「 HEAVEN'S SERENDIPITY 」- Park Nana (Nemesism)

168 x 115 || GUARDIAN ANGEL 
179 x 115 || FACE CLAIM 168 x 115 || SOULMATE
Park Nana.
Lizzy / Dawnfeather / 4-5
Sweetness / It never mattered if her mom was in the bottom of a bottle or on her way out the door, she always called Nana Sweetness. When she asked her mother why she told her because she was her sweetness in this life.

AGE ) 21
BIRTHDAY ) June 19th

BIRTH PLACE ) Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN ) Ulsan, South Korea


Korean / fluent / Native Language

FACE CLAIM ) Park Hwan Hui

APPEARANCE ) She has a scar above her right eyebrow and one on her bottom lip from when she tripped down a few stairs. Her hair is only straight when she straightens it, when its natural it is wavy. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 117 lbs.

STYLE ) Nana usually dresses more on the relaxed and comfy side but if shes going to be out and about for the day she usually wears more than a flannel and sweats. She would be wearing a dress or a nice top with some flats or heels and put on some make up. She doesn't own a lot of jewelry but she will put on a necklace or bracelet to add some bling to her cute outfit. Her favorite colors are red and blue so a lot of her clothing have some of these colors on them.

➳ Stubborn, blunt, reserved, pleasant, romantic, cynical, and determined.

Nana is quite a bit stubborn and blunt. Once she makes up her mind about something thing its set in stone, good luck trying to get here out of doing it. Even if its not the best plan she'll go through with it. If others tell her it will have a negative outcome she'll tell them then she will find that out for herself. If someone asks her a question they better be prepared for the truth, even if it hurts. On the other hand she does try to be courteous to others, even though she figures that most people only look out for themselves. She doesnt go out of her way to talk to other people, preferring to spend her time reading or listening to music, but that doesnt mean if someone comes up to her that she will be distant. She's not a naive romantic. She knows lots of people look out for themselves but she has the trust that once you know someone they are with you for life. She is a er for moonlit walks at night and romantic dinners but she also loves to cuddle and have a lazy day at home watching movies on the couch. When she loves she loves wholeheartedly, giving her complete trust and faith in that person and does her best to show it. She doesnt say "I love you" in words often but often with meaningful looks and her actions. She also tries her hardest to accomplish things that she sets out to do, be it staying up all night to put up a bookshelf that came with terrible or taking odd jobs to pay the water bill, she will push through to get it done.

PAST ) Her past isnt full of sunshine and laugh's but it is what it is.When she was 5 her dad left her and her mom behind, saying he couldnt live in such a bad state, blaming their living condition on her mom and her. She is an only child and almost seems to be the only one in her family who can function in day to day life. Her mother is either at the bottom of a bottle or trying to make ends meet with various jobs. When she was 10 and witnessed her mother in a drunken screaming fit of yet another break-up she vowed that she would try her best and would never end up like her. Her mother has a tendency to bring men home from the bar and think that they are the "one". She often tried to help push her mom in the right direction by giving her self-help books and have many talks with her, telling her how she deserves better and that she doesnt need to constantly have a boyfriend if he only uses her. She meet her boyfriend, Kim Ki-woong, in her neighborhood while going for a walk. They kept bumping into each other, in school or around the neighborhood, and it grew from a friendship to becoming a couple at 16. After her relationship with her mother continued to deteriorate because of her drinking and revolving door of boyfriends she knew that if she stayed she would become just like her mother. After sharing these thoughts and more with Ki-woong he suggested that she move in with him and his family. This sparked the idea of her to leave home and start making her life better, which she did, with her boyfriend at the age of 19.

PRESENT ) Now she lives with her boyfriend and it may not be the perfect thing but its love. She tries to make the best of a bad situation. She loves her boyfriend and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. She works two part time jobs, one as a waitress at a local diner and one as a cashier at a corner store. When her and Ki-woong first got the one room apartment, Ki-woong had a full time job but got fired and ever since then has been spending time at home, searching the ads looking for any help wanted. When ever he manages to land a job he is usually there for only a few weeks before he either quits or is fired and is back where he started. Sometimes they cant pay the bills because Nana hasn't received her paycheck, but she usually gets that fixed within a few days. Their house is often has repairs going on, like fixing the leaky pipes or the peeling paint needing a touch up, Nana just says that it gives the place character.

FUTURE ) She's pregnant. It's not the best timing but shes kinda happy, she always wanted to give her child a better childhood and future than she had. But her boyfriend is a little freaked out. She tries to calm him down but it doesnt seem to work and one day when she gets home from work she finds his stuff moved out and a note on the counter telling her how that hes not meant for this. She devastated. Now shes starting to panic, because what will happen if she takes time off to care for her child? This child is her light in this time of darkness, but she doesnt want this light to get dim because of her.

