Tony is very proud and glad that Hugh grew up to be so much like him in both intelectual sense and personality and ego. When together, no one can win against them in sarcasm and sass. Tony often has Hugh work with him in his lab to help him and also so that Hugh gets more experience. They either joke around together or talk pure science where few understand them. Hugh is proud to call himself the son of a 'genius billionaire playboy philanthropist'

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mother | ia "pepper" potts | 41 | responsible; caring; strict; loving
— Pepper had always the protective kind of mother who would do anything to ensure the safety of Hugh. This meant she didn't want him to get too involved with Stark Industries weapon production as she though that he was too young, which is something she always argued about with Tony. After Tony's kidnapping she got even more worried about Hugh and tried to stop him from assisting Tony and what more get involved with the Avengers or wanting to become a superhero like his dad. After her and Hugh's kidnapping by Killian she decided it would be best for Hugh to completely but himself off from Tony and his work by going to MIT, but it didn't work out according to her plan, so she finally gave in and let him follow Tony's footsteps. She is still not very sure about whether this is good for him. Hugh had seen Pepper's actions not as protective in nature, but felt as though she was trying to stop him from following his dream.




wpEKXR.gif  tumblr_nbh71fgLt21s6bxzqo3_r1_500.gif  Game-of-Thrones-Season-3-Daenerys-Targar 
best friend | war machine's child | applicant
— Since their parents were very close friends the two had known each other since they were toddlers. They see each other very often and are close friends. They can always rely on each other's help when they need it. Hugh is the only person who can convince him to do stupid things with him.

who knows how to dismantle a security camera?

aliasIron Ingenio


HEALING - he had been kidnapped along with Pepper by Aldrich Killian and injected with Extremis. Unlike with Pepper, Tony wasn't able to cure Hugh completely of xtremis, but managed to stabilize it and prevent heating and exploding. (he is later cured of Extremis and loses this healing ability)


ARMOUR - co-created with his father. it is made of an alloy of nickle and titanium with additions of single-crystal titanium and carbon nano-tubes. It is very durable, but is high maintainance. It gives him the ability to fly, increases his strength and speed and has repulsors and missiles.


GENIUS INTELLIGENCE - Hugh was born a genius and has great intelectual capabilities. He learns very quickly and is generally extremely smart, though he is not the tactician type.


HACKING AND PROGRAMMING - He had learnt a lot when watching Tony, but he only truely started learning programming when he took up a Computer Science course. He is the top in his yearand is already far ahead of the course expectations


PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY - he remembers almost everything he sees with detail

KICKBOXING - He was taught hand-to-hand combat by Tony. Hugh trained a lot with Tony and they often spar together.


weakness —

- without his armour, in combat against armed oponents Hugh is almost powerless as he has no super powers apart form healing abilities. These, since they originated from Extremis even though the Extremis has been stabilized to some extent, still may pose a danger. If he is really brought to the edge during battle, his Extremis is at risk of losing stability and putting his life in danger.
(after being cured: he has no super powers at all and without his armour he can't do much)

the team — At first Hugh wasn't really excited about joining the Young Avengers as he had never really worked well in a team before. Only the fact that he knew some of the members of the team managed to convince him to join. He hopes that they can make a better team than the previous avengers, especially since he knew well what had happened recently between Tony and Steve. At first he was especially careful with and unwilling to really co-operate with Steve's child, but over time the rest of the team members managed to make them get along (though they still bicker a lot)

hey. you know i love you, right?

love interest — Female Applicant

faceclaimIf you have a OC for a love interest or if the name is different from their actual name.

backup love interest — No love interest (just being the typical player flirting with everyone)


ethnicity — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

birthday / age — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Power or Abilitydo they have a power or ability? Are they a superhero?

aliasLorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

personalityDescribe it to me. ( One or two paragraphs or more is fine)

first meetingHow did they meet?  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

interactionHow do they act around each other? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

relationship status — Couple? Good Friends turning into to lovers? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

time to assemble!

comments/suggestions — Finally finished! I hope you like Hugh and if there's anything I need to change, just tell me.
(ps. I haven't seen Civil War yet sooo I don't know exactly what's happening right now... It's sad I didn't have time to watch it yet and now I've made a promise with my friend to watch it after our exams finish but I'm soooo tempted to watch it)

scene requests

During a mission he almost gets killed and his Extremis loses stability. Another member of the team manages to get to him on time to inject him with a serum to temporarily stop him from heating up and he's taken back to Tony who, after years of research he did alongside his usual work, finally manages to cure him. Hugh loses his healing abilities after that.
passwordHugh's theme song - Heroes

turn in — back to the story


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hi hi hi, came to stalk apps lmao. are you fine with me putting you down for a love interest???
I just came to stalk apps, you know, and I saw that little nickname part for Sigyn and believe it or not, I totally imagined Stark's child being the one using nickname for her - that's such a Stark thing to do. So thanks for that little example with her lmao
And bless you for using Heroes for a theme song because Eurovision is one hell of a show and Mans had a wonderful song o/
(and I love your character already *cough*thisguyissohandsome*cough*)