RYSE : wang ying
smile_for_roo : rye : 8.5
full name : wang ying
other NAME(s) : teresa - catholic name
nickname(s) : wangfei - means "princess", since her last name is wang and means "king".
the female min suga - she earned this for being similar to bts' rapper, suga. 
tigger - a childhood nickname, it was her favorite character from winnie the pooh.
birthdate : october 14th, 1994
birthplace : hong kong, hong kong, china
hometown : hong kong, hong kong, china
ethnicity : chinese
languages : chinese (catonese) - fluent, FIRST LANGUAGE.
english - semi - conversational, ATTENDED aMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.
like a mannequin
faceclaim : z.hera
backup : angelababy (model)
height & weight : 170 cm & 58 kg
bloodtype : o
why am i like this?
traits : positive: capable, articulate, charismatic. neutral: ambitious. negative: easily angered, sedenary, libidinous.
personality : 
the girl on stage.
 Ying has been called a promising, if not one of the most promising, trainees under big hit. this is because everyone can see her talent and how hard she works. she's capable of amazing things when she puts her mind to it, and she doesn't quit until she achieves it. being apart of the rap line, it's no surprise that she's very articulate and able to use words to her advantage. her lyrics can be long winded and hard hitting, and her speech is the same way. you don't want to get into an argument with her. on stage and off, ying is known to be charismatic. she loves what she does, and she's confident in what she does, and that makes it seem all the better. 
THE GIRL with an attitude.  SHE DEFINITELY FITS A SALTY OUTLOOK -- SHE'S EASILY ANGERED AND EVEN AFTER SHE CALMS DOWN SHE'LL STILL BE SORE ABOUT IT. THIS HAPPENS A LOT BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT SHE'S STRESSED 98% OF THE TIME AND she has introverted tendencies and doesn't like being around a ton of people... so when put through a long day of practice surrounded by them she tends to snap and be angry, yelling at the littlest things. my god, she wouldn't be called the girl min suga if she wasn't lazy -- or as they like to say "selectively lazy". if she doesn't have to more, she will not move. she's one of those girls that prefer to stay at her desk hunched over her compostions and listening intently to her music, trying to find that before loop that will be the base of her newest song. she's also... erse and coarse in both language and actions. she's definitely not a filial, sweet girl. she'll drop curses and flip you off, telling you to a if she thinks it's called for (aka most of the time, but she can... actually no she can't the members cover this girls all the time, much like suga.)
background : wang ying had a fairly decent childhood, her parents were strict and ying had a bit of a mouth but if she did well in school it was fine. she was 15 when she discovered underground rap she fell in love and immediately got involved, performing at shows late at night and her studies becoming less important than her music. her parents demanded that she leave rap and hip hop to focus on her studies. so she did, still scribbling lyrics and being even more of a rebellious soul. when she graduated, she immediately applied to schools in south korea, wanting to get away from her parents. she was accepted into hankuk university of foreign studies, and left for south korea... only to drop out and pursue music in the korean underground rap scene, being fairly well recieved. she was scouted by a bighit representative at age 18.
likes : hip hop, chinese food, animals, pillows, and coffee.
dislikes : being crowded, tea, people assuming she's unintelligent, 
hobbies : origami, composing/writing, and calligraphy -- her handwriting is immaculent.
habits : biting her bottom lip when concentrating, leaning into people touching her head (it's... relaxing to her), cursing in all the languages she knows.
trivia : it's not that ying was a bad student -- she's very smart (iq at 144) and that's why she's so good at languages... she just hates the education system, and mostly just her parents.
she has a weakness for pillows. oh m ygod her bed is basically just a pile of pillows.
she LOVES Having her hair played with -- it's very relaxing to her and it's one of the few things that she'll allow you to touch her without being mean.
ying used to pretend that she had a twin named yang who could do all the things she wasn't able to do -- and convinced her classmates they existed too. yes, they. she didn't limit her imaginary twin on gender.
ying has a lot of lesbian fans, much like naeon, and she's actually really happy because, well, it takes one to like one hurrhurr.
