a delinquent's guide to high school ➳ min's school record

if i take my shirt off will you buy me ice cream?
name. Lee Min
shortie | said by nearly everyone in school for obvious reasons. It's his least favorite name.
min-min | a caring name given to him by his mother when he was young. Now a days he finds it embarassing when people call him that.
dance master min | no one calls him this; he created it for himself and whenever he masters a new dance move, he'll look at himself in the mirror, nod, and call himself this.

birthday. december 15th

birthplace. gangseo-gu, Busan, south korea
hometown. gangnam-gu, seoul, south korea

faceclaim. hansol of Topp Dogg
back-up faceclaim. hojoon of topp dogg

style. min is like any wannabe 'punk' on the planet. His favorie outfit to wear is usually a rocker t-shirt like metallica or even the rolling stones (even though he's not fans of either) the types of shirts where the sides are cut all the way down to the waist so his sides are present. Paired with distressed, ripped, dark black skinny jeans that are way to tight. nearly every outfit is consisted with his red converses that are so old his toes are poking out and they're more of a dark grey than a bright red. his whole closet consists of denim jackets, and all of the above. he hates wearing jewlery, but he does have a few different piercings that he never takes out. sometimes, when he's being super stupid, he'll take some of those fake tattoos (the ones that wash off) and will put them on and pretend that he got a tattoo; only to look cool. And then when it disappears one day he says that his mom made him get rid of it. his hair is usually a mess, like just a blob of curly strands of blonde hair flattented over his forehead because he hates showing off his forehead.
oh come on, look at these abs!
clique. street dancers
positive:  confident | out-going | funny | easy-going | caring
neutral: breezy | high-spirited | outspoken
negative: arrogant | shameless | blunt | whiny | hard-headed
confident and for a good reason. min grew up with the assurance from his caring mother, that no matter what he did, or where he went, he was always to be great. which meant, that whatever he did, his mother's words circulated in his brain and kept him thinking about how he could do practically anything. he's self-assured in that aspect. whether it's learning a new dance, taking a test which he didn't study for, or even asking someone out--he's always confident. because of his confidence, he's rather friendly, and outgoing. which means it's easy for him to get along with people--or act like he's getting along with people, even if he isn't. he's the type of person to talk animatedly about his favorite subjects. specifically dancing, himself, or anything about his favorite rappers at the moment (his favorite rappers always seem to change). he's also the type of guy who easily makes jokes out of whatever the conversation is about, even if it's super lame dad jokes (which on occasion he does sputter out). the only point of it, is to make others laugh, even if it's a small chuckle. he just enjoys making people laugh, even if he makes super lame jokes and has a horrible sense of humor some times. he can easily make people comfortable in any situation, even if they're the shyest person on the planet. he's caring in that sense. especially if one of his close friends isn't acting the way they usually are. he'll pull the person aside, away from prying eyes, and ask what's up. he'll ask them if they need to take a walk and talk it out. min tends to be a go with the flow type of guy. whatever happens, happens. whether it's good or bad, he'll go with it and figure out what to do from there. because he knows you can't change the situation your in with complaining. in return, he's a very approachable person if you're not someone who stereotypes others. in a general sense, min is sturdy. he's the type of guy who can take on other peoples troubles for no reason at all. he'd rather have the weight of the world on his shoulders than let the people he cares for struggle.
min can also be the type of guy who brushes you off when he's in a hurry or he's going through a rough situation. usually, it's not to be mean or rude; but, it's because he has a lot of things on his plate and the last thing he's thinking about is talking to you about how cute your cat is. that being said, he does have a tendency to hurt others by ignoring them if they have the audacity to piss him off. on the other hand, and most of min's life, he's very high-spirited. he's usually on a high, and almost never on a low. some people think he has add because of it; but, it's usually because he's either too hyped about something ridiculously stupid, or because he drank to much red bull in the morning. if someone says they did something great (like got an A on a hard test) he'd be the type of guy to initiate a slow clap (that no one claps with) then goes all out by cheering, and hugging them because damn that was a hard test. Or he'd be the type of guy where if someone is crying over something stupid, he'd laugh or maybe tell them they're being petty because he doesn't understand the point of crying over something stupid.which, in a since, makes him out-spoken. for a lot of people, that's why they don't like min. because, he'd go up to someone (who's wearing something really ugly) and not degrade them or anything but he'd state that they look ugly in those crocs or some like that. or he'd call someone out for being too proud, or too annoying. and a lot of people don't like getting called out on his ; but, he doesn't mind pointing it out for them.
on the other hand, min is beyond arrogant. it's not even funny anymore. when talking about his dancing, he'll state how he did this move better than so-and-so. putting the other person down to make himself look better. he'll talk wildly about how his abs are beyond that of any man in the whole damn world. if someone dares to disagree with him, he'll state how much better he is then said person just because they disagreed. he'll put others down to make himself feel better--which is why some people find him to be a bully. and to be quiet frank, he can be a bully. people easily get annoyed with him when he talks about himself out loud in front of others, like at lunch, or at dance practice even in the locker room when they're changing for fitness. he likes to proclaim that one time he was recruited to be an idol and that the woman said he was 'so visually handsome' that he'd probably debut a month after becoming a trainee. he's also somewhat shameless. such as, whenever there is a female present (in a thirty mile radius) he'll flirt. like not even good flirting, he'll use pick up lines. ty pick up lines.
"hey girl, can i tie your shoes?"
"cause i can't have you falling for someone else."
*girl awkwardly shuffles away* 
