
winterfell. ness. 7-8/10. 積読本.
Min Aerin
"i know i'm not the best singer or dancer or even rapper in the group but i'm more than just pretty."
FULL NAME — Min Aerin
• Rin: shortened form of her name used on a regular basis/her stage name
• Drama queen: because she has a flair for the dramatics 
• Fashionista: keeps in date with the newest trends and is constantly buying new clothes and shoes. Rarely would you ever see her out and about in sweats unless she's going to the gym/practice
DOB + AGE — 08 • 07 • 93 // 23
BIRTHPLACE — gwangju, south korea
HOMETOWN — gwangju, south korea
ETHNICITY — korean
• basic and conversational english: learnt during school and through out-of-school lessons so she's a bit better at it than the average korean high school student
FACE CLAIMbae suzy (miss a)
BACKUPpark chorong (a pink)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 163cm & 47kg
• Aerin's fashion changes quite a lot depending on the mood she's in. Sometimes she's really girly and dressed in pink and sequins, other days she's really minimalistic in black and white, and sometimes she's in semi-grunge with doc martens.
casual/street style: x x x x x x x
formal: x x x 
+: caring, honest, hard-working, rational
-: self-critical, jealous, vain, dramatic, tends to bottle up feelings
• It takes a while for Aerin to warm up to people but when she does she's a loyal friend and you can always rely on her to tell you the truth, even if it's something you don't want to hear. Her honesty is something that has gotten her in trouble a couple of times; while she's honest, sometimes she can be too honest and blurt out things without thinking about them. Her main downfall, however, is her jealousy. Throughout her childhood she was always compared to her older sister or her friends by her parents so she always had doubts about herself and was jealous of anyone and everyone who excel in areas that she doesn't. Though she be jealous of her fellow peers she's not the type of person who would intentionally sabotage them to make herself look better, instead, she puts all of her focus in the area that she wants to improve on (which seems like everything since she's always criticising herself). 
Another thing she heard from people when she was growing up was how pretty she is and this sort of fuelled her ego and kick-started her vanity. She's not incredibly vain but more so than others as she's always checking her makeup and fixing her hair and asking people about 10 times if she looks okay before leaving the house. She's the type of person that wouldn't even run to the convenience store without any makeup on or in sweats and if someone forces her to she'll turn on the dramatics and rant. There's a reason why she is dubbed the drama queen and that's because she gets incredibly dramatic if the tiniest thing goes wrong and sometimes it can be amusing to watch but most of the time it's irritating, especially when you have to listen to her go on and on about something. However, the thing is, she only gets dramatic about petty things and when it comes to emotional problems and conflicts she bottles it in. This tends to lead to her flipping out at the smallest things as she just lets it build and build until she can't take it anymore. After these blow ups though, she acts like nothing happened and carries on with her life. 
• like most young kids, Aerin dreamed of being a star and from a young age but that was just a dream and the reality of it coming true was slim. Besides, her parents didn't agree with her dream and constantly told her to get her head out from the clouds and choose an occupation that was worthwhile like medicine or law like her older sister.
Why can't you be more like your sister? Those were words that Aerin heard a lot from her parents. Her sister was the golden child: exceedingly good grades, perfect attendance and record, but Aerin, on the other hand, was the disappointment. She was constantly living in her sister's shoes and she couldn't escape. It wasn't like she was trying to disappoint her parents either. Academics just wasn't her forte and they weren't happy with that as they were constantly sending her to tutors and after school study classes but they were only marginally helping her grades. 
During her first year of high school, she decided to audition for a school musical and to her surprise, she finally found something she was passionate about but she knew her parents wouldn't understand as they didn't see it as a career choice but more of a hobby. However, she didn't want to give it up either so she carried on taking lessons in secret. Though she was trying to make it as an actress/entertainer, she had doubts about herself and never really put herself out there or auditioned for any roles. That was until her aunt found out about her lessons as it happened that her theatre teacher and her aunt were old friends. She begged her aunt to not say anything her parents and promised that she'd break the news to them eventually but she didn't know how. Her aunt was more than understanding and suggested that she should try out for c9ent as she heard that they were holding auditions and told Aerin that she thought that she stood a chance of getting in. Rin was still doubtful but she was happy that someone believed in her and her dreams so she pushed all the negativity she had away and took a leap of faith. To her surprise, she was accepted but that also meant she had to break the news to her family. Her parents were definitely not on board with the idea but after getting on her hands and knees to plead them they gave her one chance to show them that she could be successful. 
• older sister - Min Aejung (26) - doctor - though Aerin spent her life resenting Aejung, she still loves her and supports her. They're not the closest siblings but Aejung does check up on Aerin from time to time and lends her money whenever she's struggling. She shares the same mentality of her parents and thinks that Aerin's career choice is not ideal but tries to support it and doesn't vocalise her opinions unlike her parents as she is aware that Aerin has had a hard time because of it.  - They don't see much of each other as both of them are extremely busy but they try to meet up once every 2 months for lunch/dinner and they message each other regularly just to make sure the other is doing okay. Aerin does look up to her sister but she still feels awkward around her so she doesn't really share much with Aejung and Aejung wishes that Aerin could come to her with her problems as she can always tell when something's bothering her. 
• childhood friend - Hwang Minah - university student - quite the opposite of Aerin as she's quiet and reserved, whereas Aerin's quite loud and sometimes brutally honest. Minah's always trying to make Aerin see that she doesn't need to be the best and that she's good enough. She's got a huge heart and always trying to help those who need it. However, because she's so kind-hearted and generous some people take advantage of it but Aerin usually sees it and protects her before she can get hurt - Their opposite personalities seem to balance each other quite nicely as Aerin teaches Minah to be a bit louder and get herself noticed a bit more, whereas, Minah teaches Aerin to be quiet at necessary times. Their friendship is an unlikely one and many of their classmates predicted that it wouldn't last but they're practically like sisters. She's the one that Rin tells all her problems to as she knows that Minah won't judge. 
• parents - Min Jongyeol (father) & Kim Misook (mother) - noodle shop restaurant owners - both are quite strict parents with high expectations of their children but that is only because they want the best for their children and want to see them succeed. They can't express their love very well so that's their way of telling them that they love both of their children but Aerin doesn't know that. Her mother is more understanding than her father and less strict as she can see the world isn't like it was back when they were young adults. - Both of them still have doubts about Aerin's career but her mother tries to be supportive, whereas her dad is harder to convince. She doesn't speak to them often as she finds whenever she talks to them it always leaves her feeling a little disheartened and down. Just before she left though, her mother explained why they were so hard on her so she's a little more understanding about the situation. 
• her aunt's husband (uncle by marriage) works at c9ent 
• is a huge fan of western shows, especially like gossip girl, skins, desperate housewives etc. 
• can play piano really well
• her favourite movie is legally blonde 
• cannot start the day without a cup of coffee and likes it with one sugar and a splash of soy milk 
• loves anything pink and sparkly (basically a total girly girl)
• has never cut her hair above her shoulders
• though she's vain and will admit that she's pretty, she doesn't like it when people only see her for her looks so she tries to make up for it in other ways, like acting and songwriting 
• scared of heights and not a big fan of elevators as she was stuck in one when she was in her teens
• she's a really light sleeper
• a horrible liar, hence why she prefers to just be honest 
• her dream is to be able to act alongside jeon jihyun one day
• her favourite animals are sloths and elephants
• dubbed as the selca/selfie queen bc of how many selfies she takes - srsly, it's embarrassing
• sometimes mumbles in her sleep when stressed or tired 
POSITION — vocalist, sub-rapper, fotg
TRAINING YEARS — 5 1/2 years 
TRAINING LIFE — She struggled quite a bit during her trainee years, especially in the first 2 years. It always felt like there was someone better than her in all areas and she tried to exceed in at least one area but like she was at school, she was just a little above average. As well as this, some of the trainees gave her a hard time once they found that a family member worked at the company as they all assumed that she got her place because of it but that was most definitely not the case as she went through the same audition procedures like everyone else. As she saw everyone else as competition and was practically practising 24/7, she didn't have that many friends in the company or have much of a social life so that made her trainee years quite lonely. 

