We Got Married | 陈 理学 | Actress & Singer


chen lixue

smile_for_roo • rye • 8/10 • english


the basics.

name » Chen, Lixue (陈 理学)

nickname(s) »
XueXue| Family | It's actually very popular in Chinese culture to have a dual toned name (Fan BingBing, HuaHua, TingTing, etc.) because of the cute appeal it can give. When she was younger, this nickname was used a lot.
Eira | Grandfather & Friends | It's her English name, and most of her friends call her this. She admits to loving her English name more than her Chinese name.
Baby | Friends & Love Interest| She doesn't mind this nickname, it has more of a friendly endearment to it than her, so if her husband can't call her by her real name or English name, "Baby" will do just fine.

birthplace & birthday » Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China & January 5th, 1991.

hometown » Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

ethnicity » Chinese

language » Mandarin Chinese - Fluent, Wu dialect.
Cantonese Chinese - conversational, lived in Hong Kong.
English - conversational, grandfather was English.
Korean - basic conversational, learning for the show.

face claim » Angelababy

backup face claim » Xuan Yuan
Height and Weight » 5'6 and 125 lbs.


appearance » Currently having styled dark brown hair, long and wavy in it's most natural state, with no bangs and framing her round face, it's a no brainer that Lixue is a beauty. Her features are soft and rounded, making her look very feminine. Everything about her appearance is dolly, dainty and girly. She has slightly darker skin than most, frequently using skin whitening products or lighter foundations to acheive a snow-white skin look that's envied around the world.

style » Lixue has a very fashionable yet reasonable sense of style. She genuinely likes looking nice, but going the whole nine yards... Not her thing. She likes to use the phrase "I dress smart." meaning she definitely takes into consideration of what she's going to be doing. She's found that skinny jeans are usually her best bet, if anything else fails. If she's just hanging around the house, honestly you get the purest, cleanest version of her. "I don't need to impress anybody, let me be!" Is her response to people asking her why she doesn't wear more. Formally, man she just goes to the nines. She enjoys dressing up and feeling like the prettiest girl in the room, so expect jaw-dropping and stunning if you take her to a formal event.

pajamas 1 | 2 | 3
casual 1 | 2 | 3
formal 1 | 2 | 3

" I'm so lucky to have loved you."

" It's destiny, you can't avoid it."


the One next door.

plotline » CHINESE

personality »
Positive : Accessible, Genuine, Empathetic, Efficient.
Neutral : Humorous, Dominating, Opportuntinistic. 
Negative : Vain, Independent, Flirtatious, Envious. 

 The Girl Next Door // While some would expect Lixue to be waaay out there, unattainable and completely unaware of the "normal" world around her, they're quite surprised when they find Lixue to be the opposite of their expectations. She's very accessible and easy to relate to, she doesn't claim to be in shape or super human, and admits to most of her mistakes and it makes her seem, well, real. This goes with her genuine, she doesn't hide anything and doesn't try to be anything other than herself. While it's gotten her a fair share of anti-fans, it's also gotten her much admiration and love from all over the world. Lixue is very empathetic, being able to sit down with others and listen and care about them as best as she can. She won't lie that she understands, but what she does know is that no one should be alone going through any kind of hard time. True to her business background, when Lixue can find the most efficient way to get something done and does it to the best of her ability. She likes being timely and completely thorough with her work, and it shows with everything she does. 

The One Who Wears the Pants // Lixue does love a good joke, but she's kind of one of those people that finds a meme or an internet fan joke and use it until people are begging her to stop using it. It's great that she has this sense of humor and can laugh along with people, but sometimes... let it goooooo. Unlike her appearance, Lixue is a very dominating, loud personality and therefore treats herself as the dominant partner in a relationship. She likes being in control, and she's not afraid to make the first move if need be. She's the type that when she sees the opportunity to win or to get the upper hand, she takes it. While that's great for business and competition, it's not so great when it comes to casual things or events. 

