So just like I stated in  my previous blog post, I actually made the move to come out to my parents about being transgender. Some of it went well and some of it was absolutely terrible.

My mum practically hates me. She rarely speaks to me unless it's a must, which is almost never. She practically ignores the fact I exist. She even left the house and didn't return for over a day, she stayed over at my aunt and uncles place and they live over 3 hours away! Let's just say that the first few days was tough on me. She even argued with me saying that I don't even know what I want etc. She even called me disgusting when yelling at my dad.

I was surprised, but my dad supports me.  To him and to my mum I'll always be their daughter, but my dad says he'll support me anyway. I'm making a steady progress with how to handling things even though I do have my mental breakdowns every now and then. Even my student support lecturer and the person who runs my LGBTQ support group says that I look so much more relaxed. Which is true I do feel so much better.


I've even made arrangements to get my name changed at college. So instead of being known as A.B (for reasons I'm not gonna reveal what A.B stand for) I'm going to be known as Taelor Lee. I'm glad the college is allowing me to change my name as long as I put down "in progress of legallly changing my name" since my dad isn't allowing me to legally change my name until I turn 18, which isn't until December. It's pretty exciting this whole progress.


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I'm so proud of you! Good job on that, and I'm sure your mother will come around and support you! She's probably just having a difficult time getting it around in her head. I hope all goes well for you!
I hope one day you will be accepted by your mother, I'm happy that you were able to find support in your father. I wish you all the best Tae
My heart is with you. LGBTQ <333