the girl and the three idiots that wouldn't leave her alone

Once upon a time there was a girl that didn't date much. She was courted by three boys which she immediately turned down. One boy only knew her name but didn't understand a thing about the girl. The other two knew her well and asked to see her again. Of the last two boys the first was desperate and asked her continuously and was circumlocutory in his actions as well. This angered the girl to the point where she laid their friendship on the line and told him her feelings once more, but very bluntly. The boy coward away with his tail pressed between his legs still hoping that he stood a chance. The last boy was very different. He was much like the one before, unable to take a hint, but he constantly bullied the girl, almost causing her serious harm. When she turned him down he seemed to think of it as her: caring for their friendship, but the truth was he was more of an annoying little brother. Somedays he would hassle her asking where she was and what she was doing, but there was no bond (other than that of siblings). He tired the girl and she stopped writing back to him, speaking casually to him and other simple things. The truth was she didn't like him and couldn't anyways with their closeness. So the girl bottled up all her feelings and turned them into a story of the girl and the three idiots that wouldn't leave her alone. :P


You don't need other people to be happy. Maybe it would be nice, but I don't believe happiness comes from disparity.


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Ahahaha... That was a beautiful message right there^. :D