The Ruthless Business Woman // Listen, if anyone knows that Lixue is pretty, it's her. She knows she's beautiful and boy does she flaunt it, even when she doesn't mean to be. She's been raised to see herself as a queen and she plans to keep herself and her standards that high. Lixue has always been a more independent child, and it continued on as she grew up. She doesn't like the idea of depending on others or asking for her. She wants to be able to do it all by herself... And that's not always the best thing to do. She doesn't mind having other people depend on her, it sort of fuels her domoniating trait. She ends up overworking herself an getting easily irritated at others. Oh yes, she also really likes flirting. She enjoys ruffling somebody up, the feeling of accomplishment it gives her and it inflates her ego. If she doesn't obviously flirt with you... well that means she's taking you seriously as a romantic interest, so good for you. Yes, she's also one of "those" flirtatious girls. If she likes you, she doesn't want you to be close with any other girls -- she gets envious easily. But that's not the only thing she gets envious of. She's envious of confidence and yet they know when to stop kind of people. She wishes she had more control, as she always does, over her vainity and her tendency to take it too far. 


// Winter : Much like what her name means, Lixue LOVES the snow and colder weather. It's a perfect opportunity to get lost in a book, or cuddle up in a blanket and watch movies all day.
// Comedy : She adores funny games, jokes, shows, anything that can make her laugh. She finds it something that allows her to loosen up more.
// Fashion : She loves dressing up and dressing down, and likes shopping and looking for clothes not only for herself, but for her friends and now her husband. 
// Macarons : Her favorite sweet, especially pisatchio, white chocolate, lemon, and green tea flavored ones.
// Bubble Tea : She loves this sweet drink too, especially classic black milk tea or wintermelon. 
// Cars : Everyone has a weird hobby or interest, and for Lixue it's cars. Her grandfather 


Dislikes »

// Being Undermined : As a dominant personality, Lixue hates feeling like she's being put down or treated less than. There's more to her than meets the eye, for sure.
// Salty Foods : Spicy, Tangy, Sweet, Hot, or Cold, there's almost next to nothing that lixue won't eat -- except salty foods. She says it makes her face bloat, which is a huge no no for her.
// Stereotypes : She's a big believer of don't judge a book by it's cover, or by it's stereotypes. Every person is unique and different, and there's more than meets the eye.
// Losing : She also hates losing and feeling like she's not doing the best she can, it really gets to her. 


Habits »

// Hands and Hair : She runs her hands through her hair and plays with in inbetween her fingers when she's embarrassed.
// Bite Me : It's a figurative statement in the English language, and when she's irritated she bites it (lol) out to the person who's most on her nerves. She also bites her lip when she's concentrating or anxious.
// Cursing : Only in Catonese and English, though, she promises, and it's usually under her breath and when she's losing something, like a game of sorts.
// Touch : She simply likes being close to someone, so if she likes you, she's going to try and touch and initate skinship with you.


Hobbies »

// Shopping : It's a favorite passtime, either online or going out to malls or shopping districts. She especially likes going into old fashioned markets and exploring.
// Learning Mechanics : She's interested in cars, so learning the basics of how to figure out a turbine engine's ignition time at 45 degrees or how to change a tire properly is fun for her.
// Oragami : It keeps her mind occupied, and she likes creating little swans or roses out of pretty paper. She even has a paper crane chandelier in her apartment's bedroom like this.
// Ballroom Dancing : As a "lady", her grandfather enrolled her in classic ballroom dancing and ballet growing up whil in HongKong. She thoroughly enjoys it and tries to take classes or go to a studio to just practice whenever she has time.


Other Trivia »

// She has three younger brothers, and they all are scared of her thanks to her imfamous temper as a child.
// Lixue is frequently marketed as China's Girl Next Door, and is quite popular amongst mothers for her ability to be a good housewife ; to cook, clean, etc. etc. 
// She's a current castmember on Hurry Up Brother ; the Chinese counterpart of Korea's hit show Running Man.
// A graduate of Hong Kong univeristy, with a major in Business Design and Innovation and a minor in Music. It was her grandfather's wish and she hardly ever turns the man down.
// She loves cats, and even has a spoiled Ragdoll cat named Fei Mao. It's Chinese for "fat cat".

// As far as classic cars go, she adores old fashioned Japanese sports cars. Her favorite is the 1970-1973 Dutsan 420Z. Modern car wise, the Audi A3 Convertible is a really good one in her opinion. (She's partial to sports cars.)

