10k Word Writing Contest

So my friend Chloe (s_jseok) and I have decided to enter the Word Count Writing Contest, under the 10k category (hopefully we can change to 20k if we end up writing 20k words).


The story we are entering is called "Home" and we actually haven't even finished it yet! It would be much appreciated if you could check the story out!~

But here is an opening summary:


Junhee’s parents died when she was 4 years old, her older brother (Junhong) vanished then, and she came to live with the Kim’s (Taehyung, Seokjin, Himchan, and their parents). After living with the Kim’s for 4 years their home burns down and Mr and Mrs Kim die in that fire, Himchan (as the oldest) takes them to live with him and his friend Bang Yongguk. When Junhee and Jungkook (Junhee's best friend) are in the 8th grade, about to be 9th graders, Taehyung and Jongup are 9th graders about to go to high school, and that’s when Junhee finds out that Jongup is like her. Jongup comes to live with them then. 


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