I Need Your Opinion

I need your opinion. I was starting a new story and was about to write about one plot when another came to mind. Then I kind of wanted to change the character. So I got into a argument with myself on which one to do. So I need your opinion on what to choose. Either:

1. A oc story about a girl who meets her childhood friend again, Kai.

2. A oc story about a girl who meets her childhood friend again, Chanyeol.

3. A gender bender where D.O is a girl pretending to be a boy (kaisoo)

4. Where Luhan a girl pretending to be a guy (hunhan)


What do you think? Leave your answer in the comments! (^v^)


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I would say 2 just bc i tend to read more bias x oc xP
I'd go with either 3 or 4 haha. :) But it's up to you of course
hmm... depends on the plot. i like the childhood friends ones but... still