// If you manage to fluster her, not only does she slip back into Mandarin, she also mixes Catonese into her speech. It's quite an earful to listen to.
// She doesn't believe in an ideal type. She's stated that you can't control who you fall in love with, and having an ideal type is a preconcieved notion that limits your idea of what a perfect partner could be.
// She's got a huge sweet tooth, and admits to having cavities and bad dental records as a child. Sweets are just too good to pass up.

// She loves music, a passion she developed on her own and so she holds it dearly to her. The amount of music she has on her iPod has two sort of genres: hip hop and Broadway. If you ask her how on earth she got interested in the two, she'll go on this rant about this new Broadway musical named Hamiliton. ((It's all rap, hip hop and modern music in a period time. Pretty awesome, I gotta say.))
// She actually injured herself during an episode of Hurry Up Brother, running from fellow cast member Lu Han. She sustained three bruised ribs, but pushed through and actually won the game regardless of injury.  A Stubborn and Competitive nature does incredible things.
// Her favorite food is traditional Hong Kong Char sui and Catonese fried rice. She'll eat that as a meal any day.


home is where your heart is.

background »

B.H.K. (Before Hong Kong) : Lixue was what you could call a typical rich girl: She never wanted nor needed anything, it was always given to her. That was the deck of cards life had dealt her, and she wouldn't complain. Her first brother was born when she was five, and like all first children, she was jealous of the attention given to the baby at first... Until the baby decided that it liked his big sister and toddled and crawled after her. Then, she thought, she could really use that to her advantage and started using him for dress up and pretend games that resulted in an obscene amount of embarrassing baby pictures on his part. 

Life before Hong Kong was quiet and simple, for the most part. Lixue had only one truly good friend in Hangzhou, by the name of Wang Peng and he remained her best friend for the years to come. They did everything together, and since the Wang were also successful businessmen, the parents were more than pleased, seeing nothing but good outcomes between this relationship that their children had. Peng and Lixue had fits when they were told that she was moving to Hong Kong, because that meant they couldn't see each other every day. With the reassurance that they would, indeed, be seeing each other more often than they thought, the two seven year olds relented and the Chens started packing their life up to move down to the infamous city.

Hong Kong Life : At age 8, she and her family moved to Hong Kong due to her father becoming the CEO of the company's branch in Hong Kong. This was incredible for their family, and it allowed Lihua to move her father into their home, having had him to live in assisted living since her mother passed away a few years prior. As soon as her grandfather moved in, Lixue was all over him, and he was more than happy to spoil the young girl and help her with her school work when his daughter and son-in-law worked extra hours. By fourteen, Lixue had learned her three languages quite well and now had three brothers instead of two -- which, in her opinion, just assured her that even though her parents didn't see each other often and didn't spend a lot of time together, they made good use of their time and they weren't leaving each other anytime soon. 

Her parents worked at an entertainment company, and therefore her childhood was filled with films, music, and productions being talked about and discussed often in her prescence. This highly piqued her interest, and she often babbled to her grandfather about it. The old man encouraged her to pursue the dream if she'd found any sliver of want for it. Even the smallest dreams, he had said, had the biggest potential. Lixue had done productions in her own school, mostly acting and a few musicals when they could afford the rights to them and had the time to translate into Chinese. Lixue knew that acting was definitely an option for her, and starting taking it more seriously with her grandfather's approval. 

Being Noticed : At age 16, there was no doubt that Lixue was beautiful and puberty was just enhancing that for her. Haohua Entertainment had recently opened auditions for their talent agency, and since her parents worked there, Lixue knew she could trust it and be taken care of properly. So one day she just went in with her parents and auditioned. To no one's surprise, she got in -- whether it was because of her parents being heads of parts of the company or because of her talent was sort of skewed, but Lixue knew that she could prove her talent and worth if she worked hard, and she did -- while still in school. She took education and learning as a very high priority, and never slacked off in her studies, finding herself buried in her textbooks or scribbling essays out in her notebooks when she had a chance on set or on break.

