배예진 is ordering 박지민

bae yejin
+ Dimples ; She's got dimples and her parents thought it was adorable.
+ Jin-noona / Jinnie ; her kids call her this and it's adorable. Jinnie was picked up from "Jin" by her co-workers and friends and it's sort of stuck.
BIRTHDAY : October 3rd, 1994 (22)
BIRTHPLACE : Daegu, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea
Korean : first language, native..
OCCUPATION : Preschool/Day care music teacher.
this is me
FACECLAIM : Whee In (Mamamoo)
BACKUP :  Jang Haebyeol
HEIGHT : 168 cm
WEIGHT : 50 kg
" short hair, don't care."
Looking at her ever changing hair and cutesy face, one would think she's a high school student rather than a preschool music teacher -- but her cute faces please the kids, and the colors are just a personal style choice.She has slightly larger front teeth, giving her a "bunny smile" -- it's adorable and adds to her youthful aura. She's not thin, she's definitely got curves, but she's not looking to lose  weight -- she's given into the freshman 10, the sophmore 5, the junior 5, and the senior 10... yeah they lied about the "freshman 15".
" i have to be able to MOVE! "
being around children all day means nothing too fancy for Miss Bae. casual, usually mens oversized button up and shorts or capris with some tennis shoes (usually converse) to match. She's very casual, and doesn't really like dresses or skirts -- they restrict too much of her movement.
 (work example)
 (casual example)
all about you
" all the world's a stage, even my kitchen at 3am!" 
One thing's for sure: Yejin's confident. She knows she's cute, she knows she's good at what she does, and you can see it from the way she presents and holds herself. This sometimes borderlines on the trait of vain, but as she says, "Confidence is knowing that you're a queen among queens. Vainity is saying that you're the only queen in the room." She loves meeting people, and has little trouble making friends. Yejin has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, which makes her easy to be around kids and not be tired out. She's known to be a really great teacher and the kids really enjoy having her. She's also compassionate, known for going the extra mile to ensure a smile comes on someone's face. She doesn't mind, she thinks that it's the right thing to do. No one should be sad and then have no one try and make them smile.

As sweet and nice as Yejin usually is... there's some flaws in her design. For one, she's a drama queen. Literally, she'll overreact to a lot of things, just because she can. And sometimes, it's not cute or funny, just annoying, especially when you're just trying to have a decent conversation with her. It pairs up with her sarcasm and then it really gets borderline rude. One thing that teachers complain about her is that she's so implusive. Yejin hardly ever sticks with her original lesson plans, preferring to see what the children are wanting to learn than force them to do something they won't like. However, this led to a hippie drumming circle outside one day and a girl getting stung by a bee and she was allergic to them-- she doesn't think things through properly, and that can be a problem. 
" I was... normal, I guess. So what happened? "
Yejin was born as the only child to Mr. and Mrs. Bae in Daegu, and was very happy and spent most of her life in the city that she fondly called home. Honestly, she doesn't find her personal family life super interesting -- it was normal. There were no cancer scares, no divorces, no burdening family business to attend to... The Baes were completely average, and her parents were fine with her doing what she wanted to do in college. She did well in classes, being good at studying and just doing as most students her age were doing. Soon enough she was preparing for her college enterance exams.

Her scores were really high, not like top 1% high, but... high, you know? Yejin was able to get into a fairly good school in Seoul, and while it was a ways away from her home, she knew that it'd be best if she went. And after that, it was sort of a repeat of four years of high school and she still doesn't know why she put herself through that, until she remembers that she couldn't have gotten her degree and teaching certification without it. She didn't regret it, after all, she met her three best friends, and ended up opening up the Moo Moo Day Care with them. It's hectic and boy does she ever get overwhelmed by it sometimes, but ... she thinks it's worth it.

+ Bae Yejin has a packrat problem when it comes to music, musical instruments, and various types of playing systems for music. She owns a record player, a CD stereo system + an iPOD attatchment, and owns some nice speakers to ensure only the best quality music. She owns a guitar, piano, and a cell, along stacks upon stacks of CDs and records kept in the living room of her apartment.
+ Her parents paid for her apartment, just so it was one less thing to worry about to pay for... so she's got money that she's saved up to spend (on music stuff.... or pocket bangtan but i mean, it's really up to her.)
+ She owns a Balinese cat who's about two years old named Beth to please her cousin... Beth is actually a boy cat though.
+ Her major was music, and she loves singing to her kids or just singing in general. 
+ Yejin likes really round, squishy things, she's got a punch of large Tsum Tsum plushies that she can just hug while walking around the house.

+ life's an adventure. what's the use of living if you don't LIVE?

