I'M SO HAPPY! XD I finally posted my first story.... but that was yesterday... Anyway to be perfectly honest the main character, Jammie, her family is based off of my family. Well my mom found that chapter typed out on her computer and she said that she thought it was really funny and that she couldn't stop laughing. I honestly think that she thought it was that funny because she was actually reading my opinion of my family! I was very entertained by her reaction. Well what makes me kinda happy about this story is is that it's my first fan fiction has real people in it... That sounds weird I know, but I have written many fan fictions before, but those were about animes. So this is my first fan fiction that I've ever written where the idea didn't come from an anime, so I consider this a great milestone for me! PEACE OUT!!!! X]


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Congrats!!! ^^<br />
That's great that you wrote a new story!!! ^^ <br />