Indestructible Girls | Faith | Main Vocalist, Dancer, Rapper


nickname, haehae - noona — A nickname her brat of a younger brother uses against her to be cute. He fails miserably.
nickname, baby siren — Her parents called her this because of her strong vocal power. They joked that she'll steal a man's heart someday soon.
NICKNAME, J-Hope 2.0 — Because of their linked stage names, and because they are very similar in persona. They get mistaken as brother and sister quite often.
NICKNAME, Diamond girl — Like Jungkook's nickname, "The Golden Maknae", Faith has a similar nickname, "Diamond Girl", simply because of the saying "A voice like hers isn't one that comes by talent alone. It comes through hard work, pressure, like a coal to a diamond."

birthday — January 2nd, 1995
birth place — New York, New York, USA
hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — European - Korean
nationality — Korean

language spoken, English — Conversational : First language, continued to speak at home. 
language spoken, korean — Fluent : Considers it her native language, having spoken it since age 8.

blood type — A+

choi "carter" haebyeol

by smile_for_roo (rye)


— mirror mirror on the wall

face claim — Shannon Williams
back up — Angelababy

height — 174 cm
weight — 55 kg

Both photogenic and from mixed descent, it's obvious that Faith had been blessed with both sides of the genetic pool that she comes from. Her eyes are more rounded, her jaw's a bit more defined, and her body type is taller and carries more weight around the bust and hips, creating a perfect hourglass shape and nice long legs to go with it. (Measurements 33-27-35) She has a very wide smile, and a cute eye smile that brings out the more Asian look in her face. Her nose is small, sloped, and defined, another trait of her fathers. Many netizens call her out for having plastic surgery on her nose, and she admits to it -- not because her company forced her to, but having her nose's bridge shattered while being goalie in a soccer match when she was 15. They did reconstructive surgery, and Faith does admit to asking them to... tweak it to look nice. 

fashion style

— dress to impress

Her sense of style is fairly simple: boho chic. Long dresses, earthy color palette, ankle boots and floppy hats are her personal style. She'll wear whatever the stylists put her in, as long as she's comfortable. She likes oversized tops and ripped jeans if she's going for a more modern style. All around, she's willing to try anything and everything, but deep down she's literally a little earth fairy flitting about in earth tones and oversized sweaters or patterned maxi dresses.


— the way i function

"It's okay, let's just try again!"

      Optimistic : Similar to her "big brother", she's ever hopeful and always looking on the bright side of life, preferring to look at the positives than the negatives. Life is so short, why spend it overthinking the bad? If you don't like it, you can turn it around, at least in her opinion. 

      Energetic : While some can complain about practicing until the early hours of the morning, she won't because she still has a bunch of energy. She's always up for going somewhere or doing something, and hardly ever is tired. If she is, she's usually sick. Because of this, though, she hardly ever gets a good full nights sleep.

      Hardworking : Known to be in the studio or rehearsal spaces until the sun comes up, Faith has worked very very hard to be where she is, and it definitely shows in performances and her confidence. She's absolutely 200% dedicated to her group, to her career, and to her friends, willing to put in the work to see everyone succeed. 

      Genuine : Faith is never one to put on a facade or a different persona onstage than off. She's a happy, energetic little bean and that's what she always will be. She doesn't like lying (aka she can't. literally. she can't lie.) and so if someone needs the straight truth and nothing but the truth, and you think you can handle it, she's the girl to go to.

"For once, stop thinking about yourself!"

      Blunt : She has this uncanny ability to speak her mind and not censor her opinions, whether it be in language or in controversial statements. She says it liks she sees it, but she tries really hard to ensure that her opinion gets heard. She's not one to dance around a subject, she's more straightforward than that, which can be kind of hurtful, especially if she's annoyed.

      Competitive : As a soccer player and enthusiast, Faith is... really competitive. She likes shows like Running Man, or Problematic Men, or literally anything that has a competitive spin on it. She simply likes competing and showing off, in a way, and while she doesn't like being shown up and can be a sore loser, she's not like... terrible. She's working on it.

