Ms. Purple || Application Form
Choi Minji
Date of Birth: 24th April 1998
Age: 17
Gender: female
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown: Busan
Language (s): Native Korean, conversational English

Height: 170cm
Weight: 48kg
Style: Casual - casual wear during the summer is usually a pair of cotton shorts and a tshirt, always in a light or bright colour. In winter, she wears lots of baggy sweaters and leggings, usually in less bright colours such as grey or white.
Formal - for formal wear, she wears dresses that flare if she spins, because she loves to twirl around in them like the five year old that she is inside. She will wear any dress colour, but prefers pastel colours.
Dorm - In the dorm, she likes to steal clothes of the others, especially Mr Blue, because she loves wearing baggy clothing when not in public. She goes through the wardrobes of the others, believing that to have a healthy relationship is to allow her to wear your clothes. But just don't wear hers without permission.
Practice - for practice, she wears black leggings, colourful, loose tops that are easy to move around in and her favourite neon pink trainers to show them off.
Innocent - due to being homeschooled, Minji wasn't exposed to the kind of things that go on in a classroom about mature content. However, sge is not as innocent as she may seem. She teases her other female members about their boyfriends/ the people the media ship them with. She does aegyo often because she likes being regarded and treated as an adorable, innocent angel.

Curious - Minji is very curious, from the time she bought a can of whipped cream to spray on her face because she wanted to know how it felt, to when she purposefuly got lost because she wanted to see what would happen, to pouring a bucket of water over her head whilst in denim. Her curiosity leads her into trouble often.

Spoiled/Pampered - Minji was pampered her entire life, due to her brother giving her whatever she wanted and her rich parents, despite rarely being there, giving her large sums of money to make up for always missing special occasions. She is used to being pampered by everyone, and is pampered to the point of being a spoilt brat, but knows when to stop.
Prideful - Minji has a very prideful nature, which is one of her largest flaws. She hates not being the best, but tolerates it more if her 'opponent' is older than her. Although she can be very self-deprecating at times, she can also place herself as higher than others.

Sweet - Although the youngest, Minji can be quite caring and sensetive to the needs of others. From a young age she has been nice to people, although she can be a brat. She carries lipgloss, chewing gum, mints and tissues with her at all times, in case anyone else needs them.

Minji was born in New York City, where her parents were currently working on expanding their business. At the age of five, the girl and her older brother, ten at the time, were sent to South Korea to live there. Their parents were always off in different parts of the world for their business, so Minji didn't grow up with an ordinary family. Her older brother was closest to her out of anyone. Nannies took care of the two, despite their legal guardian being their aunt, until Minji's oppa turned eighteen, and it was decided that her would care for her. Having no experience as a parent (obviously), he just gave her everything she asked for to keep her happy. If Minji didn't like his girlfriends, or they couldn't understand that Minji was more important to him than them, those girls would be dumped immediately. On Minji's fourteenth birthday, she was scouted at a local talent show by Pledis. She then became a trainee. 
bubble tea
being ridiculed
being shamed or embarrassed
writing poetry
watching kdramas

bites lip when nervous
wrinkles nose when it's cold
mouths lyrics when listening to them
tilts head to the left when trying to understand something
being abandoned
being a failure in life
being forgotten
favourite food is any kind of potatoes
favourite drink is milk
is a huge VIP
likes people to buy her plushies
likes all colours because when she was younger, she didn't want the other colours to feel left out
really likes AOMG, especially Loco and Jay Park
Father| Choi Junsung | 50 | talk once in a while, conversation tends to be awkward

Mother | Choi Miyoung | 47 | call each other weekly but that is it

Brother | Choi Joonmyeon | 22 | call each other daily, he is the first one she tells if anything happens

| Choi Eunjung | 47 |  she used to check up on the children periodicaly, being their legal guardian, but stopped when Joonmyeon became her legal guardian
Favourite unnie | Jiyoon | Age | Minji confides  in Jiyoon, and trusts her the most out of the group members
Best friends | Vernon/Hansol | 17 | know everything about each other, he even knows the brand of period pads to buy her if she is running low. She calls him Hansol or Sollie
Friends | Woozi | 19 | they talk when they see each other, but aren't super close
Entertainment Connections
Stage name: Minji
Plotline: Ms. Purple
Position: maknae, main vocalist
Fanclub name: Mizzies
Fanclub Color: this colour
Training Experiences
Minji was brought in at fourteen, and made just one friend at first - Woozi, or Jihoon. He later introduced Minji to his older sister Jiyoon and his bandmate Vernon, both of whom she soon became close with. Unlike at home, she wasn't treated as the best so it was a humbling experience for her. She trained for three years, working hard to maintain her spot after she realised that she wasn't the best at everything. Her friends helped her, and when she got tired of it and just wanted to quit (she'd never had to work so hard before), she would go to Vernon or he would find her and she would just cry. Hansol took it upon himself to teach her English, so whereas before she spoke none, she is now conversational. He still has 'lessons' with her, but they end up in giggles and them just having fun.
face-claim #1: Twice's Tzuyu
photo links


Love interest #1: Mr Blue (if they don't mind)
love interest #2: Seventeen's Vernon/Hansol
photo links : 
Love Interest's Personality
Cute, loveable, caring, understanding, energetic, funny, caring, stubborn, blunt
He is almost always cute, and everyone always likes him because he is just so sweet and loveable. He is always sensetive to the needs of others, and won't hesitate to do something embarrassing to help a friend. He is a morning person, unlike Minji, and so he will wake her up by shaking her gently or just calling her when he knows she won't be up yet. He is protective of her, and never fails to make her laugh.  However, he is stubborn and always stands with what he wants or believes in. This can be tiring sometimes, but always admirable. He is honest to the point of being rude and blunt, which means that sometimes you have to not be sensetive towards it. He is being less like that now, though.
Interaction in Love
They are very comfortable around each other, and have fun often. Despite that, they aren't afraid of breaking down in front of each other. They know everything about each other, and are quick to come to each other's defense. They talk daily if they can, and it's usually Minji rambling on about her day, although he doesn't mind. He does talk about himself and his day too, but he likes listening to her voice. They are friendly with each other's parents also, and he even has Minji's brother's phone number just in case. She uses aegyo on him often, but he doesn't usually fall for it (much to her disappointment).
I hope this story succeeds!!! Author-nim, fighting! XXX
Sorry, I can't think of anything
Kaleidoscope bonding moments, coupley moments, sad scenes


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