You choose




 If you were to.choose.what character you like Dara would portray what would it be? Ive been thinking alot of characters I want her to be but Im having a hard time choosing. Will you help me guys? I just need your vote guys. 


A. Lifeguard

B. Car Mechanic


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ceecheme14 #1
car mechanic!! that would be daebak!!
3 ~lifeguard
5 ~ car mechanic

Voting closed
Thank you.guys who voted. I really appreciate it.
prettyunnie #3
Car mechanic :)
HelloLia #4
Car mechanic. ;) anything involve with expensive cars looks hot, so she will be super hot. HAHA.
thaz10882 #5
Car mechanic.......❤❤drag race
jojettykoh #6
Car mechanic
car mechanic keke
YangYing #8
Life guard
2 votes ~ life guard

0 ~ car mechanic
sanyong #10
Life guard pls.
sanyong #11
Life guard pls.
life guard ^^