      Emotional : Simply put, she feels and she feels a LOT. Faith is extremely empathetic, and easily cries at movies or at people's kind (or hurtful) words. She takes a lot of workd to heart, and back home and even in school while in Korea, she had a lot of hurtful things and so she's just still really sensitive to how people look at her and percieve her.

      Implusive : Did you want ice cream at two in the morning? Or maybe you wanted the day off to go to Lotte World? That sounds like a plan to Faith, so let's go. Literally. Right now. Stop what you're doing, and let's go. She tends to not think about the details, rather the broad idea of a plan and tends to just go for it. What makes you appreciate your destination, she says, is the journey.


— likes

one — Playgrounds. She'll turn five years old if you bring her to a playground. She loves swings and she loves feeling like she's younger with no worries.
two — Social Media. She's so into it, she has her own personal Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube channel. Twitter/Instagram is : @havefaithin_bighit95, and her Youtube Channel is called "Your Daily Dose of Faith" which usually consists of either her singing covers or being dorks with one of her friends, her brother, or her members.
three — Bubble Tea. Her favorite flavor is wintermelon with extra sweet boba, but she changes her order every time. She wants to try all the flavors.
four — Hip Hop music. Both her and her brother bonded over the genre, so it holds a very special place in her heart, especially Kendrick Lamar songs.
five — Moonmin. They're these little Finland orginated stuffed animals and she loves them. ((If you've watched Roommate when Park Bom was on there, she had like, twenty of them at one point. They're adorable.))

— dislikes

one — Bitter Tea. It has to have sugar in it. She doesn't know where she got it from, since she's from the North in America and she doesn't think Korea has a thing like "sweet tea" besides bubble tea.
two — Being Woken Up. When she FINALLY gets to sleep, let her sleep unless there's a set schedule. It's no fun.
three — Not having control. If she feels like she's being undermined, or held back in a way, expect her to speak up or fight back. She doesn't like others thinking little of her.
four — Bullies. She's had to fight with them for so long, especially for her brother and sister's sake, that she really just doesn't have the patience to deal with any kind of bullying.
five — Jump Scares. She HATES scary movies, haunted houses, all the like. She's scared very easily and will probably cry if you try something on her.

— habits

one — Runs her hands through her hair whenever she's nervous or if she doesn't know what to do with her hands.
two — When paired with J-Hope, prepare for screeching. All of it. Just... All of the screeching. They like to do that together. They also do it on their own. It's like their own little Hope/Faith language.
three — She puts her thumb or pointer finger inbetween her teeth when she's concentrating on something, whether it be a song, someone talking... you get it.
four — Singing with her headphones in. She does this to practice, everyday. All the time.
five — Sticking her tongue out when flustered or teasing. She pretends to her lips or she just sticks it quickly back into when she realizes what's happening.

— hobbies

one — Sports. She doesn't look like it, but boy oh boy does she lOVE sports. Especially soccer. she followed Manchester United throughout their season. 
two — Cinematography. She likes filming things, whether it be herself, her members, her friends, Bangtan, or even just simple photos. She likes making sure she has the memory stored for life.
three — Saying "Wassuppppp??" randomly, especially if her brother is around. Then it ups like 100% percent. She and her brother are literally the biggest dorks.
four — Buying physical copies of albums she likes. She has SEVETEEN's albums (of course), Bangtan's entire discography, both TTS albums, two GOT7 albums, and various more that she's embarrassed to admit. She just likes the photobooks and photocards that come with the actual CD.
five — Writing Lyrics/Composing. She's still learning, but she's very interested in being apart of the process and maybe putting forth some original work for the band or even, maybe, herself.