• drama cameos/minor roles

​• modelling (something like catalogue modelling so like no big name brands or anything)

• the public finding out that she's the niece of an semi-high ranked employee at the company and everyone wondering if she got her place because of his position as she seems to be mediocre at singing and dancing 
• Aerin accidentally blurting out on live tv that she's secretly been seeing someone/getting close to someone in a well known boyband, leading to everyone to speculate and netizens sending her not so pleasant comments 
LOVE INTERESTKim Myungsoo (infinite)
BACKUP — Lee Howon/Hoya (infinite)
UALITY — straight
• looks quite intimidating sometimes as he's seems to be quite stoic and quiet but in reality he's just shy. Once you get to know him he's a major dork and is basically a cinnamon roll (or cinnamyung roll, ha ha ha, i'm so funny *facepalm). Sometimes he comes up with the weirdest things ever but that means that there's never a boring moment with him.
Myungsoo's really passionate about the things he loves, such as photography. If he's not out and about taking photos in his free time then he's most likely sleeping or stuffing his face with food - he's basically a koala. Though he doesn't talk much, he is a great listener and is always willing to lend a hand to when needed. He likes to believe in the best of people but once you've had your second chance he's quick to cut you off. His main downfall, however, is his temper as he gets angry and frustrated quite quickly but he's working on improving it by channelling his emotions through other things, such as acting. 
• they first met when Aerin had a minor role in a drama that Myungsoo was starring in and he accidentally bumped into her when she was fixing her lipstick. Being the drama queen she is, she threw a fit because she had lipstick all over her face and her lipstick also broke. He told her she was being stupid and they had a huge arguement and they didn't see each other again for a while.
Then they met again backstage at a music show and he instantly recognised her and tried to avoid her. She saw him though and embarrassed at her behaviour that day, she apologised and offered to buy him some food or something as an apology. After that day, they stayed in contact and continued to hang out on a regular basis.
RELATIONSHIP — They're somewhere in between friends and more as nothing has been initiated as of yet but they're both getting a postive vibe from the other. However, Myungsoo's too shy to make the first move and Aerin's relunctant because she doesn't want to get in trouble for dating and she thinks that being in a relationship might divert her focus on her career to him. Though that's the case, they can't help but still arrange little meetings or their lingering little touches and cheek kisses that are getting a little closer to the lips each time.
STATUS — a little more than friends but no confessions have been made from either one. Hints have been dropped here and there so it's only a matter of time before one of them says something.
I'd wait all day, just for a maybe
I'm trying to find a way to be worthy
If not tonight, maybe tomorrow - Lovestruck by The Vamps
omg, i'm finally done. i think i've filled out everything but if i've missed anything out pls lmk :) 
• aerin breaking down and getting into a fight with the other members bc she's jealous of all the attention and the praise that they've been getting. Maybe after they patch things up it makes them closer bc none of the girls knew she had those thoughts (kinda envisioned something like the scene in pitch perfect where they sit and all say something that no one knows x)
• having their own variety show 
• the girls trying to bake cookies or a cake or even cook and it going horribly wrong
lupin - kara
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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