At 18, her big break came -- she was approached by the Huayi Brothers Media Corp. about a film named Short of Love, and if they liked her, a possible contract with the company. Lixue wasn't stupid, after all the Huayi Brothers was the home to over 100 Chinese A-list celebrities... signing on with them would definitely put her on the map. She took the job, but said she wouldn't sign a contract unless her father, the CEO of her current company, accepted and helped create the new contract with their company. The agent accepted the terms and Lixue started her first major film, only to do very well and impress most people on set, and earned her offer of a contract with the exclusive entertainment company. 

It took a few weeks, but on January 10th, 2010, Lixue signed her new contract with Huayi Brothers, officially putting her on the map as an actress and soon to be singer.

Fame : In 2010, she didn't do much in the public, but was soon revealed to be working on a total of five movies to be released in 2011. The two that put her in as the "girl next door" though was her speakover role as Rapunzel in Tangled and her role as Xia Mi in Love You You, where she even sang the OST with fellow castmember and leading man. After that, she sort of skyrocketed into the public's eye, landing roles left and right and becoming very bust for the next three years in films and also signing on as a castmember in variety show Hurry Up Brother in 2014.

Balance : Despite all of the sudden fame and busy schedules, people could still find Lixue pouring over textbooks and her laptop, and announced that she was graduating with the class of 2013 at the University of Hong Kong. People admired her dedication to her studies and her career, proving that you could find a balance to both. When questioned about her seemingly non-existent love life, she just shrugged and said when she finds the time to balance it in with the rest of her life, she would. It just needed more time. 

career filmography »

2009Short of Love , as Angel
2011Tangled , as Rapunzel

            Love You You , as Xia Mi
           Love in Space , as Huang Mudan
           The Founding of a Party, as Xiao Fengxian
           All's Well, Ends Well 2011 , as Better
2012Black & White , as Fan Ning
            The First Time , as Song Shiqiao
            Tai Chi 0 , as Chen Yuniang
            Tai Chi Hero , as Chen Yuniang
2013Crimes of Passion , as Yue Yue
            Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon , as Yin Ruiji

2014Temporary Family , as Lui Yuen-ping
            Rise of the Legend , as Xiao Hua
            Love on the Cloud , as Chen Xia
           Running Man , as Herself (2014 - Present, current cast member)
2015You Are My Sunshine , as He Yimei
            Bride Wars , as He Jing
           Mojin: The Lost Legend , as Ding Sitian

career discography  »
2011 Tangled , as Rapunzel
            The Heart of the Sea , by JJ Lin and Herself.
2012 : Released first mini-album, Wanting.
            Wanting Track list :
我的歌声里 (You Exist in My Song) , sung in Traditional Chinese.
            02. 爱的海洋 (Love Ocean) 
            03. 我为你歌唱 (When It's Lonely)
            04. Drenched 
            05. Life is Like a Song
快活 (Happy)
Lixue has not released music in three years, making people wonder if she's ever going to release another mini album or single. She has assured that her minor in Music was not for nothing, but she has yet to follow through. 

family »

Father | Chen Jianguo (fc : Daniel Dae Kim) | 57 | CEO of Haohua Ent., Hong Kong branch. | Persuasive, Bold, Independent. | You can see where Lixue got a lot of her personality from if you look at her father. She adores her father, and is every bit of a "daddy's girl". She's known to wrap the men in her life around her little finger, and Jianguo is no exception. Jianguo is very proud of his daughter and is glad that her current acting career is going so well, although he was sort of hoping that with her brain, she'd pursue business. However, he supports his daughter in whatever she does and is honestly very thankful she keeps saying she's not dating yet. She's his only little girl, he couldn't imagine how he would respond if a boy came along...

Mother | Chen "Elizabeth" Lihua (fc : China Chow) | 50 | Head of Human Resources at Haohua Ent., Hong Kong branch. | Compassionate, Respectful, Nuturing. | As for where Lixue got her looks from, it's pretty obvious when you look at her mother and her side by side. They're the spitting image of each other, and it's obvious in their mannerisms too. Lihua is a bit of the opposite of her husband -- she really wants her baby girl to settle down with a boy. She's so proud of their daughter and her accomplishments and career, sure, but her daughter is also known as China's Girl Next Door, which means that men should be falling over themselves to try and win her over -- so why isn't she dating???

