[NOW] 1st post

So yeah~ Hey guys! 
Idk who is reading this and who is looking at this but yeah...
NOW is a blog series inspired by What the Pineapple. 
I wouldn't say its a copy but yeah~ and idea just pops from there.
Maybe the frustration for not being able to say out my thoughts and stuff just make me write this. 
NOW actually stands for Needs of Writing where sometimes greedy authors/writers (okay its me) have this need of writing yet they either (1) busy (2) Too many stuff to do so they can't focus on what they actually to write or (3) Writers block
Well... That is the case for me or to keep it short a place to ramble using words. 
It also stands for what I am thinking right NOW and yeap it kindda stands for two ways.
I'm against about this thing actually because... Who even cares what I think but my brother keep encouraging me like "You opened an account to write so yeah just write your *inappropriate word used* out." 
Before this I used blogs to give updates on my fanfics and now this blog works either 2 ways (1) like how I usually use it (for my fanfics updates lol) and (2) with the NOW tag(?)
I'm kindda a big fans of What The Pineapple by Amber and Scott (so shout out for both of them woo!!!) but since being in front of camera took too much time and I barely have time so yeah this is another way to rambling or to let out my (super duper random) thoughts. This is just introduction kind of stuff. 
It might be frequently updated by me with my random thought more than my fics but it also might not. 
Actually he is right, I really feeling much better writing these random stuff. I might explore Tumblr for gifs again XD 
I used to use Twitter to write all these stuff and when I am riled up I can post like 10 tweets in 5 mins but I got tired for 140 characters limit so most of the times I just said it out to my friends or to my siblings because yeah we're cool like that... Same goes to fangirling. (    ._.)
Plus I feel bad spamming timeline for some negativity (I am trying to be positive here) so yeah this can be a resolution for me
Most of my friend would be like whoa... some thoughts are better kept by yourself so chill humans chill! and some are like, you should make a movement and stuff lol Sometimes its not that I want to be angry but its more on my thoughts like thinking and stuff and I just express it in words through twitter.
(no animal was harmed during tweeting process and 0 brain cells are killed while I am writing + 0 angry-ness(?) were used while writing lol)
Sometimes if I am feeling like a poet then a poem might came out XD So yeah that how random and how much I like to write. 
Okay this randomness is getting out of control XD 

Yes Jyani~ I am stopping. XD 
That all for NOW I guess 
That name actually suitable for almost everything XD
Anyway~ 2nd post of NOW might coming out any time soon. 
For those that reading thank you and you're awesome! *two thumbs up*
Please anticipate #Chained_Up by my oppas and hyogi that will be release in like 4 hours time (?) 
I'm bad in calculating time apparently.
So yeah please supports them and I'll see you guys again soon! 

(Actually yeah so why reject food?Just eaaaat it!!) 



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