Is it okay to just delete everything and start over?

Hey guys!

   I know it's been AGES since you last heard from me or received an update. As soon as I started uni, I always made myself promise that I'll have some time to update but I never did get the chance to sit down and write properly. Also when I sat down a few days ago to write something I couldn't and then I realised that I just lost interest in my current ones and I came up with new interesting plots to write about. I know you guys have been disappointed  not hearing from me and then now I'm planning to delete em. Before I do anything I want to hear from you guys through the poll I added.


Thank you !





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pyrokinetic #1
I had the same issues when I stopped writing, though I never wrote down any of my new stuff. I can't say for sure what you should do, but for me when I reminisce I like to reread my incomplete stories, just for my own sake. Other things I will delete, like blogs, posts, but the stories took a lot of time and effort. So I don't think you should delete them, but make them private! If one day you work up the inspiration to finish, then they'll be write there waiting (see what I did there?) Anyway, do what feels write! (AGAIN! c;)
same problem here...
author-nim it's ok with me if you wanna delete and make a new one...
I have the same problem after a long hiatus. :(
I just find that my plot was boring and want to change into a new plot but I'm scared that the readers got blur with the fanfics cause I have change one of the fanfic and the readers said that they got confuse with the new updates.
I think it's better for you to delete and make a new one^^