legit doesn't know how to flirt. and that's probably why he's never actually dated someone (despite him saying otherwise). he's also shameless in the way that he'll do anything to be the center of attention. one time he put a bag over his head in primary school and walked around the school for a whole day like that, any time someone would approach him he'd whisper 'free me'. his mother was called to school the next day, and he got in major trouble. he just wants attention; but not like how everyone wants attention, his is beyond that. just like him being out-spoken, he's very blunt. sometimes it comes off humorous to his friends when he tells their teacher that just because she's older doesn't mean she's better than them; but, most of the time it goes to far. like the one time he told one of their friends how their mother is a mistress and deserved to get put in jail for adultery. (said friend cried for weeks) and it's not just the fact that he says it, it's the fact that he doesn't apologize even though he's in the wrong. he even knows he's in the wrong but he just doesn't want to admit it. so sometimes his friends will just stop talking to him and he goes crazy. to the point that he'll grab onto one of their arms and whine like a little child. at first, being whiny, was a serious way to get his friends to talk to him again. but, after a while, it became a secret joke between them. like to the point that sometimes when he's pouting people will just call him a drama king and whiny baby. but none take it as an insult because they're not saying it in that sense. but when he is being whiny, a lot of people find him annoying. that doesn't make him stop though, he'll whiny for hours on end. though despite him acting really lame and being whiny, min is sly like a fox. he can get whatever he wants, by doing whatever needs to be done. even if that means hurting someone's chance at being the lead dancer of the new choreography. or even if it means getting someone in trouble to get where he wants to be. he doesn't mind stepping on a few fingers, or crushing somes dreams.  stubborn, as a freaking bull. min has always thought one way, and one way only. when people try and tell him to think otherwise it gets him angry. he'll get this face where it looks like he's constipated, and start telling them why his way of thinking is better and how they're a stupid deviant that deserves to get their kicked with his shoe. even when someone's challenging him, training him, or even stating their opinion--there is no way for people to say no to him when he tells them they're doing or saying something wrong. in these situations, min will do anything to win until he physically cannot. he's just, he's the type of guy who's an without meaning to be.
kiss me if i'm wrong but, dinosaurs still exsit right?
background. min grew up like any normal kid. the only abnormal aspect of his life, was his father. when min was four nearly five, his father got enlisted into the military (after trying to avoid it for nearly his whole life) and three years later, when min was seven nearly eight, his father decided the military was his track of life, not raising min or being married to his mother. so his father divorced his mother and gave full custody of min to her. at the time, he wasn't really affected by this, it was just, "well i guess i don't have a father anymore." being raised by his mother, spawned a hell of a lot of unforeseeable things. such as the neighborhood ahjumma's cooking food for them and practically calling min their 'grandbaby'. having to take care of some lady's baby as she went out on blind dates. and even doing ty things like mowing all the lawns in the neighborhood to earn a few bucks. but, he always believed he was blessed to be raised by such a caring woman. his mom was the type of mom who worked four jobs and yet was there for every recital, and ty sport game. she tried to make all the parent-teacher meetings even if she looked rather disgraceful. because of that, he loves his mother. but, when he was thirteen and puberty kicked in-- began to hit the fan. his mother is a woman, and she couldn't exactly explain puberty in the correct way. so that's when his soon-to-be-step-father (who was a good friend of his mother and ran a bakery down the street from their house) decided to help out. min and him didn't always get along but he thanks him so much for being there in a time that a teenage boy surely does need his father. at age fourteen, his mother married his step-father after years of courting, and at fourteen and a half nearly fifteen his parents had his baby brother. from there on out, min's made it his priority to be the best big brother on the planet despite him in nearly everything having to do with school.
lifestyle. min at getting up. like he sets an alarm for six in the morning, every night, with high hopes of getting up; but, it never happens. on school days he always wakes up around eleven, his hair a disheveled mess and his mind on the fact that he's going to be late...again. so he quickly gets dressed, throws his backpack over his shoulder and begins to go down the stairs. only to find his mother waiting impatiently. min, knowing that his mother is probably going to yell at him for getting up late again, runs back up the stairs (without his mother seeing him) and goes back to his room. not before telling his younger brother to keep his mouth shut because the little four year old is known for leaking secrets. he climbs out his bedroom window onto a piece of the roof and slides down until he's near an old oak tree which he uses to climb down foolishly and nearly breaks his back in the process. his mother begins screaming because she can see him and min runs for his life, down the streets of his neighborhood until he can no longer hear or see his mother. to be honest, min doesn't mind being late to school cause he's not a big fan of his teachers, or school in general. so he just kind of takes his time (stopping at the nearby liquor store to grab a poptart) getting to school. the weekends are a bit calmer. he wakes up around noon to one, sometimes two or three. he eats the leftover food from the dinner last night, greets his parents, pinches his brothers cheeks before heading out of the house to a studio downtown where he practices his dancing for hours on end. he takes a few breaks to drink water, and eat some of the granola bars he brought with. and the only reason he stops practicing is because his mother calls him and tells him to come home for dinner. or else he would've stayed the whole night.
extracurriculars. baseball team (he joined his sophomore year to impress his younger brother and leave a legacy behind; but he quit two weeks later cause he couldn't hit the ball) track (he's been taking track since middle school when his mom enrolled him in an attempt to run his energy down. after a while he realized how great he is at it and stayed with it but recently with his grades falling below average, he's had to take a break from it) school dance team (he formed it during his freshman year of high school, only has eleven dancers. they compete all over seoul; he's the lead dancer.) they mainly do street dancing, and any variation of hip-hop. they only do contemporary or modern if it's required.
gpa. 2.2 (like a mid C to c-)
school record. min's school record is full of teachers and faculty reporting him for being too disruptive in class. like literally his whole primary school record is just teachers stating how loud he is in class and how he makes other students be loud with him. starting in middle school, when his mom became super focused on work, he started getting tardies and absences. but it wasn't near as bad until he got to high school where literally every week he has at least three tardies and one absence. he's had detention a few times, mainly over stupid reasons. such as the one time he accidentally on purpose, tripped a teacher which caused a ripple effect and made the said teacher fall into a trashcan face first. there was also the one time he tried to throw an apple across the track but it smacked some freshman upside the head. and then there was the time he decided to wear his pj's to school. and then there was the time he rigged all the computers in the computer lab to say 'min is the best and y too' and no one could figure out how to shut it down until at around seven at night while the staff of school was trying to fix it, it turned off and displayed a picture of his abs. he's had one suspension which was because he got into a physical fight near the entrance of school with this jerk tae seok whom he's hated for years now and who dared to say he was a loser. min didn't take it too lightly but decided to throw some punches to teach the jerk, but ended up getting suspension for a week.