— other facts

one — Faith has been playing soccer since she was seven years old, and has continued throughout her schooling. She likes either being the goalie or mid-fielder.
two — She IDOLIZES Zhang Li Yin and the Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing. She frequently recommends that people listen to Zhang Li Yin's music and watch Fan Bing Bing's movies and dramas. Yes, she's seen/heard/bought all of them on physical copy. 
three — Faith is actually really, really good with the fans, always willing to take a picture or talk with them if they (calmly or not crazily, at least) catch her outside the BigHit building or just out in Seoul in general.
four — She hates being seen barefaced. She's scared that people will make fun of her face because she's only half Korean.
five — She wants to be in a musical one day, or host a show like ASC for international fans. 


— how i became me

Before Faith was even thought of, there was a girl named Carter Haebyeol Choi, who lived in New York, New York with her parents and her younger brother, Vernon Hansol. To her parents, they were very happy kids who did alright in school and had a pretty good life. And for a while, it was. Until at age eight and five respectively, when the entire family had to move to South Korea. It was jarring, neither of them knew the language excluding basic phrases, and her mother didn't know any at all. It was really hard for her, her brother and her mother the first two years.

During these two years, the Choi family was once again blessed with a baby girl, this one named Sofia Hangyeol Choi. Both Vernon and Faith were in school at this point, and made a pact : to protect their new baby sister from the mean kids in their school. It was true, in school they'd be called mutts or halfers, Faith being made fun of because of her boyish name or Vernon for "looking like an alien". They didn't want little Sofia to be that way, and so they protected her, doting over the little one and making sure that no one bothered her because of her looks and her hertitage.

It was through their mutual love of American Hip Hop that she and Vernon made it through the rough times at school and the teasings. They stumbled across it, and instantly felt connected to it. Vernon took to rapping, liking how it accurately got out his feelings in a nondestructive way, using it as an outlet when he didn't want to bother his older sister. While Faith enjoyed joining in on the rapping, she found it not exactly what she could use as an outlet -- and then she discovered R&B, soul music, and she picked up the voice she would soon be known for. It was funny, actually, how much natural talent she and her brother had, but decided not to share. But with a newfound outlet, they were less harsh, less quiet in their classes, and actually found a couple of friends to hang out with. 

Faith's recruitment happened on accident -- it was an open karaoke bar that she and her brother and two of their really good friends went to. Vernon had found his way to an open audition for Pledis Entertainment, and wanted to practice in front of an audience before his big audition, and so they went to encourage the then 12 year old. Faith was 15, on the verge of puberty and Vernon had BEGGED his noona to sing something to encourage him. So she did, singing Whitney Houston's "Run to You" and gained quite a crowd, much to her surprise. What she didn't know, though, is that a few of the onlookers decided to record her singing, and the video went viral within 48 hours. She was everywhere, much to her surprise. And what surprised her more was when BigHit contacted her for an audition, saying they were looking for more female trainees and she was extremely promising. So she went in, and Bang PD didn't hesitate to pass her. Her parents, however worried that their children were in seperate countries and doing something that, well, put them in the spotlight. It wasn't that that worried them, but the fact that people were cruel and they were so young -- But both Vernon and Faith decided they wanted to pursue music. They wanted to prove something to those who sneered at them, who thought they were worthless -- because the companies that people idolized and wanted to get into, saw worth in the people that they had sneered at. 

So Vernon started his journey at Pledis as apart of a boy group project, and Faith became a trainee under BigHit.


— ohana means family

father — Choi Hanjin // 50 // Businessman // Caring, Intelligent, Humorous // Hanjin is a businessman, for sure, but he's got a great sense of humor that's never failed to make Faith laugh. He loves his daughter and his family very much, and wishes that he could've made things work over in New York, knowing that all of them must be having a difficult time. He's busy, but he's very proud and always tries to call her at least once a week to make sure she's okay.

mother — Choi Grace // 49 // Stay at Home Mom // Maternal, Gentle, Wise // You know how like, every Disney mother (when they're there) is like, wonderful and perfect? Yeah, that's Grace. Ever loving and wise, she's ALWAYS been there for her children. Faith greatly cares for her mother, especially since she had to help out at a young age. She knows how hard it was for her mother to move everything into a new country. 

