Krisho Ficfest


Is Krisho your otp?

Do you believe in Kris&Suho's ship?


Then, you're exactly who we're looking for!

A Hundred Times Over Fanfiction Fest is in need of one moderator.

Send us a message on twitter or on the livejournal account and we'll send you the application form.


Let's help authors create beautifully written stories.



I hope to hear from you!


- cathe




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ToxicVixen #1
should i join? should i not? hahahhahaha im not even sure if im joining selubration
im cryingggg i want to join both so badlyyy :(
KrisHo! my ultimate EXO ship!! idk if I would be able to write good fanfics (since i normally write female x idol) but I'd like to try :)
My other otp! But yay for no experience and no time! Though I hope to partake in reading the stories! Thanks for sharing awareness!
I ship them so hard but I don't have time ;-;