need some advice

mmmm  i dont know what should I do with my love life...should I stay with him??? actually i dont live him but I just comfortable be with him....aigooo...what should I do...someone please help me


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not even a beginner in this love issues but i guess you should tell him the truth cuz it's about you and when you started to get confuse,there's gonna be a time when you realized that you're too late to tell and he'll be more heartbroken than you ever thought.but sometimes comfortable means safe and if he rarely hurt your feelings then you should step back and think for a moment,whether to keep going,choose another path or make a u-turn.just an opinion,lol.==''
Luvursomuch #2
Honey, let me ask you something before that. Do you love him as a man or just a friend? Sometimes when you get too comfortable with a man your heart might confuse it as a love. You should tell him about this so he wont fall for you too hard because if he found out the truth later not only him who hurt but both of you. I know it hard but honesty is the best for now.
Get out. Don't hold him in an illusion of love, that's unfair to him. Or you should at least tell him that you don't love him but feel comfortable with him and let him make the decision.