RED QUEEN's Stage Nae ♔ The Hermit ♔

Ryu Maeri  #7 - the hermit

"it's not that i hate people, i just... find plushies more agreeable"

Bangtansonyeondang  naomi  8/9

birthname: Ryu Maeri

nicknames: state who calls them that and why. include any other names beside their birth names

Mimi ( her younger sister thought it was cute as a five year old, and it stuck )

birthday: April 24th, 1997

age: 20

birthplace: Daegu

hometown: Seoul


Korean — fluent ( Maeri is Korean )
English — conversational ( learnt in school for many years )
Japanese — basic ( took classes for a while when she began training to be an idol )


stage name: Mae

fanclub name: Maejors

fanclub colour: #66ffcc

singing twin: IU

dancing twin: Seulgi (Red Velvet)

rapping twin: n/a

training years: 6

trainee years: Ice cream advert, featured in an episode of a popular drama, 'Boys over Flowers'


face claim:  Lee Jieun, IU

back-up face claim: Shin Sekyung

height & weight: 167cm, 47kg

appearance: wears glasses

style: Wears light colours, often shades of pink and blue. She dislikes jeans, but instead owns plenty of leggings and jeggings. She isn't very attention seeking, which is reflected in her fashion choices. During winter, she loves wearing baggy sweaters and boots. She hates being enclosed, so her clothing is usually loose fitting, with flowy tops and other such items of clothing, and also only wears proper shoes when necessary. Her hair is usually in a braid or up in a high ponytail.


personality breakdown: we have no issue on how many traits you give us- just make sure that they're fully explained

positive traits — caring, exciting, loyal

neutral traits — observant, aloof

negative traits — a pushover, judging

personality: maeri is very observant, and will be the first to notice if someone is upset, which bring out her mothering, caring side. She had looked after her younger sister as a child, and had done some babysitting, which developed her into a nurturing person. She is often generous, buying lunch for the others and going with them to places. Once you befriend her and earn her unbreakable loyalty, the girl will show you just how crazy and exciting she can be. She may be awkward around most, but she is always up for pranking and doing dares.
However, she is a pushover and hardly ever holds her ground on her opinion. She can be very aloof, but when she acts like that, she is usually just shy or wary of new people. Because she is so quiet, sometimes people don't notice when she is there and she can learn lots of gossip, and is also very observant. Despite being observant, she is very judging towards people the first time she meets them, but later, if they have similar interests, she changes her opinion immediately.

likes: minimum 5.

— travelling ( she didn't travel often as a child so finds it exciting )
— watching kdramas ( it's a lot nicer than reality so uses it as a getaway )
— listening to music, especially hiphop ( just enjoys it )
— trying new food ( is a self proclaimed food critic )
— reading books ( since she was young, she has loved reading )

dislikes: minimum 5.

— routine ( hates everything to be the same, because it gets boring )
— too loud music ( she has very sensitive ears than can pick up anything )
— shoe shopping ( she has a medical condition called pes planus/flat feet that makes it difficult to find shoes )
— running ( because she would rather be inside )
— cooking ( she can cook but she is very impatient )

hobbies: maximum 3.

— meditating ( she likes to meditate once a week to clear her head )
— drawing
— buying presents for people

habits: minimum 2.

— wrinkles nose when cold
— talks like a five year old when she has just woken up ( still half asleep )
— blinks rapidly when upset

trivia: minimum 7. feel free to go crazy.

