summer break, summer war : 이소이.



Lee soyi

smile_for_roo - Rye - 8.5/10


NAME. Lee Soyi (소이)

• Daegu's Princess (friends, family) Her family is from Daegu, and she's treated and looks like a princess, with a Daegu dialect, that is.
• Irene (friends) An English name borrowed from one of her favorite character from her favorite series, Sherlock Holmes.
• Little One (the boys) it's really just to annoy her, and boy does it ever. She knows she's short, but some of them aren't all that height blessed either, so they shouldn't be talking.


BIRTHDATE. July / 07 / 1999 (16)
BIRTHPLACE. Daegu, South Korea
HOMETOWN.  Seoul, South Korea

• Korean, Fluent, Native Language, with a distinct Daegu dialect that just will not go away. Trust me, teachers have tried.
• English, Basic, There was a language class offered and she took it. Her pronounication.... is little to be desired, but she understands when someone else speaks it.

IN A NUTSHELL.   Meet the Daegu Princess, Lee Soyi. Known for her pretty smile and quiet disposition, she's more likely to be reading a Sir Conan Doyle book than being the center of attention. Since her nose is more than likely stuck in a book, she's always missing important bits of information that... she really should know, to be honest. She's got a temper, though, fiery and definitely representing her family and matching her nickname when provoked. She's also a smart cookie, always pointing out flaws in plans with the best intentions, but not the best words. She's the one that Du-Ri probably least worries about, since she'll more than likely just be sitting beside her, tuning out "mom's" constant shrieking at the other girls while, to no one's surprise, reading her books.

FACECLAIM. Berry Good's Gowoon.
BACKUP. Oh My Girl's YooA.

APPEARANCE. At 160 cm and 42 kg, it seems like everything about Soyi is delicate and matches the princess part of her name. She has her ears pierced once on each ear, and generally wears simple gold based jewelry, especially this ring and this necklace, both from her older sister. She's well known for her looks, and it's no surprise with her wide double lidded brown eyes and cute smile. She matches her sister's look with dark brown, curly hair with a cute bang over her forehead. She's just cute, small and delicate in every form of the words.
FASHION SENSE. You know those cute boho like fashion people who seem to pull off the sweater look, even though it's like sweltering outside? That's basically Soyi's style. She loves the sweaters, the shorts, the long skirts, and the simplicity yet fashionable style that this boho style she has gives off. She doesn't like to try too hard, but she does like to look nice. Also, she likes that the skirts cover up a lot of skin but still give her freedom to cross her legs or sprawl out and still be covered.
Examples: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8


PERSONALITY TRAITS. Considerate, Disciplined, Genuine, High-Minded, Intelligent / Conversative, Disinterested, Introverted, Obedient, Passive.

"She's always careful around others." Soyi is literally one of the most polite, considerate people you'll meet. She hates causing inconvienence to others and likes to be in an environment where everyone is content, even if it's slightly inconviencing to herself.
"Rules are rules. You have to follow them." Being unruly is the furthest thing from Soyi's mind, like, ever. She likes structure and balance and rules were put in place to ensure that everything is in order. Order means contentment in her mind.
"She's see-through, nothing is questionable." What you see is what you get with Soyi. She doesn't disguise her emotions, she's very open about who she is and her morals and won't lie. It's more like... she can't lie. At all. If Du-Ri ever needs to find out the actual truth, she probably goes to Soyi.
"Her morals are outstanding and clear cut." High-minded means that she has a very strong, structured set of morals and principals to follow her life by. And she follows them very, very well, and gets a lot of praise from her elders for being such a respectful young girl.
"She'll talk circles around you." High minded and a brain to match, Soyi's intelligent is nothing to sneeze at. She's so, so smart and it gets overlooked a lot because she's just... so quiet and keeps to herself. Many people write her off as a pretty face with good morals, but her friends know that there's a lot more to her than that.
"...Prude." She's not exactly a prude, per say, but she's certainly conservative and her views will tell you that, and she does not budge from those views, let me tell you. She just doesn't like... overly explicit forms of either physical affection, speech, actions, etc.
"*she's totally not even paying attention rn*" Soyi... doesn't even try and pretend like she's interested in what you're saying if she's not. She'll let you know through body language, or in direct actions usually if she is or isn't following you. Then again, she's probably just totally immersed in the book she's reading that she doesn't even realize you're talking to her.
"I just... don't like a lot of people." The definition of introvert, Soyi prefers her small group of friends rther than a large group. Being around a lot of people is just really draining and really loud and she just doesn't think she's ready for that. 
"...But I have to do it, they asked me to!" Poor, poor Soyi is a little too obedient, obeying orders and tasks given to her by anyone older and therefore "they should be respected, right?" The only exception is if Du-Ri tells her not to beforehand. She always listens to "mom".
"...You're right." That being said, she's also exceedingly passive to go with her considerate and obedient nature. If you tell her she's wrong, and either a) you're older or b) just a person that she shouldn't impose upon, she will probably just lament and say you're right, bowing her head and hiding her face. She gets really upset when she knows people are taking advantage of that. 