her favorite numer is 10, she has a jersey with the number and her name in catonese on the back.
ying really, really has a weakness for girly tomboys. she doesn't know why but if you can look pretty and still wear a suit -- oh man girls in suits do so much to her.
she always has this old, beaten up binded journal -- it's her song writing journal, filled with music sheets, lyrics in various languages, and a lot of revisions.
bang-pd wanted to name her either "master rhyme" or babyy -- she doesn't know why he has this obsession with naming an artist "baby", but she wasn't about to be the first, so she settled with ryse -- rythym & verse. she thinks it's pretty clever.
you're too harsh
family : the only good family relationship she has is yang lmao
friends : min "suga" yoongi. they bond over their love for music and their lack of love from their parents (it's so sad but it's true oh my god--) and the fact that they don't like moving. they've made a pact that if one's group is trying to force them to move from the studio, they sit on the other to ensure maxium density so they both can't be moved.
i feel like amber should be here, because she literally becomes friends with everyone and also ying toats has a crush on her --- i mean she met her through jackson, and they're pretty chill, amber really expects a lot from yign in later years, and compliments her writing style and music.
jackson wang. cousin/best friend. they call each other cousin because of their same last name. he encouraged her to come with him when he auditioned for jyp so she could pursue her dream as well. she went more to the underground scene, though, before being discovered by bighit, and that's how he met rap monster, and now they're idiotic best friends. jackson and ying can be somewhat embarrassing siblings, though, and do vocally and visually support each other ((ying making the 'just right' symbol & wearing jackson's jersey for his promotion, jackson learning her group's dance & wearing her personal fanclub wristband)). they've made it very clear since the beginning, though, that they're "cousins", just to avoid scandals. after all, jackson knows that ying is like, hella gay so. yeah.
others : hwasa from mamamoo is like, best friend to be. hwasa wants to learn languages (specifically english) from her. it's cute, and she also sort of admires ying's personality and charisma on stage, having that sort of spark herself. she wants to learn how to write music better, saying "moonbyul-unnie doesn't really know how to teach writing music :((( help meeeee"
oh naeon, aquaintence. as a rich girl who didn't have any problems, ying may have some prejudice from her... but the attitude she cAN SHOW GREATLY AMUSES HER, SO MAYBE SHE'LL GIVE HER A CHANCE... ACTUALLY SHE PROBABLY WILL, SEEING AS  NAEON'S MORE THAN WILLING TO PLAY WITH HER HAIR.


i wanna be like that unni
stage name : Ryse
persona :  the salty
fanclub :  wangfeis (princesses) & wangzi (princes)
talent twin(s) : hyuna of 4minute
TRAINEE life : 2 years and 7 months. trainee life for ying was, well, hard. she was a chinese trainee at a mostly korean trained company... it was hard, certainly. but bang-pd pushed her to work hard, finding her charisma and determination towards her dream something to work with. she met the bangtan boys at her first year, right before they debuted. they were all trying to pull off that "hip hop bad boy" style, but ying being the way she was, saw right through it and laughed. for a while, bts and she didn't get along, because she thought they were "try hards" and that just didn't sit well with any of them. however, suga soon was the first to see ying working as hard as he did in the studio and on her music, and found some sort of respect for her as the started speaking more andmore of their dreams and amibitions, and found a lot more in common than they originally thought. when she was considered for dmc's lineup, well, no one tried to fight it -- ying's hard work and the fact that bang-pd knew her name and personally talked with her on occasion showed that she wasn't messing around.
predebut : none, like i said she's been more focused on her music.
scandals : well, one about her being gay --- which is true... wh o o ps
i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : moonbyul from mamamoo
backup love interest :  yerin baek
personality : moonbyul is a quiet type at first, seeming shy and one that keeps to herself... but then you see her with her friends and it couldn't be more of the opposite. she's a goofball, she's a people person... and also doesn't know what personal space is. at all. whatsoever. she seems very girly, but she doesn't have the nickname "moonbyul-oppa" from fans for no reason. she's very tomboyish, preferring shorts and pants to skirts and dresses, however with her group's concept, it can be a little tricky, but she's learned to compromise (after all, she's got fantastic legs...) but she's always up for fun, and this means that she's also all about cuddling and staying in when need be.