— favourite colour is pink
— likes wearing some makeup because it enhances natural beauty but owns barely any
— talks to herself on a daily basis

— is self conscious whenever people stare at her
— has played the viola since she was 10
— started playing piano at age 7
— wanted to be a rapper as a child because she loved how they could spit rhymes so fast but can't rap herself anymore


background: maeri was born the middle child to a large middle class family in Daegu, and because her siblings were very rowdy, she was usually ignored by friends of the family. Because she was a middle child, nobody found anything special about her until the day her aunt caught her singing a 2NE1 song and relayed her talented back towards the girl's parents. They enrolled her in singing classes until after plenty of begging, they allowed her to audition for YG entertainment, where most of her role models were. When she got in, she was ecstatic because she had never been that special before and it just made her swell with excitement.

family: no limit. add more if needed.

father / Ryu Hyunjoong / 53 / boisterous, friendly, forgetful

Maeri wasn't very close with her father, because they were very different personality wise and had very little similar interests

mother / Ryu Haemi / 47 / kind, accepting, mothering

Haemi loved all of her children, and took special care to make sure that none of them were left out

sibling / Ryu Hyesung / 25 / loud, funny, witty

              Hyesung played with the boys, prefering them to her sisters, so they didn't talk often

sibling / ryu Taehyung / 25 / active, rash, snide
               the two were not close at all, but Taehyung used to for not joining in with their games

sibling / ryu Jiyeon / 20 / inquisitive, thoughtful, boastful
              having similar interests, the two were the closest of the five children

sibling / ryu Seokmin / 19 /sassy, kind, energetic
             Seokmin never ran out of energy, whereas Maeri prefered to stay inside and do something calm, so they didn't often agree on what to play together


friends: no limit. add more if needed.

best friend / Yang Sohyun / 22 / sweet, confident, understanding

they have been friends since eight year old Sohyun asked eight year old Maeri for a sharpener, and very close

friend / Park Miyoung / 21 / girly, cute, can be shallow

they made friends when their parents, childhood friends, introduced the children to each other


love interest: Jackson Wang

group: GOT7

age: 23

personality: funny, smug, proud, crazy, outspoken, weird, clever, kind, friendly

Jackson is a very friendly individual, who makes both male and female friends very easily, which may lead the possessive (but not overly so) Maeri to feel jealous sometimes. He makes friends so easily becsuse of his outgoing, outspoken and funny nature. Being the king of variety shows, he is extremely funny, crazy and smug. He is not afraid to do weird things in front of the camera, but there is more to him. He is very clever and kind, also protective of the ones he loves. He is very family orientated, and would like to start a family himself, loving children. He is fluent in a variety of languages, from english to Chinese, and is also conversational in other languages such as Thai, the language of bandmate Bambam's home country. He doesn't get into fights often, but when he does, his pride doesn't allow him to diffuse the situation. He can be very childish, but knows how to be mature and serious when it is needed.  

how you met/meet: When Maeri was still just a trainee, a friend of hers invited her to a party as her plus one, which Jackson was also attending. Later into the night, Jackson found her alone with a glass of untouched wine (she doesn't drink) and pretending to be doing something on her phone. He sat down next to her and started talking to her, informing her that he was doing her a favour (teasingly). They exchanged numbers later and texted occasionally. A few months after they had started texting daily, Jackson finally asked her out on a theme park date

interactions: They can get very competitive, and Maeri is very unreserved around him. Because both of them are the romantic type, their dates are usually planned out a lot to make it very romantic. They talk to each other at least every other day, and Jackson's loud personality contrasts with his girlfriend's quiet one. Jackson shows her off to his friends, jokingly telling them that she is his and so they shouldn't touch her. She, too, was very proud of him, and bragged about him to her bandmates and closest friends. They haven't revealed their relationship to the public, because of the hate that Maeri would likely receive. She calls herself an iGOT7, and to annoy him, she says that her bias is Mark or BamBam. They get each other gifts for every occasion, and are sometimes described as a mushy couple. Having very similar interests, they don't fight often, but when they do, neither is willing to give in. The media knows that they are friends, but they haven't seen anything to say that they are anything other than friends.   

relationship: secretly dating, only people in their respective companies can know.

back-up: mark Tuan


comments/suggestions: Hello Counselor!! See You On Monday!! I hope this fic succeeds! XX

scene requests: fluffy couple scenes
bonding scenes
angsty scenes
BigBang!!! Definitely BigBang and the other current groups CX 

password: 4Minute - Crazy


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