not so happy :(

I just realized that my feelings isn't important.. how ironic, so i learn to just keep my hurt feelings to myself, because complaining about it will only make disaster... or morely will earn hate by those that got in trouble...

Literally crying like an idiot as of the moment... The thing was, my cousin is joining a beauty contest, since i won't be able to watch it due to my work, i decided to go with them to where her dress was being made, but then when we got off the car she told her mom who told me not to go because im like a bad luck in it, something that go those line because we were using our own language which is tagalog... I was really hurt, that i complain about it to her dad which was my uncle, i said maybe i shouldn't watch your daughters contest, maybe with my pressence she will not win

so when we got home, i went off the car quietly and i didn't know my uncle we're mad and told her daughter that what she did was wrong, her mother was mad and told me that i got it all wrong, or i just dont understand what her daughter meant, and even try to twist what i heard so that my uncle will feel bad or something, i just don't understand anymore, words are like knife, painful than real knife...

and sad part, trying to make them look so pitiful and me, as a deaf, whatever *sigh*

sorry for my rant, i just dont feel so good, i mean i love them so much, to the point i love them more than my real parents, but my aunt and her daughter, i just dont get it, maybe because we're not related by blood or so... and maybe im really a bad luck for them and their relatives are good one, because im so evil perhaps? :(



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turyka #1
Sweety don't take it seriously, at least don't let this tearing you apart, it isn't worth it... Make fun of this..

When I used to celebrate my bday, there's always a close friend who gets a boyfriend/girlfriend at the end of the party, they used to tell me I was their curse cause it wasn't a great one at the end of their relationship T_T .. they ended up making bets to see who's the lucky one of the night ... LOL

Always look for the bright side .. and the fact that she uses you it's because she ain't confident enough about herself...
Thats harsh and mean . Like seriously? You are not bad luck. Dont listen to them. Beauty contest i think to win it , first she need to beautified her heart and thoughts..
kyouya3 #3
I know this's hard but try to not take it to heart, ignore their negative things and try to focus on the positive things. At least you're not alone, you still have relative and positive thinking stuff like that. That if it works with you. Another trick if I'm in you position is to pat me on the head for dealing that situation. I don't literally lash out at them and just accept it's my situation. There's nothing else I can do, so I just will concentrate on things I can do for my happiness. I got the last advice from a book called ' feeling'. It's a really good book with unique way to deal with feelings you can't control. Apparently, the world always ed us up so just accept it and deal with the things we can control. You can't control how the world rotate, why TVXQ split (emoshinki here), or why they (ur relative) behave like that. So deal w/ what you can do when they behave like that to protect yourself. I dunno if I'm making any sense, I'm not the most logical person on Earth and probably not sane enough. Anyway...All I wanna do is to give u virtual hugs and hope you'll cheer up soon. Try to listen to happy song ^^
nahhh~ u are not bad luck mimi~ u are my lucky charm :D,#HUG# (its been a while since i hug you twinie~)
and whats the relation between beauty contest with luck, as i know beauty contest is not about luck, is about intelegient, smart, kind, polite, inner beauty, etc, not about luck

sometimes there's a mother that always takes her daughter/son side even though its wrong, she will defend it no matter what, its good that u tell ur uncle about it. mimi hwaiting, ^^9 .
Think it like this.
If she loose, it's not because of you.
It's because of her heart. Her inner self is already not good, so if she loose then it's herself that make it, not you or whatever you think (especially the bad luck)
For people like her, there is no victory as the beauty of the heart is not there. And when the inner beauty is not there, then, no matter how beautiful you look outside, there will just be a waste.
that WASN'T nice. and this may sound a bit rude (sorry ㅡ ], but I feel like beating the out of your aunt and her daughter. I know you love them, but that's too much. :| I feel so upset after reading this; I hope you're okay. if you aren't, then I wish you'll feel better soon. if you need someone to talk, I'm always here. we aren't close, but I'd like to be your close friend..
Dats sad.sumtyms our own parents do dese so relatives doing dese things is not so surprising.but we cannot do anything abt dis.but u did da ryt thing by informing ur uncle.its not gud to stay quiet n tolerate everything.doing dis many complications or misunderstanding get solved.u did da ryt thing.even i shud do dis,i tend to ignore everything but i shudnt do dat.
Aww dnt be sad switheart,we r all here for u to support u^^