+ Mama | Bae Yoojin | 48 | Finicial Advisor | Smart, Sassy, Motherly | Mama Bae loves her daughter very much, and although they had her at a young age, she's never pressuring her own daughter to settle down so quickly. She wants her to find the man of her dreams and continue on to have kids... Or not, she says. Kids are hard.
+ Papa | Bae Taeguk | 46 | Advertising | Geeky, Creative, Implusive | Papa Bae loves his daughter and the one who thoroughly encourages this kind of casual spending on music. He has a large collection and his own music room at home. He likes to call his daughter weekly to keep in touch.
+ Cousin | Bae Sul-ji | 21 | Fashion Store Manager | Chic, Secretly Silly, Ambitious | Sul-ji don't come to you, you come to her. Or rather she demands you come to her. She spent a lot of time in America for college, and fell in love with old time rock music and that's how Yejin and Sul-ji bonded. As much as Yejin loves her cousin, she can't stand that sometimes she wants to doll Yejin up and help her "find a man". She doesn't need a man, Sul-ji.
+ Other Mom. | Kim Yongsun | 24 | Head Teacher at the Day Care | At Moo Moo Day Care, Yongsun is the head teacher and is known to be the sunshine of the school, teachers, parents and kids alike love her. It's hard not to, she's just so nice and cute. Outside, though, she's one of Yejin's best friends, having all gone to college together and is the "mom" of the group. She loves fussing over her friends and is known to spoil them... Like with a Pocket Bangtan.
+ ...You want me to call you "Oppa?" | Moon Byul Yi | 23 | 6-7 Year Olds Teacher | Byul Yi is an interesting one, ever since they met in college. For one, she wanted to be called "oppa" instead of "unnie" by Hyeiin and Yejin.  Byul Yi's just very boyish, regardless of her somewhat girly appearance. She's the one that can keep up with the kids all day, running around and laughing. She was a dancer in college.
+ Yaaaaas let's get coffee together!!!! | Ahn Hyejin | 21 | 2-3 Year Olds Teacher | Hyejin is the youngest of their little group, but she has the most patience when it comes to the screaming kids, which makes her a really good match for the friend group anyways because there's.. like... no difference... between children and the friend group... whoops. Anyways, Hyejin and Yejin like to call themselves "2Jin" and claim war on "the sun and the moon" and then it turns into like a Sailor Moon battle between these four and even the children just think their teachers are weird sometimes. But regardless, Hyejin and Yejin are super close and love going out for coffee or lunch every weekend.  
+ Awkward Ex Boyfriend | Yang Jinwoo | 24 | Office Worker | Laid-back, Mischevious, Implusive | While Yejin likes implusive, and mischevious can be handled, Jinwoo did not take their relationship seriously and that just botheRED HER. SO MUCH. So she broke it off but he's still like... thinking she was just mad? And assumes their together anyways? Just generally that rlly gross ex that no one wants.
+ *Yongsun asks the question to Yejin, who's really just mortified* I-i don't know?? Unnie, why did you -- *Yongsun interrupts, "Because she's lonely and mopey after breaking up with her boyfriend and she needs a distraction." "UNNIE ;;;"
+ *Yongsun urges Yejin to answer, "It's like with your kids, Yejin!"* Uhm...I'd teach him music! Or let them do whatever they'd like, my apartment's pretty big... We could watch movies and make a blanket fort? Uhm... I guess it just depends, but music will definitely be involved most of the time.
+ I'd feed him, I'd make sure he took a bath (should i get like, a baby basin so he doesn't drown in my tub???), buy him clothes, take him out -- i don't know, he's a mini human, so I'd treat him like .... a normal sized human... only smaller. Like a kid, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good with kids!
+ Oh uhhh, hold on, *Turns to Yongsun for help* pjm-...101395? Park... Jimin? *His picture gets pulled up* ...He's adorable I want hiiim. Unnie why do you do this to me TT^TT
lee jihoon
BACKUP : Park JImin???
PERSONALITY : Lee Jihoon is probably the best example of "looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you." He's very driven and rather serious about his studies, even though his friends would try and convince him to come out and play instead. He's very kind and does a lot for his friends, though, even if most of the time you mightthink he's a grouch and wants to throw a guitar at people (... that may or may not have happened we do not speak of it.) While he might excude this serious, one track minded aura, which is a big part of what he is, he's very insecure and doesn't give himself as much credit as he deserves for his talent and accomplishments. He's not one to be super adventureous unless his friends bring him into whatever hairbrained scheme they came up with, but since he's also a worrier he tends to trod along and make sure no one gets in serious trouble. All in all, he's sort of like an uptight, insecure friend who needs to be reminded me's loved and that it's okay to step away form the textbooks and music programs for five minutes out of your day.
INTERACTIONS :Yejin is just so affectionate and Jihoon just doesn't know how to react so he just kind of stiffens up and doesn't look her in the eye. Jihoon can, though, on sheer impluse, be affectionate and Yejin is just so happy when he is.
They're totally that new awkward couple just trying to figure this relationship thing out again.

