Someone save me from my imagination...

Sooooo ( > ᴗ < ) this is what happens when my crazy, way too overactive imagination is encouraged...




duanejesse: Aaaahh I need to get it! I've only heard "Sing For You". It sounds so nice. And the MV has feels. But question- Why is there a space whale? (^ ^"

OnceUponAnEXO: Hahahaha X'D the whale! This is my theory on that-

*Sehun goes to an aquarium and sees the whale* 

Sehun: Wow, this dude is cool!

*goes back to the SME building and tells his manager he wants to spend more time with the whale* 

Manager: Uhhh... Sehunie, you don't really have time for that right now. Your schedule is very full-

Sehun: (Insert Sehun's classic ' face' here) I don't care Hyung, make it work.

Thus, the space whale is born \(^ᴗ^)/ haha!

*laughs at myself and my crazy imagination* XD

duanejesse: OMG! Your whale theory is the best!!! XD
I don't care what anyone says about the whale from now on, that is the story I will now live by! Hahahahah

OnceUponAnEXO: Hahaha! XD I'm so glad you like my crazy imagination!

duanejesse: Hahaha dude your imagination seems golden. Lol. I wanna hear more of your theories!!! Hmmm... Let me see...
..AH! Why were Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, and Luhan in what seemed like an abandoned barn in the music video of "What Is Love"? (~~,

OnceUponAnEXO: Hahaha XD ok.... *goes and rewatches the video*......


Because Chanyeol stole Baekhyun's beloved pet rock, "Mimu" (beautiful radish), and Luhan's diary... 

Being the big derp that he is, Chan hid in the barn thinking they wouldn't find him... They do - obviously, derh! It has holes everywhere - so he locks himself, Mimu, and the diary (Luhan swears it doesn't have a name... but they have all heard him call it "My Precious" more than a few times), in a room in the back. And as hard as they try - unfortunately it's the only room in the building that's in semi good shape - they can't get in. 

Eventually, they come up with a plan to sing to Chanyeol about how they feel about Mimu and Precious... I'm sorry, I mean 'the diary' *cough cough*... and Chen and Kyungsoo help them - because everything is better with harmonizing, right? 

And Lay, Kai, and Sehun help by dancing - because what goes better with harmonizing than y dancing? 

Xiumin helps by starting an illegal street racing gang - just in case Chanyeol demands a ransom.

I'm not really sure what Tao and Kris are doing. Probably just being pretty... and hiding from bugs. 

And Suho flies a kite... Because he's Suho... And that's what Suhos do. 


OMG X'D I'm laughing so hard at myself right now! PLEASE, SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM MY IMAGINATION!!!! 

duanejesse: OMG DUDE YOUR MIND IS GOLDEN!!!!!!!! LMAO!!! I was seriously laughing so much for that! I couldn't stop myself. It was amazing!! Hahaha XD



I hope you guys like this and it makes you laugh a little bit!!! It made me laugh at myself!!! (;⌒_⌒)v

And thank you duanejesse for letting me share our conversation!!! ( ・ᴗ・)-♡ It was very nice of you!!!




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Demitria_Teague #1
Haha. This is funny. >.<
I love your imagination Unnie it's like on par with mine! I finally have someone to look for inspiration for my over-reactive imagination!
You ALWAYS manage to make me laugh :D
Hahaha xD and here come the Angsty Queen to break your heart by sharing her feels x'D
/please don't read that if you're sensible/

Si I saw this theory on a tumblr post:

Sehun being an astronaut refers to Kris (Galaxy ☆~)
Then playing basketball refers to Luhan (cf showtime ; - ; )
Them fighting refers to Tao (kung-fu panda :3)

Now read the lyrics and you can drown in your tears.....

And my personal theory about the whale: if you listened to BTS Whalien52 then you know thay whales symbolizes loneliness...

/I'm off to school!/

*lives a box of tissues*

Check your line ^_-
I think I gonna start laughing whenever I watch ' What is lve'
Omg hahahahahahah now when I watch the video I'll think of this! Your imagination is awesome by the way! Embrace it. XD
Hahaha Ooooh it's 3 am and I'm laying in the dark reading this and laughing like it's the first time seeing it!!! XD
And you're most welcome, btw (refers to the sharing part). Have to share the fun where we can :)
More cues coming soon XP
i'm sorry, you cannot be saved from your imagination
happydays4ever #9
LOLs!!! you have a great imagination there you!! never would have though of that.
I should stop reading blogs while drinking coffee because I just choked on it AGAIN. STAHP MAKING ME LAUGH SO MUCH.
lilchimp97 #11
Omg yes!!!! I can't stop laughing lol. Your imagination is the best^_^ You should give a theory on why they were in the labyrinth!!
Oh my gosh....!!! I can't stop laughing right now.......and the higher chance for me to do the typos ......!!!
Oh my....!!!! Somebody.... please stopping me........... !!!!!!
#wiping my tears#