little brother — Choi Vernon Hansol // 17 // Idol - SEVENTEEN // Humorous, Charming, Goofy // He's the biggest dork and goofball that Faith's ever grown up with, but they were each other's rock in school, despite the . She loves him very much and is probably his biggest fan and will FIGHT the other girls who want to date him. Very much a protective big sister. They're still very supportive of each other and Vernon will call her everyday, just to have the comfort of his big sister's voice, especially when things get hard.

little sister — Choi Sofia Hangyeol // 14 // Middle School Student // Quiet, Cheerful, Youthful // Sofia is a sweet, innocent ball of pure light that should be protected at all times. Sofia loves her older siblings very much, and admires Faith SO MUCH for what she's doing. She always asks her and her brother if they'll come home, and it really, really hurts to lie or say no to her. It's when Sofia talks to her that she gets really, really emotional. She misses her family a lot.


— friends stick together

Best fraaaand — Wang Jackson // 21 // Idol - GOT7 // Boisterious, Energetic, Embarrassing // If you ask Faith how she became friends with this guy, she honestly will not remember. All she knows is that he calls her his best friend and loves to come bother her. Like, whenever and wherever. She'll get a text from him and then five minutes later he's there demanding attention. ((On a side note, they met through Rap Monster -- it's something he said he'd regret if it wasn't so funny.)) Regardless, Jackson's a really good friend and they like to hang out a lot. 

NO I'M HER BEST FRAAAAND — Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) // 21 // Idol - BTS // Energetic, Humorous, Implusive // Oh god, please seperate Jackson and J-Hope when they're both around Faith. They fight over who's her "real best friend", but it can easily be confused with who's the boyfriend and Faith is just not in any way prepared to deal with them when they get like that. Hoseok was Faith's first friend at BigHit, and she's really grateful for him. He taught her how to dance and they bonded through music, and that's how she met the rest of the members. He came up with her stage name, because he always had Faith that she'd debut and make it.

actual best friend — Lily Dale Wilson // 19 // NYU Student // Generous, Gullible, Patient // While they haven't seen each other in person in about ten years, Lily Dale and Faith were determined to make it work and jfc they did by some miracle. Lily Dale is so, so proud of her best friend for doing what she loves, and is waiting for their debut with baited breath (and maybe with a plane ticket to see her, who knows ehehe). Hoseok has 'met' Lily Dale through Facetime, and Lily Dale frequently teases Faith on how close they are, to which the two of them brush off, because they're comfortable enough to do skinship with each other, so what?


— there are others

momma duckling! — Kyungah // 26 // Idol - Indescructible Girls // see Kyungah's app ^^ // Kyungah is a comfort to Faith, having a motherly figure when she can't see her own mom. She likes to think that Kyungah is her mom and Jin is her "dad", which gets the two flustered but they don't exactly miiiind. Faith does look up to Kyungah, and goes to the older girl for advice or comfort when she's feeling especially homesick, especially after talking with little Sofia.

rival — Yoon Eunhui // 20 // trainee // Pretentious, Hardworking, Competitive // Eunhui is a very talented singer, known for her similar looks to Taeyeon, and is working hard to take the same spot in Indestructible Girls as Faith. While Faith can respect hard work when she sees it, she and Eunhui don't get along. Why? Because Eunhui tried to bully her when she first came into the studio, which oh man did she get shut down by Faith in front of EVERYONE. Ever since then, Eunhui's trying to one up her, and it brings out Faith's competitive nature.

i now have 13 brothers... great. — SEVENTEEN // 20-16 // Idols // ing Crazy but Adorable. // When Vernon was set to officially debut with SEVENTEEN, Faith was estatic... and then she had to meet all 13 of them, and remember all of their names. She even mistook Vernon for S.Coups once and I don't think anyone of them will let her live it down, ever. They're crazy, but they take care of her brother and treat her like an older sister, and it makes her really, really happy that Vernon has such wonderful friends for group mates.