• Soyi has natural curls, and that comes with the mess that happens when humidity hits. She tends to pull it up in a bun or ponytail in the summer to avoid the Hermione Granger rivaled hair.
• Her body temperature is actually a degree and half lower than normal since she is anemic, so while looking cute and small in sweaters is a plus, it also helps regulate her body temperature and keep it stable.
• Her weakness is ice cream. Specifically strawberry flavored ice cream. You can bribe her to come outside or come along on excursions everytime with the promise of it. 
• She will respond if you call her "Irene", funnily enough. Her sister calls her that often enough that it's second nature.
• Soyi actually doesn't know how to swim, which is probably why she never joins the group for water excursions, preferring to stay on the land and not risk going in. She gets really scared whenever someone tries to get her in the water -- she's cried because of her sister trying to do that.
• If there's no rice at a meal, Soyi will still feel like she hasn't eaten. She just... really likes rice tbh. 
• When Soyi gets sleepy, she tends to get cuddly, and she'll cling and snuggle up to whoever will let her.
• Soyi always has a Sherlock Holmes novel on her, and she has these cute little reading glasses that she wears when she is reading.
• She still sleeps with her baby blanket and absolutely can not sleep without it. Soyi thinks that without it, she'll have nightmares and so she tends to just stay up until she passes out if she doesn't have it.
• Her lucky number is 10, just like how many trivias I gave her (hehe.)



As the youngest of the notorious women of the Lee family, Soyi had little to want or to ask for during her childhood and growing up. She was babied and a bit spoiled, she'll readily admit. Just because she had this lifestyle, though, doesn't mean it ruined her and made her a brat. I mean, she can be, because, well, she was able to get away with it, even at school, but for the most part, Soyi's just a quiet, sweet girl. She's not used to socializing much, since she didn't need to, her parents set her up on playdates and the like of business partners sons and daughters, but when she went to school, she met none other than Ahn Du-Ri and her small group of best friends, and she's perfectly fine with that too.

SCHOOL LIFE. Following in the footsteps of the rest of the women in her family, Soyi's just finished her first year at Eunpyeong Girls High. Her uncle is apart of the major donors of the school to upkeep it and expand new wings and fund trips, so it's no secret that she gets sort of a special treatment. But, while most of the Lees were known for being wild and free-wheeling girls, actively partcipating in extra activities, Soyi was known as a gentle, quiet beauty. She's got very good grades, getting A's most of the time, since she just likes to learn and read. The only activity that has stuck with her family name that she's continued without disappointment was Music. However, she usually sits in the back with her novel, not really talking to anyone at all. But her choir director doesn't ever seem exasperated with her, only because she comes after everyone has left or before everyone arrives and does her practice by herself, perferring the one on one tutoring she can get and she does seem really enthusastic about Music and performing, she's just... well, she just doesn't like crowds. 


MOTHER. Lee Jiae / 52 / Board of Directors, SM Industries. / Mother... isn't just a normal mom, she's a "cool mom", if you get what she means. She wants her daughter to go out, do crazy stuff, have fun with her friends, because that's life when you're young, and you're only young once. She is also a smart, hard worker and likes to be right, so it's useless arguing with her. Some people wonder if Soyi is an actual Lee because of the 180 personality difference between her and her mother.
UNCLE. Lee Sooman / 58 / Head of Directors, SM Industries. / Mr. Lee LOVES his nieces, which is why he always likes to donate to the Eunpyeong Girls High when he can to ensure that they get the best education. He's a very funny old man, who works hard even in his older age and hasn't seem to lose the bounce in his step. Soyi is very fond of her uncle and definitely regards him in high respect.
BIG SISTER. Lee "Sunny" Soonkyu / 26 / Student at Berkeley / Sunny is well, exactly what her English name is. she's a bright ball of sunshine and energy, not wasting any of it by lazing around. As a Music Production major at Berkeley, she's smart and capable and... she always finds time to nose around in her little sister's business. She doesn't care that she's about a decade older, she has a right to know, she wants to know the gossip and if there are *whispers* boys * to be worried about.