background : when fate decides that two souls should be together, it works miracles. ying had no idea who mamamoo were, no had any idea of moonbyul's existence, and visa versa... until somehow, bang-pd thought it'd be a great idea to send out ying on a temporary mc position on music bank before their debut, instead of their ever loving sweetie or their face of the group... nope. bang-pd wanted their most uncompatiable member to go. of course. well, ying's not going to say no, so she went... and mamamoo happened to be promoting "um oh ah yeh"... which involved moonbyul crossdressing... and ying's face went bright red because hooooly she's hot in both genders how is that possible?! she was too embarrassed to approach the girl group, but she could be seen watchign basically anything and everything mamamoo related, a familar red tinge invading her cheeks when a certain rapper came onto the screen.
fate continued to work it's magic when during one of their variety show appearances, the group was asked about other girl groups they'd like to become close to... and immediately came out "mamamoo", much to ying's mortification, from none other that herself. she had to explain that she admired their retro, off beat concept and really really liked moonbyul....s rapping, yes yes that was it. and to their surprise, the next schedule happened to be with a couple other small girl groups... including mamamoo. ying was terrified.
during that recording, ying did everything in her power to avoid the girl group, but without her knowledge, hwasa, mamamoo's maknae, had developed a sort of admiration for her and wanted to meet her... which brought her to meet all of the girls, including the one girl that couldn't get off of her mind.  she could scarely remember introducing herself, much less a conversation about writing their own lyrics ( do you hear that pounding? oh wait, that's just ying's heart.) and a phone number by the end of the recording session. 
texting and calling moonbyul, or rather, moonbyul bothering ying whenever she could, became common. it seemed that the relationship was going rather smoothly virtually, but physically... nothing. nada. because ying was like "personal space!!!! is needed!!!! ((you make it really hard to concentrate and ohmy goooood stop)) i mean it!!!" and moonbyul was like "love me!!!! let me love you!!! i'm cuddling you now can't stop me ((you smell really nice... wohwait that was gay whoops)) nooo come back!!!!" 
however, moonbyul made a way to make a friend out of ying and once you become friends with ying... it gets erse really fast. like, she'll go from being flustered to flustering you if she thinks she can do it... and with moonbyul, it was only a matter of time. face touching, casual slapping... it became common soon enough between the two. ying's feelings became more and more obvious, and she couldn't help but wish that moonbyul would even just glance at her with a hint of something more than just fond friendship. 
ever heard of the "are you nervous" game... well, moonbyul knew that ying liked her, and moonbyul, being raised in a very open minded household, was told that "don't knock it until you try it" with uality and all that, and... hey, ying was hot, in her opinion. it wasn't a secret to anyone about that... well, except ying herself. so moonbyul decided a old trick -- the nervous game. soon enough, they were pushing boundaries, like some pg-13 stuff was going on man, until moonbyul got really, really close to her face, asking "are you nervous?" and ying choked out a little "no" and moonbyul just smirked. "not nervous... what about... excited?" and she didn't even let her respond, she just kissed her... and moonbyul decided that she really, really liked kissing ying.
"i thought..." ying gasped after they parted, breathless, "that you weren't..."
"for you," moonbyul leaned in again, "i'll be anything."
relationship :  (in a phrase pls) "if you were gay, that'd be MORE than okay."
everything is so awkward
comments : i saw someone apply with the surname yang and i lAUGHED because what if ying & yang i'm corny af wh o o ps. anyways, what a cute idea, and i hope i did the plotline justice -- please let me know ouo ;; also how gay can i make moonying, because i did the most i think... ah a ha
scene request(s) : moonying moonying all of the cute moonying.
ying and suga working on music together!
the girls having to have a mandatory "spend the night and bond" sleepover in the bighit practice room ((i feel like bts totally did that one or two times))
suggestion(s) : bangtan+dmc collaboration stage??? or really anything, i just like reading these ^-^ i'm sure you've got so many good ideas ~~
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