Grandpa! | Nathaniel Wilcox (fc : Michael Caine) | 78 | Retired Engineer and Businessman | Cheerful, Doting, Intelligent. | And she'll never, ever forget her dearest "grandpapa" as she playfully calls him. This man is the source of all her interests in cars and business sprouted from, and she holds the man in great respects. He had stayed at home with her during her childhood and taught her English and everything he knew, as well as her younger brothers. He shares the same approach as her granddaughter, love doesn't happen overnight and nor can you force it. When it happens, you'll know. She calls her grandfather every week to check in and see how he's doing. 

First Brother | Chen Jinhai (fc : Song Joongki) | 19 | Engineering Major | Intelligent, Witty, Blunt. | Jinhai and Lixue spent major events of their lives together, and as much as he admires his big sisters move to start a career in the entertainment business, that doesn't mean he isn't any less of a little brother -- which means he teases her. A lot. Whenever a new movie comes out, he teases her asking her who's she going to marry this time around. Lixue is known to put him in headlocks or to extend her hand and that shuts him up pretty quick. He's a smartass, not stupid. Lixue made her dominance in her sibling chain very clear from the beginning. 

Second Brother | Chen Jianyu (fc : Seo In Guk) | 16 | High School Student |Resourceful, Kind, Gullible. | Jianyu wishes to follow after Lixue -- he wants to be an actor. He can't sing worth anything, but he's got acting talent. He's planning on going into his father's agency after this year of schooling. Lixue chides him to stay in school, after all, if she can do it, so can he. She fully supports all her brothers' endeavors, and finds herself missing them a lot while she's away, which is most of the time. Jianyu is the one who actively calls and stays in touch with Lixue, despite her being not a present person through his life. He desperately wants a better and closer relationship with Lixue.

Baby Brother | Chen Liwei (fc : Boo Boo Stewart) | 14 | High School Student | Silly, Immature, Articulate. | A little spitfire, this one is. He's a freshman in high school and you can tell. He's a bit cocky, and his age is very much reflected on a lot of his logic and responsibility. But the boy has a way with words that makes him seem a lot smarter than he can be. Liwei writes a lot, and although he's determined to go into business, he writes really well, and the poetry and quips he writes could be translated easily into music if he just put in a little more work. But he's 14, hard work isn't exactly something he wants to do or achieve. Lixue finds herself babying him when she comes over, and harbors a bit of a sadness that she wasn't able to be present for her youngest brother's life. They seem to barely know each other, and Lixue wishes she could fix it.



friends/Others » 

Best Friend | Wang Peng (fc : Wu Yifan) | 26 | Business Intern | Humorous, Analytical, Friendly. | By god, these two would probably be mistaken as a couple if they weren't so gosh darn mean to each other at the same time. As best friends since as long as they could remember, they've stuck together through a lot of things, and Peng treasures Lixue more than words can say. He's currently climbing up the ladder at the same company his father owns, hopefully to earn his spot as CEO when the old man retires. He is seen frequently visiting Lixue on set or out and about when they both find free time. If you need anyone's approval or to fear anyone when in a relationship with Lixue, it's this guy. 

Best Hong Kong Friend | Song Meiyue (fc : Song Qian) | 22 | Production Team on Hurry Up Brother | Sweet, Empathetic, Sassy. | The walking rubix cube, as Lixue likes to call her. She's got attitude for days but does it in a way where you're cooing over her and think it's cute. Meiyue is a girl to be feared and therefore is perfect as Lixue's partner in crime. Meiyue was the first person to befriend Lixue in their classroom and they've just stuck together since then. Meiyue may be young, but she knows how to torture the cast members of Hurry Up Brother, and of course that's perfect and Lixue is known to yell her name in discontent when a ridiculious challenge is presented. It seems that Lu Han doesn't mind, though, much to her chargin.

Other Best Hong Kong Friend | Liu "Dannie" Dandan (fc : Kristin Kreuk) | 24 | Stylist | Determined, Humble, Cheeky. | The Unstoppable Trio is Lixue, Meiyue and this girl, Dandan, or as she likes to go by, "Dannie". Dannie was the only person of mixed descent in their high school until Lixue came along, and to say that she was relieved would be an absolute understatement. She's very fashionable and helped Lixue and Meiyue skip their terrible fashion eras that most people have in middle/high school. She and Lixue tend to have conversations in English to throw people off, and it's hilarious to watch them squirm when they look over and go back to giggling. She's known to be Lixue's favored stylist when she's available and not dressing idols.

