TWICE Tzuyu China/Taiwan incident

My honest opinion on the Tzuyu (taiwan/China) incident:

To chinese netizens against tzuyu:
those attacking tzuyu just because she waved a taiwan flag and said she's taiwanese. She was born in Taiwan, wtf did you expect her to do, raise an american flag? (no offense). Current Chinese people also promoting in Korea: Jackson (GOT7) also stated in the past that he's from HK, Lay(Yixing) from EXO also claimed he's from Changsha, I don't see people having a problem with them, and they shouldn't. I think it's really childish just to jump into a conclusion regarding her political stance. They're just stating a fact, their hometown. Don't we all do the same? Or did you think that she should lie about it. This issue has become so heated and escalated when its all a big misunderstanding.
Please, get to your senses and handle these situations maturely please. After Jay Park's case, you still haven't learnt how to protect your artists Don't just think about your economic benefits and the chinese market. First, you state that tzuyu has no political stance, then you keep changing her profile, and even make tzuyu apologize, claiming that china is one. Isn't this a political stance already? Doing this cannot calm the waters over at China, but also leads to people who are for taiwanese independence going against her.
To Tzuyu:
girl, be proud of who you are, where you came from. Even if you are offered a ticket back to Taiwan. Do remember that running away is never a solution. Have your opinion, stay strong, and prove all haters wrong. I support you.
To all netizens:
please don't generalize Chinese people as BAD people, don't stereotype, or you're no different from those childish chinese netizens attacking tzuyu.
Coming from a HK girl who is not a big fan of TWICE, but simply feels that Tzuyu is wronged.
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