HISTORY : Lee Jihoon is a college student who happens to live across the hall from Miss Bae with his four roommates. (idk if anyone else use 17 as love interests so jic you can pick lol). And to be honest, he was sort of high key crushing on the girl across the hall ever since she lent him a couple of quarters for the dryer in the laundry room. He hasn't approached her since then, finding it hard to think of words and blush a bright red color and then disappearing into his apartment, slamming the door a little too hard. For a while, it was okay.

Until they actually literally met. Only because Yejin had just gotten Jimin, but she had to go to meet Hyejin, it was apparently an emergency, and she didn't want to leave her new pocket bangtan alone... so she went across the hall. Jihoon remembers opening the door and having Yejin standing there and he definitely didn't know what to do as she babbled on and on about needing to go somewhere.
"Anyways, what i'm saying is i need you to please, please please watch my cat so he doesn't eat my tiny human."
...wait what? That got his attention. There wasn't a lot of time to explain, Yejin had already pushed him into her apartment, telling a small humanoid on the table that she'd be back soon and that their nice neighbor would look after him while he's gone.

"Be good Jimin! Thanks again, neighbor, I won't be but an hour!" 

....Awkward. But that hour wasn't so bad, the cat tried to bat little Jimin around and Jihoon and Jimin were made into warriors defending against the Evil FurBall of Doom (named by Jimin in their little game) and Yejin came back to a hilarious scene of Jimin trying to fend of the cat with a spoon and Jihoon trying to pick up the cat to get it away from Jimin.

"I see you guys got along... Gosh, thanks, I really owe you one."

But sheer impluse, as Jihoon would soon come to blame and simutaneously thank for his relationship with Yejin, he told her that she could pay him back by coming to a dinner for his music group with him... he didn't want to be made fun of for going alone. 

"Oh, yeah sure!" She had smiled, her dimples deepening and he felt his knees goto jelly before he left.

"Wait!" She called before he closed his appartment door. "What's your name?"

"J-jihoon. Lee Jihoon."

"Bae Yoojin. See you friday, then!"

Honestly, for a while their relationship stayed like that -- Jihoon painfully pining over Yejin and when he found out that she had just gotten over a break up -- he was determined to not be selfish and keep his feelings to himself until it was a better time for him to confess. He wanted to, but he didn't want to seem like he was jumping the ship because he knew she was single.

It took little Jimin to get them together. Jimin absolutely adores his Yejin, but he's not blind to the way that Jihoon looks at her when she's not fully paying attention. He also doesn't miss the fond look that crosses Yejin's eyes at times when Jihoon stutters or gets the nerve to scoot closer to her when talking. They were talking one evening and it was getting sort of... like on that subject line where you know they're going to end up kissing in a drama and Jimin was just sitting there excitedly wiggling around and when he felt the mood was just right --

"Now kiss!!!" Jimin shouted, leaning forward and catching both of them off guard and got them both blushing. 

"W-what?" Yejin stuttered, eyes wide and blinking. Jimin simply shrugged. "You guys should kiss and stuff like on the dramas you leave on TV. You sigh and look at him the same way you do that Lee Minho actor guy --"

"JIMIN. Oh my god, Jihoon, I'm so sorry, but you know how he is he just --" And once again on another impluse, Jihoon had pressed forward and kissed her. 

"I.. uhm..." He mumbled, "I'm not Lee Minho, or your ex but I uhm... I do like you. A lot."

"Me too. I'm pretty cute, huh?" She responded cheekily, causing Jihoon to gape at her and blink before she burst into laughter, gently kissing his cheek. "You're cute and I like you too."
+ Jihoon literally tries so hard to make sure his embarrassing roommates do not interfer when he talks to Yejin because tHEY ARE JUST SO EMBARRASSING help the small one.
+ Yejin is taller than Jihoon so like if he wants to kiss her she has to stoop down and sometimes he just gets irritated because dammit, he's the man of the relationship.
+ Jimin literally leads the navy on this ship, he is so into these two being together.
+ Sometimes to remedy his shortness with her, he sits on counters or tables and just pull her in for a kiss and it's just s o c u t e
+whenever jimin really wants attention he just worns his way inbetween them or into one of their embraces and it's like they're a small cute famil y oh m yg od.
last words
COMMENTS : Wwhhhaaaaaaat my love interest isn't a pocket bangtan??? originally it was gonna be but like.. as I developed her more it just seemed like Jimin would become more like her child than anything??? so i decided that yejin + jihoon as parents to pocket jimin would be the best (and probs the cutest) thing ever.
QUESTIONS : I'm satisified, i guess? It's really up to you two ^-^
CONCERNS : I hope i didn't add too many characters or friends? ;;; idk idk. let me know i guess *rolls away*
SUGGESTIONS : uuuuh *blanks* i'm not sure tbh? It's just too cute of a story like who wouldn't want a little bangtan boy that's just so cute --
+ The squad embarrassing Yejin if she and Jihoon go out on dates omg
+ Jimin being spoiled regardless of whoever's picked becaUSE JIMIN DESERVES TO BE SPOILED AND LOVED.
PASSWORD : coffee!


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