Fellow Cast Mate/ Friend | Lu Han | 26 | Solo Artist & Actor | Quirky, Competitive, Childish. | Lu Han and Lixue would have probably crossed paths eventually, but maybe not have gotten as close as they did because of Hurry Up Brother... and maybe a certain best friend of Lixue's. Lu Han is like the older brother Lixue never had and maybe never wanted, but that doesn't stop him from spoiling her, which she won't complain about. But it also won't stop him from embarrassing her either, which she will complain about. Very loudly and to Meiyue. Who's no help either, because Meiyue and Lu Han are so into each other that they wouldn't say a mean word to each other. Lixue frequently finds this to be advantageous, though, and teases Lu Han that he needs to look manly and good for someone on set -- to which he tries to shake off, but it's obvious it affects him. It gets her to win a couple of times too.

Unexpected Friends | Jackson Wang | 21 | Idol - GOT7 | Loud, Energetic, Dedicated. | You know how you have those friends that you don't know how you met, but you're so glad you did? Yeah, that's Jackson. He complains that they went to the same high school, so of course they've met -- but Lixue just disregards him. He's probably her biggest fan anf enthusastically promotes her movies or shows when they're airing or being released. She buys all his albums and pretends to be upset when they give her Jackson's photocard -- you know, normal friendly things. They do genuinely get along, and whenever Jackson comes by Hong Kong, or she ends up going to Korea, you bet they meet up and get into shenanigans. 



the one and only.

love interest » Min Yoongi

backup love interest » Park Jimin


personality » Min Yoongi is 1/7 of what people call "the Korean RoosterTeeth"; called Bangtan Boys. Yoongi isn't exactly the warmest member at first, being more introverted and gave a lot of people the wrong impression -- until they saw him actually interacting with the group instead of just the gaming shows the boys sometimes went on, where you couldn't see their faces. So, who is Min Yoongi?

Min Yoongi is a bit of a rubix cube. Known as a grumpy grandpa, Min Yoongi of the popular Bangtan Boys Youtube channel is probably one of the most laidback, lazy people you'd ever meet at first glance. He's quiet and mostly keeps to himself, never one to say something for no reason. While he's laidback around people and enjoys being with his friends, he's still pretty awkward and doesn't know how to talk to girls specifically. He likes hearing other people talk or just listening, he learns a lot more by doing that than talking in a conversation. He has introverted tendencies, which make him come off a bit as gruff or uncaring, which sometimes is true, but honestly it’s mostly never the case.  He can be a bit blunt and hurt people's feelings, especially if you wake him up. (Yeah, Bangtan tried doing a video about that -- never again would they try and wake him up.) Yoongi also really cares, like a lot -- sometimes too much about people and things he finds worthy. If he cares about you, you'll know it, because even though he may seem gruff, he has this natural type of softness to him that makes you feel safe and cared for. Yoongi is also, in his own way, very sweet. He genuinely cares about his friends and his fans. He likes taking care of people, especially people younger than him, even if it's by a month or so. He's also very hardworking, believe it or not. He's actually the main video editor and tech guy for the Bangtan Boys channel, making sure everything is neat and cut and sound effect'ed properly before uploading it to the channel for people to watch. He sometimes overworks himself, so set on proving himself that he ends up sacrificing a lot of basic needs for his music and career.  Yoongi is actually very confident, contrary to how he's seen by a lot of people. He likes to say "fake it till you make it, after all, I did." to encourage people to love themselves and be self confident with who they are. 


History » Honest, they'd never met before -- BUT, Yoongi has this segement called "Honest Reviews of Pop Culture with Yoongi" where he talks about different types of mostly media, with movies, shows, music, etc. being reviewed or reacted to on the channel. When Love in Space came out, he had been dragged to see it with Seokjin and Jimin, and decided to do a review of it... Where he promptly made fun of Lixue's role and acting, rolling his eyes at the cliche romance plots and while admitting to her beauty, thought she was made for cheesy, B-rated romance films like this and he wouldn't be seeing her in a movie he chose to see anytime soon. Harsh? Maybe, but that's honesty with Min Yoongi. 


