Step Back

Hi everyone,

This past week I've spent on vacation with my family, and I've really learned a lot from it, especially from the time we spent hiking in Yosemite.

Firstly, as much as we love our kpop, k-hip-hop, whatever, it's extremely important to step back and look at what's around us, to marvel at God's beautiful creation, and remember there's a lot for us here and a lot of things to look forward to besides kpop concerts and album releases (as awesome as those are).

Yesterday afternoon I stood at the top of a waterfall with the bright blue sky above me and hard rock under my feet, looking out across miles of blue-green pines, soaring mountains, rivers, hills, and more, and I couldn't believe the beauty because I had never seen anything like it before. 

To sit on the sun-warmed rock and just breathe in the fresh air and feel the sun- it was incredible.

I highly, highly recommend trying something for yourself, just as a reminder of how big and beautiful the world is. :)

Secondly, always leave time for your family. I was so absorbed in what I was doing in past years that I didn't think about the fact that we wouldn't always be together and now I have to relish vacations like this because they're the only times we're all together. My sister goes to school across the country from where we live and it's rare that I see her. Live in the moment, but remember the future and plan accordingly. 


P.S. I'm not condemning loving kpop in any way; in fact I'm going to two concerts next month! I'm just saying we should be able to step back.


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un_known99 #1
wow...... that was amazing!! i hope i can do hiking in the future..... huhuhuhuhu
Beautiful. <3