
I literally feel like a loser.

Shoot, I supposed to be studying rn but yeah I rant on this site.

Gosh, I got that feeling Im not gonna make it dean's list again this semester since I gonna screw my midterm exam. 

I have a week holiday and already spent 5 days with fangirling, online, sleeping and watching videos which didnt help me at all.

Literally failed my whole pre-university lesson. I have to extend my study. I already 2 sem late than my other friends in the same batch.

It doesn't include how I didnt manage to get good result and fly and study oversea. 

Crap. I literally tbh. I didnt prepare ny speech yet. And yeah screwed it. 

Honestly, I respect those teenagers who didnt have any social accounts. Who can even discipline themselve not to play much with social network for study and works. . I will never ever can do it. I always distracted. I cant focus on one thing for along time yet Im addicted to my own phone.

Why I have to be . Damn asdfghjkl. And I shud be studying and now im wasting my time writing this rant. Hah. What a life duh.


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fanficfan499 #1
I totally understand how you feel! >___<
I'm also like you only difference is that I'm a last year high school student :p
you know what just try your best and screw the others. If you don't make it well then you'll make it the next time.
Don't worry and don't stress too much. Enjoy your life, you never know when you'll die so on't be depressed because of school! Because hell you can do it whenever you want, you're a smart girl!!!!! ;)

Well that's what I tell to myself whenever I let my studies fall for social network :p hope it helps to relieve your stress a little.
"Honestly, I respect those teenagers who didnt have any social accounts. Who can even discipline themselve not to play much with social network for study and works."

Me too, kak, me too.
i hope you are alright. maybe try to reduce your time online and not completely stop if you can't. do study groups with hardworking friends and keep your phone away when studying. i hope these help! :D