the spotlight

— "there's no such thing as impossible. the word itself says 'i'm possible.' "

stage name — Faith
persona — Baby Siren
position — Main Vocalist, Dancer, Rapper
back up — Lead Vocalist, Dancer

singing twin — Shannon Williams | Baek Yerin
dancing twin — Minah | Moonbyul
rapping twin UP — Sohyun | Sooyoung

training year(s) — 5 years
pre-debut experiences — BTS "I Need You" and "For You" MVs
scandals — None. 


last comment — Baaaaangtaaaaan. Also I never apply for Jungkook??? But he's my bias in BTS so I have no idea wHY I don't. Who knows. Anyways, it's a good lookin' applyfic so I decided to put in this lil' app ^^

scene requests —
// Jungkook/Faith duet maybe?? Her duet with someone?? Honestly I just want my child to have a little solo of some sort. 
// BTS/IDG collab??? Idk just cute things between the sibling groups.
// J-Hope and Faith being like "BELIEVEEE" because they are dORKS.

password — Ult bae is Lu Han.

jeon jungkook

— jung hoseok

personality — Jungkook is really, underneath all the sweat and makeup, just a normal teenage boy. He's goofy, mischevious, and sometimes takes his little jokes too far and might hurt someone's feelings. He doesn't mean to, he just likes to have fun and he hasn't quite learned boundaries yet. He's extremely witty, dropping cute statements or sassy remarks with great timing to earn a good laugh and reaction. He loves s dearly, even though he can come off kind of cold and sassy at first. Jungkook just has a weird way of expressing his feelings, he's got a lot and well, he's been training since middle school, so a lot of those feelings had to be pushed down or ignored because of training or debuting. He can come off as cocky or arrogant, but really he's... He's just... really confident, and sometimes egotisical. He's working on it, though. 

relationship — Like I said before, Jungkook isn't good at feelings. He likes teasing, but he's learned pretty quickly that he just can't do that to Faith and leave her like that for two reasons. One : She sort of bursts into tears if not reassured it's a joke, and two : Hoseok would murder him for offending his "little sister". With that being said, Faith is older, and so she takes most of the inititive in the relationship, especially since she's straightforward. She initates skinship, kissing, buying couple items (really fricking subtle ones, though, she doesn't need to die early on in her career)... And Jungkook just teases her a little, but he has this look of nothing but adoration and something akin to love for her, and always assures her "I'm just kidding noona ~" before shyly squeezing her shoulder. It's just really cute. 

history —
"Oh No She's Hot." : Hoseok, of course, introduced them. He was beYOND excited to introduce his "little sister" to the group, and it seemed that she got along with most of them -- except the maknae. He wouldn't make eye contact, wouldn't greet her properly, which was weird but no one wanted to say anything because it wasn't like he was being rude, he was just... avoiding all contact that made him be in her proximity. Jungkook remembers seeing her and thinking, "Oh no it's a girl-- oH NO SHE'S HOT." And just shutting down because as we all know, even though Jungkook says he's an "International Playboy" he's still like 12 on the inside and can't look a woman in the eye.

"Oh No She's Hot AND Nice." : A little known hobby of Faith : she can cook, and likes to cook. Helping her mom out put her in the kitchen making meals a lot, so she picked up on it and does fairly well. So one night, Hoseok and the boys were out late practicing, and Faith felt terrible because they were working so hard and she knew that Chuseok was coming up. A lot of the members lived further off from Seoul and wouldn't be able to make it back to see their families during this time period. So she decided to try her hand at making them food, and once she was done a couple hours later, she headed over to the practice rooms to give it to them. She was immediately given warm thanks and hugs, even by Jungkook. He really missed his family, no matter how tough a front he puts up, and seeing the food and the thought put into it, he couldn't help but think, "Oh no... She's hot AND nice."

