Dating x boys rant

I have not written any post in a while. So I decided that this would be the topic for today.

I don't know if it's just me...or not...or yes...or IDK.

But I'm a really awkward person when it comes to boys and dates.
Like...if a boy asks me out my first thought is: "Is he joking?" "Is he messing around?" "Probably he just wants to go out with me to make fun of me." "What if he's not serious about it." Generally, I can't trust boys. I have the feeling that they're trying to lie to me and that they're not being honest.
I have this friend....and he's like my best guy friend but before becoming friends I went through hell with him. He was calling me, giving me presents, his friends were shouting behind my back telling me that he likes me, called me his girlfriend, often took his phone and called to bug me about it.
Or this one guy who stopped talking to me when I told him that I didn't like him back and asked him to stay friends.
Maybe that's why I don't trust boys.

Yesterday I made an experiment and asked who'd date me in a status on FB. The guy who 'volunteered'... I refused beause...he tends to be a bit overly-erted and is shorter than me....He said: "Have fun dying alone."
Waah I hope I don't die alone.
What's with me and not being able to find a boyfriend srsly? :D
I must be that ugly. :D

Should I go ask boys out instead. But it would be strange to message someone: "Hey, you don't know me but I kinda like you...So go out with me."
I need to be advised here .....guys? Help?
'cause there's this cute guy and the other one and then tons of them every day when I walk out. But hey....of course they'd appear when I have no make up on!

In the end I'll just start dating girls. I'm telling ya. I have no problem dating girls....Everyone's a bi- to some extent. :D
Should I date you guys?
Being in a relationship with my subbies.

You must be an awesome person if you read that rant till the end...I love you. please comment. I'm one really confused human being.



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You sound like me. I remember when I was in my last year of high school I always said that if a hot guy or a popular one invited me to prom I'd say no because surely they were trying to play with me. Honestly, I'm 21 now and I've never dated anyone. It's not that I consider myself ugly, but I've noticed that I tend to push guys away as soon as I'm near them because I'm scared of being hurt. As in, I'll avoid being in groups with them or talking to them too much unless they're one of my best guy friends. It's strange but I just don't trust them. Maybe because I've always been there when my girl friends get their hearts broken? Who knows.
The guy that told you you'll die alone is a total dickbag.
It took me a long time to find the right guy and it was worth waiting.
There is nothing wrong with you. You just gotta be confident! Take the world by storm! Guys love confidence and you, my friend, are absolutely gorgeous!
Out of the topic, but "Hey, you don't know me but I kinda like you...So go out with me." is really cute.

Well, I don't really know if this will pass as advice but don't rush it. Someday, the right person will come to you. This sounds really naive and straight out from most romance novels but this is how I honestly perceive my boyfriend-less situation. I think that it's better to genuinely being in love with somebody and getting the same amount of love (if not, more) from somebody than being in a relationship where both people stay together only to have 'fun'.

I hope that I didn't offend you. I apologize in advance if I did and will delete this comment if that's the case.

Have a good day! (And yes, I'm a romance trash)
its just that you are not confident about yourself. Look out for someone, start being friends with him, show your trueself and if he seemed to be the type you like and vice versa, then make sure he does'nt get away from you or if you start dating girls then it will be a good choice too. all the best :D
Date me, Umma. I'll make you the happiest person on earth. We'll watch Jongkey's and OnTae's tapes every night.
We'll watch SHINee world together... We'll eat CHOCOLATE and MILK! xD
let's be in a relationship then xD ;3