Accidental reference queen?

So, out of all my friends, I'm pretty the only one into k-pop.One of my friends, a non k-popper, os always, always, ALWAYS making unintentional references at the PERFECT time and I'm literally collapsed on the floor in stitches half the time.

Some prime examples:

When I'm out of things in my house: "You've got no jam."

When shopping and trying on clothing: "You liiiike?"

When giving out compliments: "That was fantastic, baby." (sometimes she calls me 'baby' because I'm baby-faced)

When trying to get out of doing stuff: "It's not my style!"

When walking around: "Never fear, I'll guide you through this straight path."

When eating food: "Pizza is mine! All mine!"

When telling me the time: "It's party time!"

I swear she's doing this on purpose. SOMEONE STOP HER. PLEASE. Anyone else have friends like this? No? Okay then.



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