First Meeting on WGM » Both are given a mission card, Min Yoongi to go to a diner and wait for his bride to arrive, while Lixue was to go undercover as "Waitress Noelle" and see if she could pick out her husband from the diner's patrons.If she succeeded, they'd get a big budget for their wedding, if not, then they'd have to work for things through games and activities. Lixue was determined to just win the first time and get the money and start the wedding process. 

They were given clues to who their partner would be, of course. They weren't supposed to go in there blindsided (as hilarious that would be, the show's got a time limit and multiple other couples to film.)

Yoongi's hint was at his table, reading "Your bride is someone you'd never expect, but a face you'll never forget!" So he assumes it was a model or a newbie actress, even a pretty singer. He was quite pleased that his bride would be beautiful, laughing in glee as he tucked the card into his jacket pocket, looking around for his bride.

Lixue's hint was in her apron, which said "Famously different, and fondness of you is something lacking." She was honestly kind of appalled, looking at the camera, "Really? Does he not like me? There are people who don't like me?" She asked, laughing as she put the card in her pocket, tying her hair up and going about her business as a waitress, commenting on how she felt like she was back in Love in Space, since her role was a waitress and actress. She laughed, "Maybe he doesn't like waitresses?" 

When Lixue came to serve him, he looked up and blinked a couple of times. Her face was familiar, but he didn't say anything because she was just a waitress, and he quietly ordered and she bustled off. She was busy looking around for her husband and didn't pay him much mind. "Famously different, what... what does that mean? Wait, wasn't there a chance that someone from Youtube or something like that was on here? Did I get them? Aaaaah~" She whined. She recieved drink orders, going off to give them to their respective patrons, but she ende dup spilling water onto Yoongi's table, cursing her clumsy nature as she began to wipe it up. Yoongi rolled his eyes, commenting on how this was a lot like this cheesy chinese movie he once watched, not meeting Lixue's eyes.

She stopped for a moment, then asked, "Did you mean Love in Space?" He  sighed, "Yeah, and what a bad actress she was to--" As he said this, they made eye contact and she immediately knew it was him. 

"I found my husband and he hates my acting." She whined in the private commentary section. "Just my luck."

Yoongi, on the other hand, was thoroughly embarrassed in his own interview, "Why did you pair me up with her?? You guys did this on purpose, oh my god --" He groaned, burying his face into his hands.

On-cam and Off-Cam interatcions » 

ON-CAM : At first, they didn't really get along, because Yoongi insulted Lixue's entire career that she's worked so hard for, and she won't just let that go. So she made him work for it, helping out with the wedding. Even though it was just a show, Yoongi did take it seriously, and she was a little impressed. So she forgave him before the wedding, accepting her husband. "Even if you do hate my acting." She joked, making his head fall during their "vows". It was funny, because as silly as Lixue usually is, she was composed and bright during the ceremony. And with Yoongi being as calm and collected as he usually is on broadcasts and videos, was jittery and nervous. 

After that fiasco was put behind them, on camera they had to work together and figure out their dynamics. Lixue gladly took on the more dominant role of the relationship, initating skinship or the like when the script requested it or when deemed necessary. She's very flirtatious towards him, usually flustering him and being all around a sort of "reverse" couple, seeing that she was the one holding the reins. Yoongi seems pretty content with letting her do whatever she wants, though. "Isn't the saying happy wife, happy life?" He would joke in his interviews when asked why he let her do whatever she wanted or thought necessary.

OFF-CAM : Off camera, it's pretty similar, only Lixue does less flirting and they do a lot more talking. As it turns out, they have a lot more in common than they thought, and pursued a friendship through that. As their friendship grew, their chemistry on camera got a lot better. Lixue found herself cuddling up to Yoongi even when it wasn't even close to necessary, and even Yoongi found himself initating skinship off camera, casually holding hands when they went out, slinging an arm around her waist or over the chair where she's sitting.