hello there ladies. look at your man, then look at me, is he a handsome dance master? i didn't think so.
Lee mi ja | mid-40s | mother [face claim: lee mi sook]
mi ja is the epitome of a strong woman and a great mother. after her husband left her, she took it upon herself to raise min the best she could. working for four different jobs all making her life a lot harder; yet she managed to pull through. she can be stubborn, which maybe where min gets it, and she spoils min like no tomorrow--especially as a child; but, she can be firm and stern as a parent. overall, she's a very caring and loving woman that Min believes is the best person on the whole entire planet.
shin se hoon | early-50s | stepfather [face claim: ahn nae sang]
se hoon is the type of father who looks mean but is actually a huge softy. he knows his wife wears the pants in the relationship and he's totally cool with that. he thinks of min as his own son but has told him he'll never take the place of his father. likes to spoil his sons. literally a giant teddy bear. cries when watching sad movies. 
shin hyun | 4 | half-brother [face claim: jung yoon suk]
despite how much min loves hyun: hyun is a giant turd who can't stand his older brother. literally everything that min does, isn't good enough in hyun's eyes. he finds his brother annoying, and will do anything possible to get him in trouble.
jeon tae seok | 18 | ex-best friend/ex-dance partner [face claim: lee sung yeol]
min and tae seok were inseparable when they were young. like best friends that did nearly everything together. when they both started dancing, they declared each other partners and danced as duos in the streets sometimes. but around sixteen, tae seok became a bit of a jerk and decided he could do better than just dancing with Min and did something that couldn't be forgiven. he ditched min and got a new crew. leaving the two to absolutely hate each other.
- his old crew name with tae seok was named 'neva endin' which now he finds ironic.
- he works out a lot but still doesn't have a six pack.
- he has baby pictures of all the members on the school dance team. whenever they're not doing good or are lazy he whips out the pictures and begins showing it to people.
- he wants to play an instrument.
- he likes summertime more than winter
- he finds nerdy girls weird and obnoxious.
- his ideal type is lee hyori; he cried when she got married.
- he doesn't know what he'll do after high school is over.
- he doesn't remember what his biological dad looks like.
- his favorite food is bibimbap.
- he watched the titanic and cried even though he couldn't understand half of it.
- his favorite color is black jk, it's dark blue.
- he can't cook to save his life. 
- once burnt cereal.
- loves peanut m&n's.
- has a thing for ear piercings.
- once broke his toe when learning how to snowboard.
- writes handmade thank you cards to his mom every year.
- is a mamma's boy.
- is short, 164cm.
- says he's a feminist just to flirt with girls. (but is actually a feminist).
- is allergic to olive trees.
- likes oranges.
- enjoys pop music (will never admit it).
- knows all the lyrics to 'no, no, no' by apink.
- knows the entire dance to 'expectation' by girls day.
- likes making his brother smile (even though he never really does).
- he himself always smiles. 
- doesn't like to curse but sometimes it will leak here and there. usually when he's flustered or angry.
hello. sup?