"Oh No I LIKE HER." : It didn't take long for Jungkook to develop a pretty obvious crush on the vocalist, but it took him a while to admit it. After getting over his initial fear (aka Miss Faith sat him down and was like "tALK TO ME YOU HAVE TO.") of her, he found them being pretty decent friends... and with Jungkook's friendship comes the absolute merciless teasing. Now, Jungkook had been warned, but he thought "surely since we're friends she won't mind a bit of fun" and starting teasing her about her eyes.... and her dancing, asking her 'man, i don't know how you passed last month's evaluation, look at how sloopy you are, hehehe.' and then being confronted with Faith bursting into tears, causing him to panic and asking what was wrong.

"Y-you think I'm ugly and can't dance..." She hiccuped, tears still coming fresh. Jungkook tensed up, no no no that's not what he meant at all no no nonoSTOP CRYING.

"n-NO, That's not-- I was-- I was just teasing!" He rushed, wiping her face with his long sleeve as new tears come. "P-please stop crying, it hurts me when you cry..."

"I-it hurts me w-when you say things l-like that." She shot back, and Jungkook hung his head. "I know... I'm sorry, it was bad of me to do that... sorry." He apologized, still wiping her tears. She managed a small smile, and his heart thumped in his chest. He really, really liked her smiling, even if she had been crying... Actually, he thought, he liked her in general... His eyes widened and his heart stopped for a second. 

Oh no.

"OH N-- STOP THIS YOU'RE JEON JUNG--NO HERE SHE COMES." : Jungkook doesn't really know what a relationship is, nor does he know how to deal with feelings like this. So, his solution is to just avoid, avoid, and avoid untli it gets resolved... But it doesn't, it actually physical hurts in his chest when he actively avoids Faith. And it's not subtle either. Like, at all. Everyone notices. It kinda makes Faith upset, because they were getting along so well, and then all of the sudden, nothing. He's back to avoiding her again and she doesn't know what she did. Luckily, she had friends who did.

"He likes you." Suga had said. Point blank, no beating around the bush. It was a trait that she could appreciate. 

"...Oh. OH. Well that makes sense." She nodded. Should've figured, but hey, when you're more worried about your friendship and what you did, then you end up not seeing the obvious.

"Do you like him, though?" Jimin asked, concerned. 

"Yes? Wasn't it obvious?" She had asked. She's normally cuddly and happy, but something about Jungkook made her giddy and warm on the inside, especially when he smiled at her. Apparently it hadn't been, so she took her leave. She had to get herself a Jungkook.

"Oh stop being dumb and let me cuddle you." : She knew where to find Jungkook at this point. She knocked on the door to the dorm, whenever he was upset, he'd go to his room and cuddle up underneath the covers and sulk about it until someone got him out of bed. Sure enough, when the door opened to a blanket encased Jungkook, she wasn't surprised.
But he was. He let out a small shriek and turned bright red, trying to close the door. 
"Nope." She shook her head, putting her foot in the door. "Stop being dumb, Jungkook, let's talk."

"No!" He whined,trying to get her foot out of the door. She pushed in, anyways, closing the door behind her before she starting speaking. 

"I know you like me." She said, getting straight to the point. Jungkook's eyes widened and the silence that followed was agonizing. 

"...oh." Was his quiet response. She sighed. "Stop being dumb, Jungkook, and let me cuddle you."


"Jeon Jungkook, we both like each other and I want to cuddle who I hope to be my boyfriend. Now if that's not okay with you--"

"Nope it's fine I'm okay with that." He rushed, pulling her into his little blanket coat. He's a cute little eager one, she'd come to find out.

other — Jungkook really likes blankets and cuddling, but also he likes trying to beat Faith in soccer. He almost never does. And when he does... he doesn't. 
Jungkook now calls Faith "Haebyeol" in private, and only says "Noona" on stage until he gets her attention. 



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