Ri-umma <3. Ahn Du-Ri / 18 / Being mom / To say that Soyi adores Du-Ri might just be an understatement, and a pretty major one at that. While Du-Ri may not notice it, everyone can tell that Soyi is always attentive and follows everything that Du-Ri says, even if it's... not exactly completely sane or logical. She loves her "Ri-umma" very much and will listen to her word over anyone else's. 
A...ppa?. Kim Seokjin / 19 / Being the dad-mom / She's very apprehensive about him -- he's just so tall -- BUT Du-Ri seems to like him and so therefore she likes him too. After she gets over the general shock of just how tall he is, she finds that he's very much like a warm father figure, similar to her uncle and it makes her a bit warmer to him.
If she doesn't like you, I don't like you. Kim Namjoon / 18 / Swag Masta (I can't take him seriously I'm so sorry) / To be honest, she doesn't know what is like, nor has she really ever been around boys her age so when all of that came to light towards him she rAN. Then Du-Ri obviously does not like him, so she stays her distance, however, she catches glimmers of what seems to be a good person -- But Du-Ri said to stay away so she will.
I can read around you. Min Yoongi / 19 / The Real Swag Masta / He's not bothering her, and she's not bothering him -- they live in a peaceful existence, these two. Since neither are outdoorsy, they usually are the ones that try and stay inside the longest, and end up teaming up to ensure maxium time is spent away from both crazy groups. He occasionally listens to his music ashe tries to make it around her -- and she seems to like it, and well... Min Yoongi can't be mean to someone who likes his music, after all. 
You're... really nice. For a BOY. Jung Hoseok / 18 / Being Actual Hope / Literally Soyi is confused, because while a lot of the boys don't seem to like them -- Hoseok is literally being the nicest person?? Ever?? With no ulterior motives??? And it's the strangest thing to her. She finds herself watching him while he's playing around, and when they make eye contact she buries herself back in her book, only to have him try and lure her into playing with him... It doesn't work. Definitely not. Hoseok treats her like a little sister, and since Soyi's never had a big brother like presence... she thinks that he would fit into her energetic family well, so it's a comfort almost to have him around. Until he drags her into the sun. Then she's not super into that.
Stop looking at me! Park Jimin / 17 / Being greasy af / He... stares. A lot. And Soyi does not like to be stared at. Whenever she feels eyes on her she'll assume it's him and tries to hide herself even more. She doesn't really like him or being alone with him -- he just gives her the wrong vibe and it freaks her out. 
Too...Everything. Kim Taehyung / 17 / Attempting to find the Elephant on his bod / He's just... everything that is the exact opposite of who she is and she's just never going to be ready for him, poor thing. He's not a bad person, she knows that but.... SO much energy and just so overwhelming on all of her senses. 



SELF-INTRODUCTION PLEASE! A-ah, okay! *bows* Hello, I'm the baby book work, Lee Soyi. How are you, Ri-umma? *smiles a little, clutching her book closer to her chest* 
WHAT'S YOUR IMPRESSION OF THE BOYS? Well... I don't really know boys all that well, but you don't seem to like them, so... *shifts* I'm not sure. Very... loud. At least some of them are.
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON LIVING WITH THE BOYS? I think... well, on one hand, it's not fair to us, because we bought the house, but on the other hand... They did too, so it wouldn't be right ot kick them out but also isn't it illegal to live with boys at my age??? What if, what if, uhm, we divide the house in half, like have a line down the middle, and then we can avoid them for as long as possible? *bites lip* But what if we don't have enough beds-- oh my goodness please don't make me share a bed with one of them, Ri-umma! *wide eyes*
DO YOU THINK WE CAN HAVE FUN WITH THE BOYS WITH US? I think.... they'll have fun with what they want to do, and we'll have fun on our own! What do... uh, *blushes* I don't even know what boys like to do for fun... So what would we do with them?
WHO IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE BOY? *Shivers* Park Jimin. He's... I just don't like the way he looks at us. It's like a dog when it's suppertime. I'm not fooled by his face one bit, please don't be too, umma!
WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE BOY, THEN? I... Well, I like Yoongi... and Hoseok... Yoongi likes to let me read and he makes good music. And Hoseok reminds me of my family, so... *smiles* They're both really nice, don't you think?
DO YOU LOVE ME? Of course I do, Ri-umma! Don't ever think that I don't, okay? 
THANK YOU FOR EXISTING, OKAY. NOW GO AND YAH, DON'T GO TO THE DEEP PART, OKAY.  I was... I was going to go back inside, if that's okay? I really want to see what happens to Sherlock and Watson after they enter the abandoned building...