please introduce yourself. the names min *winks* otherwise known as your future boyfriend. *winks again*

how are you doing in school right now? , i mean *coughs* i didn't realize this was an interrogation. I guess, I mean... *looks down in shame* not very well. *looks back up* but i'm trying man, j-just don't tell hyun.

how did you end up in counseling? probably because of all my detentions, tardies, absences, and *sighs* my suspension. *pouts* that guy really deserved getting punched though...like ! *covers mouth* I mean, like, darn! *frowns and crosses his arms* why the hell isn't that deviant here as well? hmm? he punched me back. You see this, *points toward his left eye which is bruised* that er gave it to me! *huffs*

what's your opinion on the other members you've just met who will be joining you on this journey next week? meh, most of them are fine. some aren't. i honestly could care less about them. *winks* but all the girls are really good looking.

what do you expect to gain through this counseling club? nothing...maybe free food. *looks around* they got free food right? *winks*

in this counseling club, we are expected to foster an appropriate safe space for those who may not have such a thing outside these walls. So... what's your gender identity and your ual orientation? Well, i'm a dude...and I like girls. why do you care? are you a ert?

last question: is being 32 years old and still a ... weird? i don't care?

thank you. I was- j-just wondering... yes... yes. well, uhmmm again thank you. goodbye. later. *winks for the last time*
disciplinary action
questions. alright just want to say, I'm sorry because my grammar a lot. and I know there are spelling errors somewhere. if you'd like me to fix it, please tell me. 
comments. i hope my character can have a love interest. but it doesn't really matter, he can be single and just be a huge flirt. you don't have to include his family, i just put it there for reference.
scene requests. 
- lots and lots of dad jokes, and face palm moments.
- really stupid pick up lines.
- an angsty moment with tae seok.
- someone from counseling finding out he's a huge mamma's boy.
-pulling pranks on nearly everyone.
- getting yelled at by his love interest for being too childish.
- a good ending between tae seok and him.
- gets punched for flirting with someone's girlfriend.


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