She's even taken to appearing on a couple of shows with Yoongi -- even to a recent review of her movie Bride Wars, as a joke for their fans who now shipped the two. He really liked it, surprisingly, even though he still poked fun at her acting, to which he got hit, especially after saying, "Is this even acting? You were just like this during our wedding --" Their relationship got to a really, really comfortable place and they both could safely say they were very good friends and would like to continue seeing each other.

Over time with each other, it was obvious that they did like each other, and they started sort of a relationship while still on the show in secret. But people could notice little things, especially when Yoongi and Lixue were seen going to a jewelry store looking at couple rings. The show, however, wuickly said they were doing a self filmed segment for the show and picking out their rings, wanting a more intimate view of the occasion.


Ending » Distance is really hard on a relationship, so they've decided to stay as really good friends for now, but Yoongi has made a promise on his channel that he'll film the next time he goes to China to see her -- this time to really confess and make it work. "I may not be in charge of our relationship, but I can get the ball rolling."


Introduce Yourself» Ni Hao! *smiles brightly* Hello, I'm your girl next door, Lixue! *laughs out of embarrassment* A little too much, huh? Or unnecessary because you already knew who I was? *cheesy smile before laughing*


What is your occupation? Why do you enjoy it? » I'm an actress, and I suppose you could include singer in there. *laughs nervously* Of course! I love what I do, and I'm very proud of my accomplishments. For my age, I would consider myself quite successful.


What is your Ideal type? » Ahhh, I knew you'd ask this question! *sighs, shaking head* I've said it before numerous time, and I prefer not to list traits of a physical, emotional, or mental stature... You don't find love, it finds you, and you can't control it. I'd like to keep as open as a mind as possible for love.


What is your ideal date? Describe in some detail. » I can answer this one in detail! *laughing* A bit hypocritical, but isn't everyone? *Ahem, regains composure* I'd really like to do something simple -- *hears chuckling from her manager* Honestly! I'm not picky, I know what I like and what I don't... I'd like to get to know my date more, so no movies or fancy dinners where I can't see them because of the candles or flowers in the middle... Maybe exploring the street food of wherever we are, going to a park and just talking. I think that'd be quite nice.


Out of these six rooms, which do you like best? Why? »  (1) ! It's simplistic and yet very beautiful -- I really like it, it reminds me of the kind of bedroom I had back home... *smiles sheepishly* #RichGirlLife, you know?


Is there anyone you'd like to marry? Why? » Well, I've been "married" to a lot of people, as you know haha. Hmm, ah he'd be Korean right? Maybe Lee Minho? Or perhaps an idol? SHINee is still popular right? Maybe Jonghyun? *laughs* I am a bit of a fan of him, to be honest. He's very handsome.


Are you more nervous or excited? » Well, *wiggles in seat* Nervous. Very much so. After all, I'm getting married at only 24! I think that's so young... But 


What kind of wedding would you like? Small and private, flashy with all the biggest stars, etc.? » Personally, I'd like something in the middle. Not too small where my family can't come, but not so huge that everyoen in the world can come, you know? But, my family loves big events and flashy things, so it'd end up leaning towards that way -- you should see pictures from my parents wedding, it's madness! *sighs* But I'd really like my partner's input, you know? It's not just my day, as much as I'd like it to be! *smiles*


last words.

comments/suggestions » Sooooo think of me, at three am, wondering how I'm going to make this plotline for m love interest work and then it hits me... BangtanTV exists, ofc why didn't I actually think about this. So I ended up making the boy group a Youtuber group otl. I hope that's okay??? You can let me know if it's not, i just got going and it ended up this way w h oops. Anyways, thanks for extension, I hope that Lixue is good! If not, I'm glad to add or fix anything you point out uwu

scene requests » Flustering Yoongi because that'd be hilarious omg
Meeting Bangtan and Embarrassing Yoongi, then meeting Lixue's family and Embarrassing her.
Couples Games -- Couple vs. Couple!
Lixue meeting Jonghyun and just being super excited because she's a closet Shawol.

password » The Selca Couple (they like taking pictures and videos together). The One. (dress 2 jic because rich girl life lmao)


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Whoops, another question- She's not just Chinese, right? Since her grandfather seems to be something else. Can you tell me what that other is?
Everything here is good! Can you just do me a tiny favor and tell me a little more info about their Youtube channel? You can just reply here~ Thank you!