BACKUP. Min Yoongi? 
PERSONALITY. Confident, Quiet, Mischevious, Mature, Hardworking, Proud.

Jeon Jungkook is what most girls would dream of as a summer fling. He knows he's goodlooking, and he knows he's good at what he does, so he's quite confident and it's evident in the way he carries himself. He's also quite proud, and has a bit of an ego -- which needs (and doesn't ever get as deflated as it should) some deflation from time to time to remind him that, uhm, no one's perfect. He doesn't talk much, because he doesn't really like people all that much. Not a huge crowds person, even though he tends to have a lot of friends. But you've got to watch out for the quiet ones, I think, because Jungkook is a conniving little trickster who will steal your money and food and you'd miss it if you blinked. Trust me, ask any of the Bangtan boys. They've all been through it. However, as much as a little fox he can be, he's very mature for his age and tends to think a lot more logically and stabler than most boys his age, even his older friends. He sometimes likes to say he's the oldest and see how long he can get away with it. While he can seem laidback and oh-so-naturally good at everything, if you really, really look and watch him, you'll see that he's learning as he goes, always analyzing and making sure he does his best in whatever he does. He's a hard worker and it shows since he's like, good at everything you know. (Not archery, says Min Yoongi. Not archery.)

FIRST IMPRESSION. Quiet and calculating, Soyi can remember thinking. He was sizing up her and her friends, seeing how much of a threat to their summer they'd be, and honestly, Soyi knew that because she was doing the same thing. She also tries to forget about how her mind was like "he looks like a fairytale prince..." because no, boys are bad.
INTERACTIONS. "Once Upon A Time..." : As all stories start, there has to be a catalyst to start the relationship. And theirs was... a book. While it may not seem a super big deal or signifcant, this was Soyi's Sherlock Holmes novel that she had brought, and it was her favorite one at that.
And some boy thought it'd be funny to hide it from her. No one knows to this day who it was, but Jungkook thought it was actually quite amusing how someone with such a face and stature would immediately fire up and her accent become so strong that it becomes a problem to everyone to understand (besides Yoongi and Taehyung) and he found her amusing and interesting. So he paid a little more attention to her.
"The Prince and Princess" : This was the joke that Jimin had made, because they were sitting next to each other at dinner and apparently looked like "a unwillingly betrothed prince and princess", earning their nicknames for the summer. "Princess, huh?" He had tried, and she... ignored him. Surprisingly. This prince, however, was not used to being ignored and he was determined to get another rise out of her like the day her book disappeared.
"...This Isn't My Idea." : So started the "Let's see how far we can push Soyi before she snaps again" plan by Jungkook. He really just wanted all of them to get so fed up they left, right? So of course pushing their "baby book worm" to her limits should do it. That was the sole reason of this plan. And finally, he made her snap. By trying to get her to swim. BIG BIG MISTAKE. She had refused, inching away from the water as the rest of the group enjoyed their time, and he literally hauled her over his shoulder and tossed her into the water. (Poor Du-Ri's heart probably stopped when she realized what was happening.)
However, Soyi didn't respond like he thought she would. After being saved/helped out by someone (Let's say Jin, because Du-Ri needs more things to swoon over ye ye) she looked at him dead in the eyes and simply said, "You are dead to me." and walked to get her towel, trudging her way back inside and the cabin door swinging shut behind her. No one saw her for the rest of the day. While Jungkook looked like he shrugged it off, if you paid attention, you could see that he would constantly sneak glances towards Soyi's room's door. And it wasn't to see for a reaction. It was to see if she was okay.
"I have Chalk. Here's the line." : After that, Soyi would make a point to ignore him, and the bitter silence and cold shoulder that she was giving him was starting to worry the others. At this point, Jungkook started to feel the guilt. He hadn't known that she couldn't swim, he just thought she didn't like the water and wanted a rise out of her, and he ended up almost seriously injuring her. But no matter how he tried to apologize, she would simply stand up and go next to Yoongi, who wasn't exactly someone to try and impose upon. 
So he did what the dramas and animes did. And locked them... in a closet. "Will you just listen to me?" He begged, and she pulled a white stick out of her sweater pocket, "No, but since we're stuck in here and I don't want you to touch me, I have chalk. Here's the line. Don't cross it." 
"I'm not letting either of us out of here until you listen." He argued. So ensued about a fifteen minute quiet argument before everyone else started to notice. (Again, Jungkook is just trying poor Du-Ri's life support here, it seems...) And this plan... ultimately failed. But later that night, Jungkook found Soyi worrying pretty late at night. She had lost her baby blanket... And Jungkook vaguely remembered something like the thing described by the porch swing outside. Sure enough, they found it, and it was immediately wrapped around Soyi. 
"I didn't notice how pretty it was out here at night." She noted, deciding to sit on the porch swing and admire the night. Jungkook figured it was as good a time as any to apologize. So he tried again.
"...Maybe it's because you helped me find my blanket, but I forgive you." She relented, and offered for him to join her. Unusual, but she was cold and tired and hey, Jungkook is a space heater, it turns out. They mumbled a few words back and forth, usually just about their personal lives back home since late at night + tired = perfect bonding times. Before he realized what was happening, Soyi was curled up against him fast asleep. He carried her back to her room and tucked her in before going to bed himself.
"One Step Closer... to my heart, Closer to You" : After that night, they were a lot nicer towards each other. At this point, Jungkook had accepted that really, the girls weren't going anywhere, and surprisingly he started walking over and seeing what Soyi was doing whenever he was tired or he didn't feel like joining the game midway. And those late night porch swing talks with Soyi falling asleep against him were also a thing too. (I hope you're melting because, honestly, I'm a puddle thinking about being Soyi rn.)
"Beauty? Is that all that matters to you??" : So, obviously these two are getting along. And everytime someone mentions this, Jungkook will just be like, "Prince and Princess, right? We look good together." Which of course, meant different things to different people. To Jungkook, it was like "yeah, we're both good looking and maaaybe I've caught a bit of the feelings towards this girl." To Soyi, she thought this meant a clear indictation that he liked her. But she's so passive.... Like just so not confrontational, so she just... kept it going and going. Until finally someone finally asks "What does that mean, good together? are you guys dating???" (Maybe one of the boys or one of the applicants) and Jungkook's like, "What??? Noooo. It meants we look good together. She's pretty, I'm handsome, and so--"
She thought no one had heard this, but Soyi just trembled a little and said, "Is that all that matters to you? Beauty? Appearances? Hm." And went on about her day. She did not join Jungkook on the porch that night. 
However, someone did hear her -- Min Yoongi, who happened to be sitting near her with his earphones in, just as the song was changing he caught it. So, what was Min Yoongi going to do?