TRIVIA ) ~Every Friday is when she cooks a good meal and would spend time talking about her dreams. ~Every Saturday is when her and her (ex-)boyfriend would have a family night and stay in to play board games and watch movies. ~She loves BLT, lasagna and chocolate shakes (And almost anything sweet and spicy). ~She has a weakness for animals. ~When she has the time she likes to people watch in the park. ~Sometimes she gets an the bus and just pick random routes and let it take her and she'll explore where ever she ends up. ~She visits the library often.

Mother / Park, Hyun-mi / 52 / Tactless, kind
Shes not very close to her mother but shes family. She only has her, she doesnt consider her father family. Her mother is who she had when she was at home. She occasionally writes her letters. Her mother often tries to convince her to come home, especially now that she is single and pregnant. She has cut down on drinking and bringing men home, wanting to be a better grandmother than she was a mother.

(Unborn) Child / Park, Gyeong / Unborn / In progress
Nana's light in her darkness. Loves unconditionally.

Best friend / Kim, Taehyung / 20 / Funny, Lovable
Taetae has been her friend since childhood, when Taetae was crying over his crumpled flower he had picked when Nana picked him a new one. He has always stuck to her side and tries to cheer her up when she gets down and brings a smile to her face.

Ex-boyfriend / Kim, Ki-woong / 22 / Sly, Indolent
Nana's ex-boyfriend. They were close when they were younger, but as they left home and struck out on their own he didnt pull his weight in the relationship. He deceived Nana and used her by pretending to still love her and used her as a place to stay and slack off, showing his true personality. Left her when they found out she was pregnant.

168 x 115 || SECOND CHOICE 179 x 115 || FIRST CHOICE 168 x 115 || THIRD CHOICE
Choi Junhong
Kim Seokjin / Kim Namjoon
SUMMARY ) Junhong is 19. He is very kind and a happy-go-lucky person. He almost always has a smile on his face. He is still young so he still causes some trouble unknowingly like being to loud or sometimes childish. He also likes to read but he often has his foot or fingers tapping since he has a lot of energy. He likes trying new things out, like food or cultures. He enjoys cook, but sometimes it doesnt come out the best. He hates when its rainy and the sun is hidden behind clouds.

FIRST MEETING )Junhong meet her when she was in the park doing her annuel people watching. He would always converse with her and has evolved from that to hanging out most of the time..

RELATIONSHIP ) Junhong is very touchy and almost unconsciously touches her. Nana, for the most part treats him like a younger brother. She always scolds him when he misbehaves and makes sure that he is taking care of himself. Every once in a while though, she will catch herself thinking that they could be something more. Junhong is like a giant bunny put in human form. He likes to snuggle up to Nana, with a head on her shoulder or lap, or an arm thrown over her shoulder. He likes to grab her hand and and swing them back and forth. He is a chatter box and loves to make up outrages stories to make her laugh. He's also a little flirt.

CONCLUSION ) Junhong cares for Nana very deeply and tires to take care of her but in the end she ends up with her Soulmate. Its a very tough decision and it causes lets of distress to Nana, who knows that he likes her and doesnt want to ruin a great friendship. But in the end Junhong doesnt care and is still there for her, just a tiny bit less touchy.

168 x 115 || SECOND CHOICE 179 x 115 || FIRST CHOICE 168 x 115 || THIRD CHOICE
Pyo Jihoon
Choi Seung-hyun/ Lee Hong-bin
SUMMARY ) Jihoon is serious and mysteries. Hes not to outgoing, and he usually has a serious look on his face and seems to show emotion on his face. Once they got closer he is very protective and tries to make sure Nana is happy. He tells her cheesy jokes and tells her random facts about random things. She loves his smiles and when he laugh's, those are some of things that she loves about him. jihoon likes the little things in life that others tend to overlook like, the spring bloom or the small talk between friends. He is 22.

FIRST MEETING ) Jihoon saved her. Nana was listening to music and was day dreaming as a car was running a red light and Jihoon pulled her out of the way. She did get a bump on her head that hurt and Jihoon made her sit on a nearby bench for at least on hour to make sure she was all right and since then has popped up in many of her daily routines.

RELATIONSHIP ) Jihoon treats her like the proper gentleman that he is. He does light flirting but what hes really good at is getting up in bubble and getting close to her face and pushing her close to the edge. Calls her Sweetness. He loves her passionately.

CONCLUSION ) They end up together in the end. He cares for her and is a father to her child.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS ) Im new at this so any tips wound be appreciated.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS ) Nana and Jihoon (or Junhong) run in to the ex that left her when they found out she was pregnant and she has a bump or a shirt on that says bun in the oven.

PASSWORD )Nemesism - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKsyxZWQ_g0


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