051416: Updates on Life


TeaMinT's letter got me thinking about a lot of things. 

In my first few weeks here in AFF, I sent a lot of friend request and talked to almost everyone. But now, I've been preoccupied that I have a bunch of unread messages and I've become distant to even my close friends.

I would like to say sorry if it took me a while to reply to your messages and thank you for putting up with my erratic mood.



On the other hand, here are some new things about me,

* Remember my accident a month ago? My foot's on a cast and I don't know when this will be removed.

* I made a twitter account. Grandma cathe had to download the app so she can change the display pictures. Haha.

* I also made a Line account. Haha

* I've been keeping tabs on different fanfiction fests on Livejournal. It's fun and exciting to leave prompts. I actually signed up on two fests so I'll be submitting two stories. Hopefully I can finish on time.

* Most importantly,

We officially launched our first beta on G:Maker's Fanfiction Rally. Just read the intro/first part of the story then send in your continuation. Don't forget to sign up first!




Have a wonderful day and be safe always!


- cathe


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I can totally agree to everything you quoted/referenced to cos that's everything I am too?

And you have a pink cast on your foot! Kikay?! But I am sorry to know that it is still uncertain when they can be removed. I hope you recover sooner than expected. But glad to know you have been busy nowadays. Seems like you are enjoying yourself, I actually envy you, being productive and all. Have fun dear!

(hey, I don't know how 2 introverts do it together but if you feel like saying something, sharing something or anything to me, don't hesitate to approach me or send me as message, I am always here, even more than I stay in FB. You may not need my (un)expert advice but know I care ok? See yah around dear!

ps. I can't find TeaMinT's letter at all. Was curious. But it doesn't matter.)