ENDING. "No, you matter to me." : While Soyi and Jungkook seemed to leave on really nice, friendly terms, Yoongi was sitting there with this like major piece of information. And eventually, when Jungkook whined about Soyi not responding to his messages, he just stated, "Maybe if you cared more about her than her face, she'd respond." Which led to him explaining, which led to Jungkook's "oh no, I f--ked up." realization. Because, the thing was, he did like her, after all, he didn't allow her to keep sleeping on him on that porch swing just because they were friends. But he didn't want to confess right at the end of the summer, it seemed to cliche and he wanted it to be special. Now he really needed to make it special.
While one would expect a huge spectacle at school or a loud speaker confession, Jungkook knew that it wouldn't work to win over Soyi. Something subtle, something that wouldn't... overdo it, but still get his feelings across. And of course, music it is, since he fondly recalls her mentioning her love for Music and their shared interest and bands over their late night chats under the stars.
It took a week or so, but soon enough Jungkook was ready and got to Soyi's Music class after everyone had left, when she was staying after. Her teacher happened to know Yoongi's mom or something (who knows man) and was more than willing to help them out. So goes he into the music classroom to win over his crush's heart, finding Soyi at the piano learning her music diligently. Since she's passive, it was easy to get her to at least sit there and listen to his song. And so he proceeds with none other than Lost Stars. (Have you heard his cover? Please die with me.) Afterwards, he confesses that "Beauty doesn't matter to me... You matter to me." And no, there's no kissing on the mouth they are children we can't hurt Du-Ri like that -- but there's an adorable forehead kiss and linking hands as he walks her home. 

FINAL WORDS. So sorry that I'm applying this late in the game -- but Bangtan + Summer + I get the chance to throw that cover of Lost Stars in as a confession (I am the weakest when it comes to his voice, I will not be ashamed to admit it.) and I jumped for it.... I hope you like Soyi ^-^

Soyi cuddling up to Du-Ri and being sleepy. I just like sleepy cuddles, they're cute and she can do them with basically anyone.
Soyi and Yoongi collaboration like they love music and they'd be such an unlikely, cute friendship and "I" by Taeyeon feat. Verbal Jint is like really great tbh for them collab wise it's just a jam....
An "oh no she's hot" moment for really any applicant/Bangtan member because I just think it's funny tbh
Friendships and love scenes and all the goodness that comes with summer. Yes.

PASSWORD. ((i do love you for coming up with this idea okay i'm done)) summer break, summer war!


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