Exams are DONE!!!

So, exams are done for me!!!!! Yay!!!!! How about all you out there? I don't have any school for the next week and a half. So, I will probably be posting more of my fanfic...... or starting a new one... I'm not sure yet.

What parts of the world do you guys come from?  I'm from Belize myself, but I'm living in Canada right now.

So, I was listening to FT Island today and their song 'Hey Girl' came on. I added the song to my playlist because I liked the vocals and the beat and the way everything just mixed so perfectly. FT Island and Royal Pirates are the only actual Korean bands I listen to. By bands, I mean, they actually play the instruments in their songs.

Hope everyone is doing good! How many of you have snow where you live right now?



SOTD: Sing for You by EXO                          Just had to put this song up .


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im doing pretty fine myself and im currently living in m'sia
thats awesome to know that your exams are over where you can finally have a break while im here struggling with my upcoming first term exams on March and a short chinese new year holidays on February
OMG! I'm so elated to see "Royal Pirates" in someone's blog ♥
I'm from India but studying in Germany now :)