KBS Audition

So like I said before I'm going to audition for KBS with a friend, but we couldn't record together of the weekend so I've decided to go solo for the audition. Thing is, I'M TOO CHICKEN TO TELL MY PARENTS THAT I WANT TO AUDITION AND I NEED A SIGNATURE FROM THEM! And they'll also probably have to help me record... So my friend and I can't do audition together because of our schedules, this week I have track practices and tomorrow a track meet, she is going to a camp that her school is sending her to (my school never took us to a camp, but then again I lived in a different state when I was in elementary...).

I'm thinking of dancing to BTS "Dope", B.A.P "Young, Wild, & Free", B.A.P "Feel So Good", and/or 4Minute "Hate". I'll probably record them all and upload them all and just pick one to send as my audition clip. Another problem I have is that I don't really know when a good time is to record, like the last time I did it before practice (HISTORY "Queen" [I wasn't able to send it to my email so I couldn't upload it...]) I was late and I left my clothes for practice at home because I was in such a rush...

BTS "Dope": I'm thinking of wearing black denim pants, white dress shirt, bow tie, and black Vans.

B.A.P "Young, Wild, & Free": I'll probably wear black denim pants, black v neck, and black laced boots.

B.A.P "Feel So Good": I was thinking a boyfriend look so denim jeans, white v neck, blue button up (with a little denim look to them), and brown work boots.

4Minute "Hate": I could only think of wearing black sweatpants, a white tank top, red (or black) bandanna, and my basketball shoes (they are blue so I might use my black bandanna instead).

Filming time: I should probably talk to my parents first before I record... I'm such a chicken though! I fear they are going to say "no" like they did when I tried to join "Let's Dance! B.A.P 'Feel So Good'". My dad said no to that because of my grades so I'll work on bring my grade up in science here in a little bit... My mom said no because "there was no point in me doing it" but there is a cash prize of $1000, so I'll just use that to kinda bribe my mom into letting me do it, I guess. I could probably record after practice if I talk to my parents about it, I only have until the 10th of this month so I need to stop being a chicken! On Saturday, the 7th, we are going to leave for California and we won't be back until the 11th so I really need to stop being a chicken...

So with my dad I need to get my grades up, so I'll work on my science stuff, but I also have a speech for ELA due soon and my teacher wants my topic for it today and I don't know what to do for it.. She said"this is the overall main idea of your speech – no video game or related, no gender/uality, no “hate-filled” political or national hot-buttons like abortion" so now I really don't know what to do for it, not like I did in the first place really... Well I guess I wanted to say something about Greek mythology but, nah, I guess I said I was going to do a topic on learing world languages...




Pretty much I just needed to get this stuff of my chest because I'm worrying so much and I just want to know that at least one person sees my struggles. If you were wondering what the audition form look like here's the link http://seattlen.com/kpop2016/

Also by any chance do you think there is any idol I may meet at Disneyland, any KPOP groups in LA area? WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO 2 WEEKS AFTER B.A.P WAS IN LA?!


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angeIicaIs #1
this is in Seattle?! omg i wanna audition now! i live in Seattle!