
¡Hola! I'm a really fast reader so I was wondering if any of you had good recommendations. I usually read comedies and romances so nothing to dark, and mostly Got7 Mark (ub) but I dont mind anything got7 or bts related ;) OH and I don't really like ships/ idolxidol fanfics but OC fanfics! I would write this in spanish but I can not be bothered -.-


¡Hola! Normalmente, leo comedias y historia de amor. También Got7 Mark pero me es indiferente si es Got7 o BTS. Y nada escalofriante. ¡OH, no me gustan nada barcos (xD)/ idolxidol pero OC ( original personaje). Lo siento para mi español, es aún malo (¿Es verdad?)

I hope you can help and comment some of your favourite books, and I don't mind if its your own because free shoutout ; c;


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Memorize 0 points #1 Feb 20, 2016 8:02:10 Reply​
ficsystem #3
There is a very good jungkook oc fanfic..there is jackson also as you are looking for Got7... "The Definition of Jungkook" by mistressdean. The concept of cold guy is cliche but this story is very unique and so interesting. Please give it a try.